THIS IS LESSON 155 THE BOOK OF DANIEL; THIS FIRST CHAPTER HAS A SUB-TITLE ON THE TOP, AND IT READS; ( DANIEL’S TRAINING IN BABYLON, OR FOUR YOUNG ISRAELITES AT THE BABYLONIAN COURT). PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 1; VERSE 1 NOW WE HAVE TO REMEMBER, THESE BOOKS IN THE BIBLE ARE NOT IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. THIS EVENT WE ARE READING NOW, HAPPENED IN 607 B.C. THE FIRST SIEGE OF JERUSALEM WHEN IT FELL TO NEBUCHADNEZZAR. PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 1; 2 - 3 NOW THIS WAS A PROPHECY THAT WAS FORE-TOLD BY ISAIAH, AND WE CAN RE-READ THIS IN ISAIAH CHAPTER 39, VERSES 6 AND 7. NOW THIS WAS ABOUT 105 YEARS EARLIER. PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 1; 4 - 5 NOW WE SEE HERE THAT THE BABYLONIANS TOOK THESE YOUNG MEN, THEY TRAINED THEM, AND PREPARED THEM FOR THREE YEARS. THEN AFTER THREE YEARS, THEY WERE ABLE TO STAND BEFORE THE KING. SOME TRANSLATIONS SAY, ( AFTER THE YOUNG MEN GRADUATE). PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 1; 6- 7 NOW AMONG THESE WERE THE CHILDREN OF JUDAH, NOW THE NAMES THAT THESE YOUNG MEN FROM JUDAH HAD WAS SPECIAL, THEY MEANT SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL. NOW ALL THE NAMES, THAT THEY HAD RELATED TO OUR LORD GOD. THE NAME; {DANIEL}, IN THE HEBREW MEANS; ( GOD IS JUDGE). {HANANIAH}, MEANS; (BELOVETH OF THE LORD). {MISHA-EL}, MEANS; ( WHO IS HAS GOD). {AZARIAH}, MEANS; ( THE LORD IS MY HELP). BUT WE SEE THAT THE PRINCE OF THE EUNUCHS GAVE THESE FOUR YOUNG MEN HEATHEN NAMES. NAMES THAT MEANT SOMETHING TO THEIR HEATHEN GODS THAT THEY SERVED. SUCH AS; Daniel was called Belteshazzar. Hananiah was called Shadrach. Mishael was called Meshach. Azariah was called Abednego. NOW THE NAME; {Belteshazzar}, MEANS; ( BEL PRINCE), OR ( MAY BEL PROTECT HIS LIFE), AND BEL WAS ONE OF THE GODS OF THE BABYLONIANS. {Shadrach}, MEANS; ( ALL IS REVEALED BY THE SUN GOD). {Meshach}, MEANS; ( WHO IS LIKE SHACH). {Abednego}, MEANS; ( SERVANT OF NEGO). PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 1; 8- 15 WHAT IT IS SAYING HERE IS,( DANIEL DID NOT WANT TO EAT THE SACRIFICIAL MEATS FROM THE BABYLONIAN GODS THAT THEY WERE BEING SERVED). SO HE ASKED THE PRINCE EUNUCH; ( HEY! TEST US, LET US ONLY EAT VEGETABLES, AND DRINK WATER FOR TEN DAYS, AND IF ALL IS NOT WELL, WE WILL EAT YOUR FOOD). VERSE 12 NOW (PULSE), IS A TYPE OF GRAIN CERIAL. PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 1; 16- 21 WE SEE HERE THAT ALL WENT WELL FOR THE CHILDREN OF JUDAH. THE KING OF THE BABYLONIANS LIKE THEM BETTER THEN ALL THE OTHER YOUNG MEN THEY HAD FOR SERVANTS. DANIEL CHAPTER 2, THE SUB-TITLE READS; ( NEBUCHADNEZZAR’S DREAM). NOW SINCE WE ARE IN NAMES AND THERE MEANINGS, THE NAME; {NEBUCHADNEZZAR}, MEANS; ( NEBO KEEPS THE FRONTEER). PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 2; 1 - 12 NOW HERE WE READ THAT THE KING HAD A DREAM, BUT WHEN HE WOKE UP, IT WAS FORGOTTEN, SO HE IS ASKING HIS PEOPLE TO HELP HIM WITH THIS, BUT THEY CAN’T. NOW THE KING IS THREATENING THEM HERE. HE IS SAYING SOMETHING LIKE; ( IT LOOKS LIKE SINCE THEY CAN’T HELP ME WITH THIS, THEY ARE USELESS. GET RID OF THEM ALL), AND HE CAN DO IT. PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 2; 13 - 18 NOW HERE WE SEE THAT DANIEL STEPPED IN, DANIEL HIMSELF WENT TO TALK TO THE KING, AND ASKED THE KING, ( PLEASE GIVE ME SOME TIME, AND WE WILL TELL YOU WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT). THE KING AGREED. DANIEL WAS ABOUT 19 YEARS OLD, WE NOTICE HERE THAT HE HAD GREAT RESPECT, AND A REVERENCE FOR GOD. WE SHOULD FOLLOW THAT EXAMPLE. PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 2; 19 - 23 WE NOTICE HERE THAT AFTER DANIEL RECEIVED THE ANSWER, HE COMMENCE TO PRAISE THE LORD GOD, FOR ALL HE HAST DONE. HE DID NOT SAY (OK, THANKS) AND THEN LEFT IT. SEE GOD LOVES IT WHEN WE GET EXCITED FOR HIM, WHEN IT COMES TO THE POINT THAT WE JUST CAN’T EXPRESS OUR FEELINGS ENOUGH TO EXPLAIN HOW GRATEFUL WE ARE FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR US. LETS CONTINUE DOING THIS FOR HIM, AND IN TURN IT WILL UP-LIFT US ALSO. PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 2; 24 - 30 VERSE 27, AND 28 WE NOTICE HERE THAT, BEFORE DANIEL GAVE THE KING HIS ANSWER, DANIEL INFORMS THE KING THAT IT WASN’T HIM THAT IS DOING THIS, BUT GIVES GOD ALL THE GLORY AND PRAISE. DANIEL DOESN’T EXCEPT ANY CREDIT WHATSOEVER, AND AGAIN WE SHOULD DO THE SAME. WE SHOULD ALWAYS GIVE GOD THE PRAISE AND GLORY FOR EVERYTHING HE DOES FOR US. WE SHOULD BE AWARE OF THE THINGS HE DOES THAT WE DON’T KNOW ABOUT. LETS STAY IN TUNE WITH GOD, SO GOD CAN STAY IN TUNE WITH US. PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 2; 31 - 36 NOW HERE DANIEL HAS TOLD THE DREAM TO THE KING. IN VERSE 29 OF THIS CHAPTER, KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR WAS THINKING, AND HE WAS CONCERN FOR THE FUTURE OF BABYLON. SO THE DREAM HE HAD WAS AN ANSWER FROM GOD ABOUT WHAT HE WAS THINKING ABOUT. PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 2; 37 - 49 TO GIVE US A BETTER UNDERSDTANDING OF THIS, HERE IS ANOTHER TRANSLATION OF VERSES 37 - 45. SO LETS PLEASE READ DANIEL CHAPTER 2; 37 - 45 ( 37)( Your Majesty, you are the greatest of kings. The God of heaven has given you sovereignty, power, strength, and honor. (38) He has made you the ruler over all the inhabited world and has put even the wild animals and birds under your control. You are the head of gold. ( BABYLONIAN EMPIRE) But after your kingdom comes to an end, another kingdom, ( MEDIA, AND THE PERSIA), inferior to yours, will rise to take your place. After that kingdom has fallen, yet a third kingdom, represented by bronze, ( THE GRECIA), will rise to rule the world. Following that kingdom, there will be a fourth one, as strong as iron. (THE ROMAN EMPIRE), That kingdom will smash and crush all previous empires, just as iron smashes and crushes everything it strikes. The feet and toes you saw were a combination of iron and baked clay, showing that this kingdom will be divided. Like iron mixed with clay, it will have some of the strength of iron. But while some parts of it will be as strong as iron, other parts will be as weak as clay. This mixture of iron and clay also shows that these kingdoms will try to strengthen themselves by forming alliances with each other through intermarriage. But they will not hold together, just as iron and clay do not mix). NOW PART OF THIS HAS NOT COME TO PASS YET. THIS ALSO MIGHT CAUSE A CIVAL WAR WITHIN THAT NATION. NOW THIS NEXT SECTION IS TALKING ABOUT THE KINGDOM AGE, AND THIS IS YET TO COME. LETS CONTINUE. (“During the reigns of those kings,) THIS IS TALKING ABOUT THE TEN KINGS, OF THE EUROPEAN CONFEDERACY, OR COMMUNITY, OR THE TEN NATIONS OF THE EUROPEAN MARKET, WHICH BY THE WAY HAS ALL READY OCCURRED WHEN GREESE SIGNED THE TREATY, AND BECAME OFFICIALLY THE TENTH NATION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY. LETS CONTINUE: (the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed or conquered. It will crush all these kingdoms into nothingness, and it will stand forever. That is the meaning of the rock cut from the mountain, though not by human hands, that crushed to pieces the statue of iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold. The great God was showing the king what will happen in the future. The dream is true, and its meaning is certain.) SO WITH THIS WE BELIEVE THAT THE RAPTURE IS NEAR. I HOPE THIS MAKES IT EASIER TO UNDERSTAND A LITTLE. PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 3; VERSES 1 AND 2 TO BETTER UNDERSTAND THIS A LITTLE, HERE IS ANOTHER TRANSLATION OF THIS SECTION. (King Nebuchadnezzar made a gold statue ninety feet tall and nine feet wide, and set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon). LETS CONTINUE. (Then he sent messages to the high officers, officials, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates, and all the provincial officials to come to the dedication of the statue he had set up. So all these officials came and stood before the statue King Nebuchadnezzar had set up). PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 3; 3 - 11 NOW HERE WE SEE THAT NEBUCHADNEZZAR IS CHANGING. LIKE HE HAS BEEN POSSESSED BY A DEMON. BECAUSE HE IS A COMPLETE DIFFERENT MAN. HE HAS FORGOTTEN WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE FOR HIM, AND HE ONLY CARES FOR HIMSELF. WE GO BACK TO THE (3) THINGS THAT THE DEVIL USES TO MAKE MAN STUMBLE. 1) LUST OF THE EYES. 2) LUST OF THE FLESH. 3) THE PRIDE OF LIFE. WE SEE IT HERE, THE STATUE, MAKES ONE WANT TO LIVE FOREVER, AND HIS POSSITION, HE SEES ALL THE BEAUTIFUL THINGS AROUND HIM, AND FINALLY ALL THE LADY SERVANTS. PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 3; 12 - 13 VERSE 13 WE SEE HERE THAT DANIEL WASN’T MENTIONED HERE. NOW IT’S NOT BECAUSE THAT HE BOWED TO THIS IDOL. WE BELIEVE THAT HE WASN’T THERE AT THAT TIME. HE MIGHT HAVE BEEN DOING SOME IMPORTANT ERRAND FOR THE KING OR SOMEONE ELSE. NOW POSSIBLY DANIEL, ( BEING FAVORED BY THE KING), WAS TRICKED ON GOING SOMEWHERE, WHILE THE OTHER THREE WAS CAUGHT IN THIS TRAP. SOMETHING ELSE TO THINK ABOUT IS THAT, DANIEL IS SYMBOLICALLY THOUGHT OF AS THE TYPE OF THE CHURCH. FOR HAD HE BEEN THERE, HE SURELY WOULDN’T HAVE BOWED, AND THEREFORE BE CAST IN THE FIRE. NOW SINCE HE WASN’T THERE AT THAT TIME, HE ESCAPED FROM BEING JUDGED AND CAST INTO THE FIRE. NOW TO RELATE THIS AS THE CHURCH TODAY. THE CHURCH WILL NOT BE HERE WHEN THE GREAT TRIBULATION, THE FIERY JUDGEMENT COMES, WHEN THE ANTI-CHRIST IS DEMANDING THAT EVERYONE WILL BOW DOWN AND WORSHIP HIS IMAGE THAT HE CREATED. WE BELIEVE THAT THE CHURCH WON’T BE HERE. IT WON’T GO THROUGH THE FIERY FURNACE, OR JUDGEMENT. JUST FOR EVERYONES INFORMATION, WE HAS CHRISTIANS ARE THE CHURCH. PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 3; 14 - 18 NOW HERE, WE SEE THAT THE THREE ARE NOT GOING TO BOW DOWN. THEY ARE STANDING THEIR GROUND. THE PART I LIKE HERE IS, ( IF GOD DOESN’T DELIVER US, WE STILL WON’T BOW). NOW THIS IS NOT TEMPTING GOD. SOME MIGHT THINK THAT, BECAUSE THEY COULD HAVE JUST BOWED, AND EVERYTHING BE BACK TO NORMAL, BUT THIS WOULD BE LIKE GIVING IN TO WHAT THE WORLD WANTS, WHAT THE WORLD DICTATES, AND READING THIS WE SEE THAT GOD WILL PROTECT HIS OWN. SEE THEY BELIEVE THAT GOD WILL BE FAITHFUL TO THEM, WHATEVER GOD’S WILL IS, THEY WILL ACCEPT IT TO BE THAT WAY. PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 3; 19 - 30 IT’S SAD THAT IT TAKES A MIRACLE LIKE THE DELIVERING OF THE THREE JEWS FROM A FIERY FURNACE TO GET ONE TO RE-THINK, TO REMEMBER THAT OUR GOD IS THE ONLY GOD. NEBUCHADNEZZAR, AT THIS POINT IS BACK TO WHAT HE WAS BEFORE. HE RESPECTS THE THREE, THAT IS SHADRACH, MESHACH, AND ABEDNEGO, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO GIVE THEM BACK THERE REAL NAMES, WHICH ARE; {HANANIAH} WHICH MEANS (BELOVETH OF THE LORD). {MISHA-EL} WHICH MEANS ( WHO IS HAS GOD). {AZARIAH} WHICH MEANS ( THE LORD IS MY HELP). NOW WITH THIS IN MIND, THIS TELLS US THAT NEBUCHADNEZZAR IS NOT REALLY CONVINCED, OR COMMITTED TO GOD YET, BECAUSE IF I WAS HIM, I GIVE THEIR NAMES BACK TO THEM. SO WE SEE HERE THAT NEBUCHADNEZZAR IS STILL HOLDING BACK, NOT FULLY TRUSTING IN GOD. HE IS STILL HOLDING ON TO HIS FLESHLY LIFE STYLE. WHICH WILL IN-TURN FINALLY DESTROY HIM IF HE DOESN’T TURN AWAY FROM IT. WE TODAY NEED TO REALIZE THIS IN OUR LIFES AS WELL, BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 4; 1 - 9 NOW HERE WE CAN SEE THAT NEBUCHADNEZZAR HAD ANOTHER DREAM, AND HE IS ASKING DANIEL TO TELL HIM WHAT IT MEANS. NOW READING THIS, IT SOUNDS LIKE NEBUCHADNEZZAR HAD A CHANGE OF HEART, THAT HE IS A CONVERT, BUT WE WILL SEE. THIS DREAM THAT HE HAD IS ABOUT HIM. PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 4; 10 - 26 TO BETTER UNDERSTAND THIS, AGAIN I HAVE PUT DOWN ANOTHER TRANSLATION TO HELP. (10)( “‘While I was lying in my bed, this is what I dreamed. I saw a large tree in the middle of the earth. The tree grew very tall and strong, reaching high into the heavens for all the world to see. It had fresh green leaves, and it was loaded with fruit for all to eat). LETS CONTINUE; (Wild animals lived in its shade, and birds nested in its branches. All the world was fed from this tree. “‘Then as I lay there dreaming, I saw a messenger, a holy one, coming down from heaven. The messenger shouted, “Cut down the tree and lop off its branches! Shake off its leaves and scatter its fruit! Chase the wild animals from its shade and the birds from its branches. But leave the stump and the roots in the ground, bound with a band of iron and bronze and surrounded by tender grass. Now let him be drenched with the dew of heaven, and let him live with the wild animals among the plants of the field. For seven periods of time, let him have the mind of a wild animal instead of the mind of a human. For this has been decreed by the messengers it is commanded by the holy ones, so that everyone may know that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world. He gives them to anyone he chooses— even to the lowliest of people.” Belteshazzar, that was the dream that I, King Nebuchadnezzar, had. Now tell me what it means, for none of the wise men of my kingdom can do so. But you can tell me because the spirit of the holy gods is in you.) THEN HERE WE SEE THAT Daniel Explains the Dream. (19)( “Upon hearing this, Daniel (also known as Belteshazzar) was overcome for a time, frightened by the meaning of the dream. This is what the dream means, Your Majesty, and what the Most High has declared will happen to my lord the king. (25) You will be driven from human society, and you will live in the fields with the wild animals. You will eat grass like a cow, and you will be drenched with the dew of heaven. Seven periods of time will pass while you live this way, until you learn that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone he chooses). NOW WHEN THEY SAY SEVEN PERIODS, SOME OTHER TRANSLATION SAIDS ( SEVEN SEASONS, OR SEVEN YEARS ). NEVERTHELESS SEVEN PERIODS PAST. LETS CONTINUE; (26)( But the stump and roots of the tree were left in the ground. This means that you will receive your kingdom back again when you have learned that heaven rules). PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 4; 27 - 33 SO WE SEE THAT IN ONE YEAR THIS DID HAPPEN TO NEBUCHADNEZZAR, BECAUSE HE DIS-REGUARD WHAT WAS TOLD TO HIM, OR HE FORGOT, BUT THE LUST OF THE EYES MESSED HIM UP. WHICH IS ONE OF SATAN’S TRAPS. ( 30)( As he looked out across the city, he said, ‘Look at this great city of Babylon! By my own mighty power, I have built this beautiful city as my royal residence to display my majestic splendor.’ “While these words were still in his mouth, a voice called down from heaven, ‘O King Nebuchadnezzar, this message is for you! You are no longer ruler of this kingdom. You will be driven from human society. You will live in the fields with the wild animals, and you will eat grass like a cow. Seven periods of time will pass while you live this way, until you learn that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone he chooses.’That same hour the judgment was fulfilled, and Nebuchadnezzar was driven from human society. He ate grass like a cow, and he was drenched with the dew of heaven. He lived this way until his hair was as long as eagles’ feathers and his nails were like birds’ claws). PLEASE LETS READ DANIEL CHAPTER 4; 34 - 37 NOW THE REST OF THIS CHAPTER EXPLAINS THAT NEBUCHADNEZZAR FINALLY GETS EVERYTHING BACK TOGETHER. A CONVERSION TAKES PLACE. HE KNOWS NOW WHO IS THE REAL GOD. LETS NOT GO THROUGH WHAT HE WENT THROUGH, WE KNOW FOR SURE WHO IS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR. LETS SHARE HIM WITH EVERYONE, AND LET US NOT EVER TAKE THE PRAISE AND GLORY. LETS GIVE IT ALL TO OUR LORD BECAUSE HE DESERVES IT. GOD BLESS YOU, AND YOURS
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 11:42:15 +0000

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