THIS IS MORE OF A TESTIMONY THANM A PRAYER TODAY. I PRAY THAT IT WILL HELP TO INSPIRE AND ENCOURAGE SOMEONE THAT IS CONTEMPLATING GIVING UP ON THEIR FAITH. During my tenure as Sunday school superintendent in the 80s and early 90s our Church was in disarray over trying to get adjusted to a new Pastor and we had a few Deacons and some members that were highly against women preachers that is was shameful! I was to the point of leaving the Church and giving up my position as superintendent (which I did end up resigning after my job requirements changed to weekends) One day the late Deacon Clayton Bennett sr. pulled me over to the side and said to me Kenny dont EVER let anyone run you away from home; just let GOD move! He said I personally went to the Sunday school board and requested they appoint you to be our next Sunday school superintendent and I have FAITH that GOD and your parents and grandparents raised you with the fear of GOD to stand for what is right Every time I hear of a SAINT wavering in their FAITH I can hear Deacon Bennetts words ring out clear as a bell. We all will be tested by satan in this life, but we must stand on GODs Holy word, NEVER run and just LET GOD MOVE! I am GRATEFUL for the social network of face book and I as well as others use it to spread LOVE, JOY, INSPIRATION, ENCOURAGEMENT AND GODS word daily. Those that dont; that is their choice... but in the final day of judgment we all will be held accountable for our actions. Marl ch.4:22 states that for there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad I have had many people I thought were face book friends, unfriend me; throw up things that I did in my past, and try every trick they could to defame the GOD I SERVE. it seems that for now we are powerless over these actions; BUT GOD will have the final say... JUST BE STILL AND LET GOD MOVE! It hurts me to my heart when I witness the negative comments, the cursing, the uncaring ways and attitudes that some will publicly post on this social network with no regards for my LORD; it is not for me to judge them I AM JUST GOING TO BE STILL AND LET GOD MOVE! In trying times like these we the FAITHFUL FEW need as many warriors down in the trenches as we can get... so please if there is something you see that you dont like or disagree with KEEP SCROLLING, BE STILL AND LET GOD MOVE! I LOVE each of you Christian or not with a brotherly LOVE that ONLY GOD cane provide to us through the HOLY SPIRIT and our jobs as Christians is to LOVE YE one another as we help to save as many lost souls to Christ as we can. I am just a sinner saved by GRACE, I am not a GREAT public speaker, I cant write that well but if my written words just touch one soul then my writing will not be in vain and HEAVEN will get the GLORY. GOD moved on our Church and HE has sent us a servant after HS own heart and TWO I say TWO women associate ministers that I am PROUD to call TRUE Ministers of the word... and HE has moved most of those nay sayers out of the way. KEEP BELIEVING, KEEP PRAYING, KEEP PRAISING, KEEP THE FAITH AND JUST BE STILL MY FACE BOOK FAMILY AND LET GOD MOVE!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 05:02:30 +0000

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