THIS IS MY GOOD FRIEND JOHN KEMAKOLAM WHO WAS MY PROFEESOR AT UCC. PLEASE HELP HIM SUPPORT HIS CAUSE THANK YOU. ASK ME HOW YOU CAN HELP!!!!! I am sending some materials for your consideration Lumina University for Health Sciences & Technology: A Brief History Higher education in Nigeria is proving to be an expensive option that is only available to a few who could afford it. Many intelligent poor students as well as persons with disabilities and young women are being short-changed, deliberately and actively excluded from gaining access as well as attaining success in tertiary institutions. In addition, there is a mass exodus of well trained professionals who are drawn to seek advanced degrees, upgrading of their professional skills as well as employment opportunities overseas. Once,they arrive their destinations and settle in, they do not return to contribute to nation building. This brain drain syndrome is depleting our well trained human resources and costing the government more to recruit and train additional personnel for its workforce. It is also delaying infrastructural and socio economic development of the nation. John Kemakolam, CEO/President of Our Family Circle Foundation Corp saw a great entrepreneurial opportunity and recognized that something had to be done to remove all barriers to access and success to high quality and flexible higher education to both urban and rural area residents of different social statuses. John believes that a good educational institution infused with modern technology, properly secured in a predictable nurturing environment which offers innovative curriculum will intercept qualified Nigerians from leaving the country as well as attract out of state and international students. The same measure will help to bring back to Nigeria those residing abroad who are looking for opportunities at home-brain gain. Mr. Kemakolam is hopeful that affluent people and governments should contribute to Lumina Educational Fund which will be used for the recruitment, education and training of poor students with academic promise who will contract to stay and work in underserved community after graduation. This Lumina Educational Fund which is modeled after United Negro College Fund (UNCF) will pay the tuition of intelligent students who maintain a certain GPA, work or support a family. The affluent patrons whose children go to the school will be asked to pay a little more to help sustain the university. This is a summary of how Lumina University for Health Sciences & Technology is steadily gathering momentum and crystallizing under the watchful eye of John Kemakolam. Lumina University is a self-supporting, comprehensive, conventional private university which uses a diverse delivery methods like blended, face-to-face, onsite, online, distance and residential. It is governed by a Board of Governors appointed by the executive body and approved by the founder. The board designs broad policy for the institution, and the executive body is responsible for the implementation of policies and directives from the board. Members are appointed for two years. Accreditation Lumina University for Health Sciences & Technology is formally registered and recognized by the National Universities Commission (NUC) Abuja, Nigeria. Lumina University will make history when it opens as the first university in Mbaise and the Imo State region.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 04:20:03 +0000

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