THIS IS MY TRUTH FOR TODAY: I discovered my best friend late in - TopicsExpress


THIS IS MY TRUTH FOR TODAY: I discovered my best friend late in life. I have lifelong friends that I have known most of my life, but I have known my best friend ALL of my life. What determines what a best friend is? It is hard to say and then again not so hard. A best friend is someone who is free of envy, that loves you unconditionally, trusts you implicitly, knows your needs before you need them. My friend lets me be me, without reservation, does not judge me or my feelings. Makes me laugh and sometimes makes me cry. Geographically, we are far apart but physically we are tuned into each other. I can think of her and the phone will ring and I will laugh when I answer the phone to her laughter. She has seen me through some things and I have seen her through some things. She has my back and I have hers, we are politically compatriots, religiously different- she is religious (a Proverbs 31 woman) and I am more spiritual, (meaning she has a church that she has belonged to since forever and I have been searching for a church, since forever). Idealistically we may be the same but she is on a higher moral plane than I am because I sometimes let my emotions get in the way of some of my values. I remember when in my anger I used the Eff word and immediately apologized, she said its ok, if that is how you feel. She loves people like I love people, we both love our people. She has been through some stuff and I have been through some stuff and we have been through some stuff together!!! (lol)...She loved this motherless child, provides a link to my mother and was the first person that I introduced my first baby to.....I am her kite and she is my string.... ~ Twila Page 10/2/2014
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 00:59:33 +0000

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