THIS IS MY personal Testimony!!! PRofile photo.. FIRST PHOTO AT - TopicsExpress


THIS IS MY personal Testimony!!! PRofile photo.. FIRST PHOTO AT HEAVIEST, MIDDLE PHOTO STARTING ACE (END OF DECEMBER 2012)... END PHOTO MID JULY My Husband and I with our 3 kiddos took a leap on life and Moved from Wisconsin to Ahwatukee 2 years ago! We had a mission to get our children out of crime filled Milwaukee and fulfill our dream of opening up a family smoothie business. Well, we attempted.... and didnt get far. I was unhappy and struggling with my body image as I was putting on weight due to depression with being away from family and friends. Finally, I decided to take Control! I was on a mission. Went to the Extreme and did the HCG diet with the drops and if any of you are familiar with the diet... it does work, but you are STARVING yourself and it Completely RUINED my metabolism. I Lost 30 pounds and I was STUCK! Stuck for a year!! I plateaued and could NOT crawl out of it for an ENTIRE YEAR! I Tried everything and anything in desperateness!! I joined pats run to help keep me motivated, if i wasnt active... the weight was slowly coming back on. And Due to the HCG extremes.... I still was not eating carbs or sugar because I would gain a pound the next day if i did! December of 2012 I kept seeing the buzz about ACE. And all the transformations! These photos were CLEARLY untouched and authentic. And you didnt see them all over other weight loss pages! I watched and stalked for a good 2 months! Tired of crying on my husbands chest every other morning in the closet while getting dressed for work, I FINALLY decided to try it! I bought a smaller count due to financial situations. First 2 weeks... 3 pounds DOWN! That may not sound like much... but for me, it was pure enjoyment to see those numbers go down. I stepped on and off 3 times and my eyes welled up! I knew this was it! I needed to climb out of a financial hole and i could NOT wait to get this into the hands of others! 2 weeks was all it took for me to believe in this product! I am now sitting At 135-140 pounds and just need to tone things up now. This Product has TAKEN a huge turn for our family with health and finances. We not Only sell ACE, but many other natural health and Wellness products that we keep stocked in our house that we use on a daily basis. Our children have become inspired by what they have seen and also want to work with Saba! Ordering 101 If u are local Phoenix.... I can meet up. Watch my page for local meet up ACE delivery spots. Too hard to plan to meet? No problem... I can ship it free ;) Takes one day local! 480-414-9224 Text me! 60 count Currently come with 10 CAPSULES FREE Click Here:--------> 30 Count, Click Here -------------------------> 20 Count, Click Here--------------------------> Want to get your Product at MY COST? Click Here and receive a free gift for your purchase: getfatfreewithace.lovemyace For Detailed info on the Wholesale Customer:
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 23:26:04 +0000

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