THIS IS NON STOP AND NON STOP SILENCE POST 55 YEARS BY NOW OVER NEW GUINEA OF MELANESIA ISLAND OF WEST PAPUA ...!!!!In the past 50 plus years,New Guinea of Melanesia Islands of West Papua was being treated with the unclear worldwide dirty political ambition of the economical commercial interests reason such as the 1947 of International Covenants of Canberra agreement, The 1960s Roman agreement , and the 1962 of USA-NEW YORK agreement, the 1969 of public DECEPTION that adopted the controversial UN-resolution number 2504 of Act of Free No Choice and others secrets Conniving Scandals agreement of the lucky profit over others ...??????? or something else...??????? it is estimated that more than 1 million Papuans have been murdered. Without political clout, special interest groups, or corporate cash, these brave people are bringing needed attention to what is being called the ‘silent genocide.’BECAUSE THE COUNTRY WAS BEING RULED THROUGH THE SYSTEMATICAL LONG TERM OF A MILITARIZED DICTATORIAL POWER STRUCTURE, FROM THE POSITION OF THE SUKARNO TO THE SUHARTO REGIME WHICH WAS FOR LONG TERMS OF COLD SILENCE PRACTICAL ISIS TACTICAL OF ILLEGAL NKRI OVER 55 YEARS ( SINCE 1960S TO 2014 ) BY NOW. IT WAS BEING HAPPENED THAT THE ILLEGAL STATE OF NKRI WAS BUILT WITH A SYSTEM OF CENTRALISED CONTROL OVER ECONOMIC NATURAL WEALTH RESOURCES IN WHICH SUHARTOS FAMILY AND HIS CLOSE FRIENDS PLAYED A PREDOMINANT SUPPRESS ROLE OR DICTATORIAL ROLE. THE MAJOR STRATEGIC INDUSTRIES SUCH AS OIL,GAS, GOLD, COPPER, SILVER, URANIUM , COMMUNICATIONS AND PLANTATIONS WERE RUN AND CONTROLLED BY ILLEGAL STATE COMPANIES UNDER SUHARTOCS LOYALISTS AND THE SELECTED PRIVATE COMPANIES... NOTES THAT NEW GUINEA OF PNG , OR AUSTRALIA OR MALAYSIA AND OTHERS COUNTRIES IN THE EYES OF NKRI DIPLOMATES ARE VERY IMPORTANT ALLIES, BUT NKRI NATIONAL EXTREMIST TERRORIST FORCES FIRSTLY, SUCH AS TN-POL OF DETACHEMENT 88 ARE TRAINING TO KILL SUCH AS ON 12TH,OF OCTOBER 2002 OF SARI CLUB IN DENPASAR - BALI WHICH WAS BOMBED BY THE NKRI-TERRORIST ISLAMIC JIHAD, TARGETING MAINLY AT THE WESTERN OF AUSTRALIAN, EUROPEAN TOURISTS, THERE WERE MANY AUSTRALIAN WHICH KILLED IN THAT BOMBING INCIDENT. NKRI JAVANESE GOVERNMENT KNEW ABOUT THE DEADLY PLAN AND DID NOTHING TO PREVENT, SECONDLY, IN 2004, THE AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY IN JAKARTA-JAVA ISLAND WERE BOMBED BY NKRI - NATIONAL EXTREMIST ISLAMIC JIHAD. NKRI JAVANESE GOVERNMENT ALSO KNEW ABOUT THE DEADLY PLAN, THEY ALSO KNEW THAT NKRI ISLAMIC JIHAD IS ALSO PLANNING TO BOMB ALL AUSTRALIAN INTERESTS IN NKRI ...??? THE NKRI GOVERNMENT TURNED A BLIND EYES AND LET IT HAPPENED, THIRDLY, NKRI-JAVANESE GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL EXTREMIST ISLAMIC JIHAD ARE BEING RECRUIT AND TRAINED BY NKRI SPECIAL FORCES KOPASUS IN BATU JAJAR- BANDUNG -WEST JAVA-THE CENTRE TRAINING CAMP FOR NKRI-SPECIAL FORCES INCLUDING THEY HAVE TRAINED TERROSST UMAR PATHEK AND TERRORIST HAMBALI FOR ASIA LINK ISLAMIC REVOLUTION MOVEMENT OVER OTHERS ...??? News | Indonesian President Accused of Passing the Buck on Religious Intolerance Recent comments by President Yudhoyono of Indonesia saying it is the responsibility of faith leaders to promote religious tolerance has drawn criticism from Christian pastors and others who say the president has largely avoided dealing with rising intolerance in the country. In 2012, ICC recorded at least 50 churches that were shut down by local governments under pressure from radical Islamic groups. The federal government has avoided becoming involved in the church closures, despite rulings by the Indonesian Supreme Court in at least two cases ordered the churches to be reopened. Full Story: Photo: United States President Barack Obama and Indonesias President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono participate in the arrival ceremony at the Istana Merdeka State Palace in Jakarta, Indonesia,Nov.9, President Obama & Indonesian President Yudhoyono at G20 Summ, end up become TPP Other News related is below the video link on youtube, click on the link will direct you there. youtube/watch?v=bm6eZ-9rrC8 Presiden Obama & Presiden Yudhoyono Indonesia di G20 Summ, akhirnya menjadi TPP Berita terkait lainnya di bawah link video di youtube, klik pada link akan mengarahkan Anda ke sana. youtube/watch?v=bm6eZ-9rrC8 6 people who had become president and who is still the President of the Republic of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as today. President of Indonesia from the beginning to the present position, as in this picture as an order: 1). The late Sukarno, 2). The late Suharto, 3). B J Habibie, 4). The late Abdul Rahman Wahid, 5). Megawati Soekarno Putri, 6). Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. (Current President). Of all the presidents of Indonesia, no one else who uphold justice, and from their posts none of which reveal the truth of life from the history of each nation in the former Dutch colony, which is currently in the State of the unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Of all the Indonesian president to use military and police as a slave state for their political crimes can be achieved, as there are 2 in the state ideology of Indonesia: 1). Ideological mask, that is the perfect ideology only as a mask to the international world, the goal is to cover the crime that has been and is being conducted by the government of Java / Indonesia to the nations in the former Dutch colony, the countrys ideology, among others: the 1945 Constitution is based on principle of PANCASILA. So the government of Java / Indonesia have proven their crimes in accordance with the life history of the past until now, and the Indonesian military and police abuses in their actions, which orders from the state based on state ideology that is inconsistent with their action itself, because contrary to the law Indonesian state and contrary to international law, if we look carefully and wisely in accordance with the historical fact of life. Below are the Rules of Military Discipline & The Book of the Law of Military Discipline Law of Indonesia, where military and police acted beyond the limits of ordinary humanity against the people regardless of background purposes and objectives (due to the ideological mask), as the state of Indonesia is a democratic country, but the fact that the military and the police acted very violently against the people, and no responsibility of the President as holder of power over the armed forces, according to article 10 of Legislative Act No. II/MPR/1993: a). SAPTA MARGA: 1). We are citizens of the Republic of Indonesia is based on PANCASILA. 2). We Patriot Indonesia, supporters and defenders of the state ideology, which is responsible and knows no surrender. 3). Were knights of Indonesia, the pious to God the Almighty, and advocates for honesty, truth and justice. 4). We are soldiers of the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI) is Bhayangkari Indonesian nation and state. 5). We are soldiers of the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI), holding tebuh discipline, submissive, and obedient to the leadership, and uphold the attitude and honor soldiers. 6). We are soldiers of the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI), giving priority to heroism in performing tasks, and be ever ready to devote to the state and nation. 7). We are soldiers of the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI), loyal and keep their promises, and oaths of soldiers. b). Soldiers Oath: I swear, by Allah 1). Loyal to the government and subject to the Act and the state ideology. 2). Subject to military law. 3). Running all the liabilities with a full sense of responsibility to the army and the Republic of Indonesia. 4). Uphold the discipline of the army, then comply loyal, respectful, and obedient to superiors denied with no order or decision. 5). Holds all the secret army loudly. c). 11 principles of military leadership: 1). TAQWA is the faith in Almighty God, and obey him. 2). ING NGARSA TULADA SUNG, which gives a role model in front of subordinates. 3). ING MADYA MANGUN KARSA, namely go look alive, and arouse enthusiasm among subordinates. 5). WASPADA PURBA WISESA, that is always vigilant watch, as well as capable and courageous to give corrections to subordinates. 6). PARAMA AMBEG ARTA, that is to choose the right, about what should come first. 7). PRASAJA, ie behavior that is simple and not excessive. 8). SATYA, which is loyal to a reciprocal attitude from the top of subordinates, and subordinates to their superiors and laterally. 9). GEMI NASTITI, namely consciousness and the ability to restrict usage, and spending all things that are really necessary. 10). BELAKA, namely the willingness, willingness and courage to account for its actions. 11). LEGAWA, ie willingness, willingness and sincerity to deliver on time and position of responsibility to the next generation. d). 8 Compulsory military: 1). Be kind-hearted toward people. 2). Being polite to people 3). Uphold the honor of women. 4). Maintain self-respect in public. 5). Always be an example in attitude and simplicity. 6). Not at all-time detrimental to the people. 7). Not at all-time scare and hurt people. 8). Being an example and pioneered efforts to overcome the difficulties of the people around him. 2). and ideology Arabic (Al-Quran), that ideology which affect people who previously did not have knowledge of human life history in the world, so that ideology was buried and become a trust worthy, and the purpose of it is to dominate the entire nation in the former Dutch colony with such ideology, because in every nation in the former Dutch colony was influenced by the Arab ideology, since the arrival of the Arabs (Parsi and Gujarati) in the past when the world trade. So from this ideology that created the political domination of one will enforce others beliefs and desires of other nations to self-determination, as an example of Maluku incident on 19 January 1999, using the Arab ideology (Islam) to political life. facebook/media/set/?set=a.1848935793772.2105039.1552033107&l=43bac5af2f Arab ideological reasons shown below: Al-Quran on devout Muslims as a revelation from God 100%, which is copyrighted by the Prophet Muhammad directly by God through the angel Gabriel with a sentence to a sentence, so that the contents of the Quran is free from human thought or written by humans, including the Prophet Muhammad himself . Based on the study of Islamic leaders Pilgrim in the Quran Juz 30 consists of 114 letters, and 6666 verses, which relate to Imanan. Islamic Sharia law and in general we can pull the two basic core that is: 1). The spread of liabilities by the followers of Islamic religion is the purpose of establishing the Islamic State Theokrasi around the world, wherever they are, then try to state that in the short term or long term to become Theokrasi Islamic State. This can we conclude from this passage, 5 ALMAIDAH 51, which reads: O ye who believe (Muslims) do not take Jews and Christians to be your leader, and why you took the infidels to become your leader. (Hadith of Prophet Muhammad). So here the understanding that: They live in a State that does not follow Islamic Syareat, then they do not admit that their leaders are not leaders, but leaders of the country they live it, has done Syareat Islam, then they will admit that the Head of State that was their leader . 2). The spread of Islam and Islamic Syareat law is not based on love, but with war and totalitarian basis, we see that as evidence of the relevant paragraphs are as follows: In the letter of the Quran, 4 AN NISSAA 84, states: So you oppose the way of God, inflame the spirit of the believers to fight. In the letter of the Quran, 49 AL HUJURAAT 15, states: Those who believe in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad, and then they do not hesitate to jihad / war. In the letter of the Quran, 48 Al-Fath 16, states: Say to those Bedouin who left behind: You will be invited to fight the people who have great power, you will fight against them, or their surrender to Islam, so if you are. comply with this invitation, God will reward you. The main strength of the means to Christians and Jews, and eradicate them. Forming systems in the state of Indonesia for the continuation of other reasons as the basis for their dirty political game, such as the following explanation: The Indonesian government only wanted to colonize rather than to advance the Moluccas, but off the Maluku people from all aspects, for example in view of: 1). Transmigration system, 2). Economic System, 3). Military System, 4). Corruption System, 5). The monopoly system, and 6). Religious System. Transmigration systems: This is a programming system that has been in such a way by the Government of Indonesia to the Maluku islands filled with people from outside the area (Newcomer), with the aim to slowly revolution Maluku life on earth happened, so that this system be smooth to drive the Original Nation Maluku out of the soil of his country, or in controlled by migrants from outside the islands of Maluku. Immigrants from outside the area that is, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra, and most migrants from Java. Economic System: This system is an economic control of the Government of Indonesia to kill and destroy the lives of indigenous peoples of Maluku, with their goal to torture or other words slowly reduce the life of the original peoples of Maluku. One example of this is: Any news to the public that the salaries would be increased by the Indonesian Government, with the intention for the welfare of the people of Indonesia, but the reality is only their lies as Criminals The Indonesian government, because when the salaries of the people in the Rev, the countrys economy also the Rev, so it does not exist but the lies of the government welfare state. Military Systems: This system is used by the Indonesian Government solely for the use of military force to intimidate people with their panoply, if the military treatment of ordinary people is always hard with their physical attitude, in other words, if people treat the common people have common mistakes with issues concerning the political argument with the Government of Indonesia, so do not hesitate to be treated like an animal / punishment is always to use force beyond the limits of humanity. In this case the police had taken a portion of the duty of the state, and act in accordance with what is being done by the military system. System Corruption: This system is already an attitude and character as a country where the occupiers are selfish, or group when they came to power in the government. So that the state budget was in stolen for personal or group interests within the government itself. Monopoly System: This system is to master each region, class, occupation, and all that exists, when to be a greater control of the Government of Indonesia to the people, so that people, or any other people on the Indonesian state can not move slightly, because of the power system which has been on the run or programmed in such a way of governance in that category. Religious System: This system is misused by the Government of Indonesia because of dirty politics that has been mixed mortar by themselves, where the majority of Java, Indonesia is a Muslim nation, so that the Indonesian state was eventually executed in accordance with the wishes of the majority of Indonesian rule for the majority religion in accordance with every person sitting in the Indonesian government itself. Consequently coercion, murder and so happens in the state of Indonesia such as the fact that we see. All of these problems if the note carefully, it will show if the system was purely rampant in all the places in the island nations of the former Dutch colony. So the conclusion that the Indonesian Government as a government for the nations in the former Dutch colony was evil and was included in the category TERRORIST, for the reasons, namely: 1). Irresponsible, 2). Greedy, 3). Coercive, 4). Torturers, 5). Killer, 6). Thief 7). Liar and so forth, where the tranquility, prosperity, peace of life is never going to happen within the body of the Republic of Indonesia as I have already alluded to the explanation from the beginning. In this case, which has been described and viewed carefully, the Government of Java / Indonesia with military and police (not forgetting the Arab nation in the state of Indonesia), involved in the criminal category in the country of Indonesia itself, and also included in the category of international criminal (Terrorists), therefore the UN should understand and see a problem closely Maluku, taken from the history of the Moluccas real life from the beginning and look at the political events that have happened and is still happening under covered up over 50 plus years by now over others such as New Guinea of Melanesia Islands of West Papua ... Maluccas-RMS,..GAM-Aceh ... and others as well . The Seeking of Prestigious Humanitarian Universal Peace Negotiation as key core part of New Guinea of Melanesia of West Papua Democratic case solution. As we know that there is still ongoing systematic long terms of a prime core roots case of the coercive controversial silence tactical ISIS domestic cultural state violence of NKRI which is as a good and bad neighbor through the milestones 1945 Sukarno and Hatta declare independence on 17th August, at that time without or Excluded the Territory of West Papua, then in 1965, there was going the national between Javanese terrorism-communism regimes army crushes left wing coup attempt Sukarnos position compromised, continued to 1969 that West New Guinea had being coerced-forced into or become the controversial coercive regime of NKRIs 26th provinces after adopted the controversial of U.N. resolution No.2504 as a systematic long terms conniving scandals of annexation and collusion with nkri tp created the long terms the Death Seed of Destruction of Nation of The Republic West New Guinea of 1025 controversial manipulation votes by adoption 84 U.N. membership ...??????? with the systematic full manipulation of public deception from the membership through U.N.controversial manipulation supervised 1969 Act of Free No Choice by the most nations were depressing and anxious of Worldwide Dirty Political ambition of Economical Commercial Interests reasons-to retain the controversial regime of nkri s unclear goodwill which have the systematic cynically sentiment blind eye cheapest slogan ideas propaganda to that illegality matters through a long systematic terms silence arms conflicts over the illegality integrity territory of WEST PAPUA. Also, in 1975,nkri was annexed East Timor and becoming the 27th province by single violence isis - Islamization Indonesianisation - javanization-over others with No-Equal Mercy-No-Equal Forgiveness, No-Equal-Democracy. No-Equal Justice, No-Equal Freedom, No-Equal Peace Genocide Mysterious Secret Extra killing over the People of New Guinea of Melanesian of West Papua and Timor Leste before 1999.... Peace... OPM-NATIONAL-INTERNATIONAL MORNING STAR SOLIDARITY JUSTICE MOVEMENT THANKS. PEACE ...
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 01:03:31 +0000

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