THIS IS NOT A CRY BUT A BREATHER OF FREEDOM AND PEACE AND HAPPINESS When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside cannot hurt you, for many years my past haunted me and i kept it a secret, and when i had come to peace with it, i opened up and somehow put myself in a position of being tortured verbally by someone using it against me, i now look at it and see that it was a test which right now i feel victorious over, because there is no way anybody could ever call me names and i get hurt in anyway again iinternally, i have risen above my own insecurities concerning my past, i now know that i am beautiful inside and out, im not perfect, i make mistakes like everybody else, but am very much wise to say, ive learnt from every mistake of mine. And to whomever that has hurt me in the past or from most recent to very ancient i forgive you with all my heart and Soul, it was never and will never be my place to show you what a big mistake you have made, however im sure those that have in the man or woman, girl or guy have, some seen or felt Gods hand on them concerning my hurt, and to those that are recent, although i cannot stop God from allowing lifes cycle to do its thing on you, i can safely say, whatever happens was out of my hands. To the future, well my dear to you all i can say is, here i come, and in whatever it is you have to offer, let it be more of blessings than tears, more happiness than pain, and great achievement than loss, oh please please no funeral just as yet, i cant afford to pay for one, so please keep me and my kids and mom alive. So that when we reach that brighter day, we all 4 of us enjoy it together, but most of all give me the strength to achieve everything i need alone, without having to allow my heart to fall into the trap of love again. Rather make me love my hard work, so i can give my all to it, bless everyone that is helping me at this very moment to get to the top, by opening them doors, supplying that raw material, financial material, and allowing everything to flow smoothly, i know its not gonna be a quick jump, but please make us all reach that finnish line successfully, in the name of Jesus Amen Hallellujah. Makubenjalo
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:19:28 +0000

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