THIS IS NOT A JOKE OR OTHER FUNNY STORY. THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF, GUYS. READ THIS! ================================================ Lately, I have been privy to quite a few instances in which the parties (a male and a female) are (SUPPOSEDLY --- at least ON PAPER) married to each other. They file immigration papers. They are not REALLY and TRULY living together as man and wife --- although the cohabitation is a REQUIREMENT of ANY marriage, especially for immigration purposes. Then, these stupid people start (what seems to be) a campaign of communicating with each other on FACEBOOK, TWITTER and other SOCIAL MEDIA. Also, they engage in these marathon telephone conversations, from one city (and/or State) to the other. Whenever they are not TALKING to each other, they are TEXTING. NOW HEAR THIS, Dear Hearts and Gentle People: ================================================== IMMEDIATELY (and I really DO mean this!) you file for your Green Card, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.) starts to view whether or not you are on the social media listed above, as a part of their way of proving whether your union is a sham one (entered into SOLELY for the purpose of receiving immigration benefits) or The Real Mc Koy. From CONFIDENTIAL information received, they have caught a good many of you this way. Then, whenever you go for your first interview, the Counselor interviewing you will merely show you your entries, to and from husband and wife, on the Social Media. Of course, you IMMEDIATELY become deportable, because you have (PROVENLY) indulged in a fraudulent act. As for the telephone --- whether a land-line or cellular --- the Federal Communication Commission (F.C.C.) has given the Immigration Guys free and unrestricted access to the telephone records of each and every couple that applies for immigration benefite. Do the immigration boys use that privilege? Is the Pope a Catholic? The rationale behind all of the above (and you dumb-ass people who fall prey to these obvious traps have been TOO DARNED SLOW to see this) is that, if (for example) you and your husband are TRULY married, for all the normally-accepted reasons, why would you have to communicate with him on the social media? If you are going to see and sleep with him tonight, (and every other night) how and why is it that we are seeing these TWO-HOUR conversations between you, AT 12.50 IN THE MORNING, (this is something I have PERSONALLY dealt with, in my practice) from Miramar, Florida, to Milwaukee, Wisconsin? How or why are we seeing that this has been taking place from the third day, following your Wedding Day, until yesterday? My People, it is my desire to help each and every alien --- from whichever country you originate --- to LEGALLY and HONESTLY be and remain in this country, to earn a legitimate and decent wage and thus be prosperous. To use the words (to me, WHEN HE HAD HIS APARTMENT ON THE FORT LAUDERDALE BEACH, where I was an employee at the time) of the late owner of Mars Bar and M&M Chocolates, (among other brands) Forrest Mars, ELLIOTT, I WANT ALL MY PEOPLE TO BE PROSPEROUS BECAUSE, FOR EVERY PENNY I HELP THEM TO HAVE, IT IS ONE PENNY LESS THAT THEY ARE LOOKING TO HAVE ME GIVE THEM. Got it? So, in closing, Dear Hearts and Lovely People, I cannot tell or help you to breach any laws of any country. However, I AM TELLING you to use your head. If you believe that the immigration boys or any other agencies --- whether governmental or otherwise --- are idiots, you would do well to go back to your country, because you are not ready to progress. Have a GREAT Life, Guys!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 16:18:25 +0000

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