THIS IS NOT AN OPEN LETTER, ITS JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER. Dear METRO FM and The Music Committee. I see for the past couple of years you have been caught up in your own hype hence i want to remind you of something very important. ICASA regulates that all commercial stations play 25% of S.A music on average every single week. South Africa has 9 provinces, If you believe in practicing fairness in the music play-listing process, You should be splitting that 25% equally across all 9 provinces, leaving every province with a 2.7% allowance/stake in your playlist. By the look of things right now from where Im standing as a music Producer/DJ (Others can vouch for me on this one), you are only splitting that 25% between GP, KZN & maybe 1 or 2 more provinces. Im not gonna go deep and mention names of stables you always play between those provinces I mentioned. Can you please abide by the ICASA rules and play 25% of SA music not GP, KZN & 1 or 2 provinces. Im reminding you this because when you are in financial trouble, You go ask for help from your mother SABC, who then helps you out with the grant she gets from the government, the government gets that grant money from TAX which is paid by people who stay or come from all those 9 provinces who listen to the station. TAX for your grant is not only paid by people from GP, KZN & 1 or 2 provinces but its paid by all South Africans, so can you please practice fairness. Im only dealing with this on a high level, i have granular details if you want to go there, from excuses we get from your music committee to other things that i cant mention in a public platform, we can go there if you want me to. DJ nIpRo THIS IS NOT AN OPEN LETTER, ITS JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 07:46:04 +0000

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