THIS IS ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS ONLINE.... HE IS A ROCKSTAR AND HAS ALWAYS HAD MY BACK IF I HAVE HAD QUESTIONS ON ANTHING.... CHECK OUT HIS STORY BELOW... ITS POWERFUL! ***8 Months Ago He Was A Hopeless Loser, With No Future, A Baby On The Way He Could Have Never Supported, Living In His Parents House At 27... With No Direction On Life... Fast Forward To Today, He Lives In A Dream Home, Goes From Making 2k/month to 50k/month... Creates Systems That Start Giving Back To You, That Will Even Pay For Your Mortgage Payments And Dream Vacations... He has taken over the marketing for a 30 Million Dollar Company... Gets In The Space Of Leaders That Have Been Doing This For Years, and Years, and Years... Helps other people see the vision of what can happen in their life FAST... ...and basically has no end to how big his community, family and friends could get in the future... How in the HECK does that happen to a person so fast!!!??? Well... Its because he took the focus off just him, and made an easy, step by step system for you to follow, so we can all have his same success story EVEN FASTER! This is the Dream Life system he created: https://hoverson.infusionsoft/go/ilnhomepage/iln7311/ Here is a little background of Vincent Ortega Jrs story that He just posted the other day... read below... From Failing To $50k/month In My Business? A lot of people want to know… “Why should I listen to this 27 year old kid.” - So I end up having to tell my numbers and show off what I have done to “impress people.” Real quick though… The material world isn’t going to make you happy… HOWEVER… ...material things, when used properly, can surely change your entire life and give you the FREEDOM to do the things you love... ...and most importantly... Allow you to spend more time with your family in the future, if you are willing to sacrifice now, so you can play for the rest of your life with the people you love later. About 8 months ago from the time I am writing this post, I was making about 2k/month and was failing in my business. I was living in my parent’s home, working on the top of a plastic garage sale table…and the money just kept going down and down every month. AND ALMOST IN AN INSTANT... Mark Hoverson came into my life... ...this was right after I made top 22nd in the world in an affiliate competition I shouldnt have EVER WON… I deserved it... but... was only in my last desperation attempt to impress the world that got me there... I ended up winning the Top 25 Trip for the biggest marketing launch of the year, and the only reason I won it, was because people made so many teams, that it made making the top 22nd spot simple! I only made like 8-10 sales in that competition... But I still got WORLD-WIDE recognition. So I know God had a big hand on this... opening up the door for me to meet the top earners in the world, which ended up building for me, a huge bond with Mark Hoverson... God knows when you are ready and He will open up the doors when He sees us really going after our dreams. So this is how fast it happened... I got under Mark Hoversons mentorship... and... Boom... My business went from failing around 2k/month, to Booming… Making over 50k/month within only about 5 months... I then had plenty of money to go get my first home… ...and as you can see in the picture attached to this post, this isnt just a regular home, this is the home of many peoples dreams. A home and neighborhood that takes people 30-50 years to acquire, with savings and grinding for other peoples dreams. I don’t say this to brag; I say this to show you the possibility of what can happen in your life when you take the internet marketing lifestyle seriously! Now we all know that I could just go on the internet and swipe some picture, download it to my computer and say hey look… this is my dream home like 99% of the other crap you will find online! ...but this isn’t the case… Let me put a little video below of me in my home with my baby girl, that will make you laugh. This is when I finally got rid of that silly garage sale table, that was all I had to start my future million dollar business on. Watch the video here: ...and come back here to read the rest of the story... So that’s my little Baby Aria in our new home. You know transparency is everything when it comes to watching and reading things online these days. There is so much junk out here on the internet… and it’s nice, because with the new system I have co-created… we stand out of the crowd because we are so transparent with our lives. With as much video as we do and show you, its impossible for us to make fake claims and tell you all the junk that is out there right now! Our live hangouts really show you that we aren’t all “in your face” with money, money, money and text, text, text… ...saying BUY NOW, BUY NOW… We actually do care about people around here and our online family is growing by leaps and bounds because of it. “Ok.. Vince.. you are talking dreamy now….” So let’s get back to reality right? ...and we all know there is a back-story to everything… let’s dive a little deeper. Here is what happens... It starts with your vision... Mark Hoverson and the Internet Lifestyle he created, powerfully expanded my vision to dream again… The video you will see when you click on the link to check out my new system, that I have created for you, was shot about 1 month after I really went after my Internet Lifestyle vision. Check out that video here: https://hoverson.infusionsoft/go/ilnhomepage/iln7311/ ...I want you to watch that video really closely and pay very close attention in particular to how the vision of my future was expanded beyond an “average humans” thoughts. I started visualizing possibilities that could have never happened in my life only 1 month prior, to really going after my Internet Lifestyle vision. As you will see in that video… ...if you fast forward to today… about 8 months after that video was shot… ...all of those things you heard me talk about came into fruition. In fact, as I write this post, I already surpassed the vision I had inside of myself for this year. Guess why??? Yes… It was because of the Internet Lifestyle! Anything and everything you hear me talk about from this point forward I want you to remember that the Internet Lifestyle, is the reason why my vision has become so big for my life. It really has made that big of an impact on my life! You just cannot create FREEDOM anywhere on this planet, as you can with the Internet... ...You can impact so many more peoples lives faster than anything else that has ever been created! Thats why I created this online system: https://hoverson.infusionsoft/go/ilnhomepage/iln7311/ Real Quick Back-Story… Where Was I Before? Before meeting Mark Hoverson and Co-Creating my new system, I was an online marketer, coach, trainer and teacher. I basically helped entrepreneurs in any business learn how to market themselves or their business online. When you market online you learn how to attract customers to your business, instead of having to attack them. (Notice how you are reading this and deciding if you want to run with us, instead of me having to go out and find you.) Thats called attraction marketing. Pretty awesome right? Now... Before that though… I was just a regular kid. I started my online journey about 3 years ago from when I am typing this post. I was a college baseball pitcher for many years and was supposed to get drafted because I had a 95 mile per hour fastball, and one of the best curve-balls anyone had ever seen. Heres a picture of me pitching: => tinyurl/nj8xhgt The problem was… I honestly didn’t care about my gift... I didn’t care that I was blessed with all that talent and I jacked around as I was going through college. I partied too much, I drank too much… and I basically threw away any chance I ever had at becoming a professional athlete because I simply didn’t have enough passion for the game. Many would say… I was an idiot. But I don’t have regrets… I know that God’s timing is always the right timing and if I pursued that journey, there is no way I would be where I am today. Impacting the lives of thousands of people all over this planet. (And you wouldnt be reading this today, having the ability to change your life with the click of a button by running with us.) Change your life here: https://hoverson.infusionsoft/go/ilnhomepage/iln7311/ Baseball is pretty much a selfish sport if you think about it. All the limelight is on the players and the team. Yeah... they are playing for their city… but at the end of the day, it really doesn’t help people capture the lifestyle of their dreams… ...think about it... all you are doing by buying the ticket to the game is helping them live a better lifestyle. So anyways... That is where I was before… ….and once baseball was over and the scholarships ended… Well… so did my Mommy and Daddys money… So I had to figure out something that was going to make me happy for the rest of my life. The good thing about my life is that I watched my Mom become a super star in her company. She is the top 1% in her company and I saw her “grind her way to the top” - and become a success story. I saw her change peoples lives and I saw her never answering to a boss! Here is a picture of Mom and I: =>tinyurl/kfajgn9 Mom showing me it was possible, is 99% of why I am where I am today. You have to be the one to show your children that it is possible... if you want them to have a chance at living their dream life. That will get them to dream, and hope, and KNOW there is a better way! This isn’t always the case with all entrepreneurs… but I can tell you one thing… it helps a lot, if you show your children they can dream...and GO FOR THEIR DREAMS! So I knew being a successful entrepreneur was possible. I tried out a few health companies and failed miserably. So I pretty much gave up and said… ...Lets see what “real life” is all about. The first thing I tried to do was become a lifeguard. When I used to workout at the ymca, I heard the lifeguards got paid pretty good money. So I went ahead and went through the entire certification process to become a lifeguard and succeeded. I was so excited! I was finally ready to become a lifeguard and get paid like $17 bucks an hour like I thought I would… WOOOHOOO! (I obviously didnt realize how expensive life was back then... because now I realize $17 bucks an hour doesnt create any kind of dream life.) So I called up the head lifeguard and said… Well, do I have a job??? (with a huge smile on my face) SHE SAID YES! I was sooooooo excited!!! Woooohoooo…. Then I ask her how much are you going to pay??? She said… Well… ...we start out at $7.50 an hour will that work for you? (sound effect: wong, wong, wong, wongggggggggggg) I was like, Uh…. ok… let me get back with you on that, ok? She said, “Cool.” Sayyyyyyy Whattttttt!!!!!????? HOLLLLY MOSES…. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!! $7.50 AN HOUR! YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME!? So needless to say… that was out of the question! (SIDE NOTE: I went out to eat with my pops yesterday and spent 70 bucks on one nights meal. You just can’t live life on $7.50 an hour. In fact, the more I think about it… You can’t barely live life on even $20 an hour anymore. So thank God I didn’t accept… and moved on.) So What Was My First Job Anyway? So the first job I got making decent money was DJ-ing. Here is a picture of me DJ-ing: =>tinyurl/k8wqqo8 (It was for success events, not fun DJ-ing like at the clubs or anything... it was miserable... all I was doing was watching other people succeed, while I was sitting there stuck at a DJ table working for other peoples dreams!) I made about $250 a night and that got me some funds to get going a bit. However... I mostly jacked around with that money and spent it on stupid things at first… ...and then I quickly realized that I was 24 years old living in my parents house still with no life. SO DJ-ING WAS NOT GOING TO GET ME SURVIVING MONEY EVER! I HAD TO FIND SOMETHING TO GET MYSELF OUT OF THE HOUSE. IT WAS MOSTLY JUST EMBARRASSING LIVING THERE STILL! (Side Note: Little did I know that I wouldn’t get out of the house till I was 27 years old!... and over those next three years I always heard people murmuring about how I was a loser still at mommys house.) But you have to start somewhere… Here is a fun video I did showing you where I started my business in my parents house upstairs in my room… Watch video here: Ok… back to the story… So where did I turn, you ask? I turned to the internet, thank God! I saw Jonathan Budd and Mark Hoverson popping up all over the place. I saw how they were “making a fortune” online and they were the first people that I actually trusted. There are so many scammers online today, it’s just sad. But there was something different about them. I didn’t have the money to buy their courses really, so I used my “smarts” and just followed what they were doing. (This no money excuse and not buying their stuff wasnt wise; it actually delayed my dreams trying to figure everything out myself...) ...if I could do it all over again, I would have begged and pleaded family and friends for the money, opened credit cards, got a loan, whatever it took, and found a way to get the money to buy their stuff sooner! If I had done that, I would have been able to write this post months and months faster, and would have had this system that is changing peoples lives faster! My no money excuse delayed other peoples dreams! I will never do that again in my life! Thats selfish! (The NO MONEY EXCUSE delays everyones dreams! Dont do it! Its your life, its their lives, take control of your destiny! Stop making excuses if you want to change your life like I did!) Ok... back to the point... Where I started... I knew how to use Facebook really well, so I decided to do a Facebook training video tutorial series on Facebook. (Hint: you can still do this, Facebook is still new for many people... and it always changes... so its an easy and fresh course you can make to this day!) So... I simply taught people how to use Facebook and connect with other people. I never charged for it… I just made people give me their name and email addresses to access my training so I started growing an email list. You can do the same thing if you get a blog setup by my new network. Get started right here today: https://hoverson.infusionsoft/go/ilnhomepage/iln7311/ My partners and I have made this as turn-key for you as best as we can. (Its easy if you have any sort of drive to change your life.) How I Started Marketing For My Money? I would train people how to use things online for FREE would give away everything that I had to offer, and they would eventually get sold into a “deeper marketing training. Simple right? Then What? You Were Doing Fine… Right? You are so right… I was doing great… I built a great email list and I started selling a $37/month membership area and was doing well. I was making well over $10,000/month within a couple years. But then something happened… (I got cocky, didnt stay consistent, and didnt have a business that had a stick point as to why people would stay with me forever.) PS: Now we have that here: (Get Back To The Person Who Shared This Post With You) (...and you can partner with me on my new system and earn over 50% commissions at the same time on everything.) So... In the beginning of 2012, I started to see a little drop in my business and I was at about $7500/month. Then all of the sudden I couldn’t even keep that going anymore, and a couple months later it was at about $5000/month. Then by summer, I no longer looked at my account and just went through the motions. Next thing I know… I am sitting around $2000/month and there was no way in the world things were about to change. So what did I do to change things, you ask? I didnt do anything… ....I was lying to my parents, acting like my business was still doing good and that I would be out of the house soon... But then something happened... ...I GOT SLAPPED! I literally feel I got slapped by God… So here is what happened... My girl gets pregnant! ...and I am like, Oh Sh...t! Now what the heck am I going to do? So I man up and tell myself, I gotta’ get something done! I am now going to have a child to feed and raise… I told myself... I will not be a shitty father to my child! I will not raise her off my parents money! I will give her the dream life she deserves! PS: She is now the light of my world! Here is a picture of My Baby Girl Aria with me =>tinyurl/k3ztzh7 So what shifted that will now allow her to live the Cinderella princess life when she grows up, you ask? Well, another BOOM hit... ...a Good One this time. The Futuristic Marketing launch with Mark Hoverson and Jonathan Budd comes alive. I have never participated in an affiliate contest before and I saw that you could win a trip to Jonathan Budd’s mansion to meet Mark Hoverson, himself and the rest of the top 25 affiliates in the industry. So to make a long story short… I went into “grind mode” and busted out all the tricks that I had up my sleeve, to get the email list I built excited again. By the way, they were dead to the world… ...barely opening up my emails the entire year! So I did everything JB and Mark said to do in the launch. I participated in the video contests every other day. I posted all the stuff on my blogs, Facebook, social networks and even started doing some Facebook advertising, as well. (Even though I didnt have the money!) Guess what... ??? are reading this post right now because I am doing Facebook advertising. Anyhow... I put my heart and soul into the contest and saw my name on the top 25 leader boards after the first week! I couldn’t believe it! So I grinded and grinded and the contest ends with the announcement… VINCENT ORTEGA JR GETS 22ND IN THE WORLD IN THE LAUNCH! I COULDN’T BELIEVE WHAT I HEARD! I EVEN SCREEN RECORDED IT! Check out the announcement here… Click here to watch video: So as you can see on that video I pulled out all the stops. He even mentions my videos and how he loved them. I really couldn’t believe it… was seriously amazing, amazing and more amazing! So what happened next I believe was completely divine and I know was completely orchestrated by God. He knew I was ready and He knew I was ready to pull out all of the stops and utilize my full potential on this planet! I was finally ready to use the Divine Gifts God had given me! So I get to Jonathan Budd’s mansion for that top 25 trip thinking that something big was going to come out of this. I KNEW IN MY HEART OF HEARTS... Someone there was going to want to partner with me and run. Someone was going to absolutely take me in and change my life. To be honest I figured it would be Jonathan Budd because he has a very similar story to mine. (I have never revealed my entire story, but its dark.) But in fact, nope… was 8-figure earner Mark Hoverson (who is now a co-owner of my new company) that I created with my partners Clifton and Ashley Hatfield. The first time I met Mark, was on top of the Torrey Pines trails right here in this picture. Click here to view it: => tinyurl/o2zvpa2 Mark Hoverson absolutely took me in, and our conversations for the rest of that trip completely changed my life. Everything he said from that point forward resonated with who I wanted to be and where I wanted to go. I almost couldn’t believe that he was taking so much time with me during that top 25 trip, but that’s what I mean when I say it was divine. He had no business wasting his time with little ol mini-affiliate me! The bottom line is that Mark Hoverson took me in and changed my freakin’ life! We went surfing on the last day of the mastermind and I asked Him right before he left, if we could do a webinar together promoting his stuff. NOTICE: Promoting HIS STUFF!... Not my stuff! (Do not ask leaders to promote your stuff until you grind it out for them and and make them a lot of money, if you want to become a leader or partner with them! I made Mark a lot of money before he ever considered partnering with me.) Anyway... To my surprise he agreed, and I ran with it. I promoted his face and my face all over Facebook and we went crazy on a webinar that brought in about $10,000. (That’s called capturing kings or leveraging leaders... something you will learn inside of our new system.) I made 50% of those profits… I did about $1500 in Facebook advertising for that... (put all of that on my credit card and prayed!) I made about $3500 net, and that is when things were really starting to look up. I was finally getting some money to take care of my soon to come little baby girl. But then… Mark says… “Hey Vince… why don’t you just roll your earnings into my other product and turn around and make more money?” I WAS LIKE… UH… UH…. So internally I said no… ...but externally I almost had to say yes, because he was just showing me the way I needed to go. So I rolled all of that commission into his higher ticket offer that would become my high ticket offer. (Something that we also put inside of this new system for you.) I WAS SCARED OUT OF MY MIND! So I went crazy (in a good way) – started doing a bunch of webinars to the email list I built up and just couldn’t muster up a sale. I was sort of depressed, but I knew I had people right on the ropes. So Mark goes… hey… watch my 21 closing secrets training... ...and so he gives me free access to those because I made him $5000 from that first webinar launch we did. I watch the 21 Amazing Word For Word Closing Secrets and... THE NEXT DAY… I CLOSE TWO SALES! MAKING $6500 IN ONE DAY! (Those same 21 closing secrets are inside our system.) You can get access to them here: https://hoverson.infusionsoft/go/ilnhomepage/iln7311/ My heart… …literally my heart started pounding out of my chest like you wouldn’t believe. I had never even come close to making $6500 bucks in one single day! Then after that… My income just snowballed… ...I ended up making about $30,000 in only 15 days and the rest of my businesses started to thrive. Hint: There is something POWERFUL about making a ton of money at once, it just really opens up your mind to bigger possibilities in all aspects of your life. So BAM... ...all of the things that I had in my mind prior to this sudden, and big success... ...started coming out really fast! My vision instantly expanded! EVERYTHING WAS NOW POSSIBLE! That Quick, Snowballed Success... Is How Mark And The Internet Lifestyle Changed My Vision And Future Forever! When I think about it… It was never really a product or an opportunity that changed my life. Rather... It was Mark, the man behind all of this initial shift, and my consistent action that has really changed my life. The products and network are of course the only way I could have received the monetary gain, because obviously they sell themselves. However… the main reason is... The Leadership of the Internet Lifestyle Network… Its the people... ...Its the wisdom you get from joining this community that is just priceless. Its so much more than just the money you will find out! I honestly don’t know where my life would be if I didn’t have the Internet Lifestyle Vision... ...I REALLY DONT! So here we are today… Mark Hoverson now trusts me enough to take all of his products and credibility and put it inside of my new company that you can now profit off of everything! To expand his POWERFUL WISDOM across millions of people around the world and change their lives. ...all while you profit from it at the same time! To make it the easiest internet marketing sales on the planet. Because as you can tell from my story above, what I did before, was exhausting for the average person to do. So we have created this new system that simple enough for anyone to do, if you have any little bit of drive and determination. Crazy thing is… ...Marks companies still sold about 30 million dollars of products the hard and slow way! So that right there tells you how simple this product and his wisdom is to sell! ...and now that he allowed us to house his wisdom and products inside of our system... people are creating the fastest success stories on the planet already because you can profit off of them! People are making money online for the first time in their lives that have been struggling for years and years and years!!! Check out the system here: https://hoverson.infusionsoft/go/ilnhomepage/iln7311/ As you can now see… I went from a failure to a leader within only 8 months. That is why I know that every single one of you who are reading this post today, can go from where you are today, to where you probably couldn’t have even dreamed of, when you take the Internet Lifestyle Network wisdom and affiliate program seriously... ...and run with it! You will absolutely love the online family you are going to become a part of when you join the Internet Lifestyle Network Family. We run toward the direction of our dreams together as a family... We all lift each other up and help each other out the best that we can, no matter whos team that we are on. When you join our Internet Lifestyle Network family… are going to breathe a sigh of relief… ...because you will finally feel like you found your entrepreneur home. Get The 8-Figure Leadership System To Live The Internet Lifestyle... And run with us today: https://hoverson.infusionsoft/go/ilnhomepage/iln7311/ ...if you want to change your future! Vincent Ortega Jr.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 00:32:05 +0000

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