THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST COMPELLING AND WELL WRITTEN THINGS I HAVE EVER READ - PLEASE READ IT FOR YOURSELF.... "The New Willie Lynch" When we hear the word hoax we immediately think of Big Foot, Lochness Monster, Abominable Snowman, and even perhaps what some consider as the ever absent African American father. I say this because we have never been able to prove that these things exist, but I believe they have become engrained in our culture as folk lore/urban legend designed to distract us from the truth, which is that none of these things actually exist. However, all of these things have a monetary value in our modern day culture. If we look at the Lochness Monster or “Nessy” hundreds of thousands of people flock to Ireland every year in hopes of confirming this mythical creature’s existence. This is a financial wind fall for the Irish government and it gives people the opportunity to believe that anything is possible. Much like the Lochness Monster, we have also heard of the Abdominal Snowman and Bigfoot. For years we have seen grainy videos of large hairy creatures from all parts of the world. I find it amazing that Google can shoot a picture of my house 500 miles above the earth yet no one has been able to get a clear video of a yeti, the Abominable Snowman, or Bigfoot. This is not to belittle or call anyone a liar, because our beliefs can certainly blind us to the facts. But suffice it to say that even with all of modern day technology, thus far we have not been able to verify the existence of any of these mythical creatures. The most elusive and mythical figure in the American culture is the so-called “elusive” Black father. Perhaps he exists in urban legend, and for years bedtime stories have been told to millions of little Black children by the angelic Black mother. She has been identified as the safety pin in the grenade that blew up the Black family. While she knows of the existence of the Black male, she has very little knowledge of the Black father. Just as most children are told bedtime stories about creatures of lore, Black children are told stories about their missing fathers. How do you go from being a man to a myth in Black America? You have children. In order to perpetuate and build on this myth, you must have a willing army to march forward repeating the myth. Unfortunately for Black America, the Black female is now the preferred solider in this army and she has become a tactical expert on this matter due to several years of outstanding training in the area of repeating propaganda. The training has been so expertly implemented she is not aware of her key role in spreading the propaganda. Statements such as “I don’t need a man” or “I am a proud single Black mother” are now worn as badges of honor. While these types of statements invoke pride and perceived achievement, the result of this indoctrination is a race that has nearly been destroyed. In any research paper that is written about the Black family, the standard conclusion is that the absence of the Black father is the reason we are not achieving. If we believe these researchers and academic professionals then we can conclude that the absence of someone is more influential than the presence of someone. However, the message fed to our young Black women seems to run counter to the data produced by academic institutions. If we dig a little deeper, we find that 50% of all Black males will not graduate from high school. However, the important data is that 80% of that 50% are from households that do not have interaction with the father. So, does one parent’s absence have a greater impact than the other parent’s presence? We can ask this question within the context of the Black out-of-wedlock birth rates and incarceration rates. If, in fact, the absence of the mythical creature called the Black father is the cause of the disintegration of an entire race, why would the females of that race willingly accept government supported exclusion? I say it is due to hundreds of years of brainwashing and financial rewards for supporting that exclusion. In our current political system the single Black mother is viewed as a very important voting bloc. She is praised and identified in speeches as the back bone of the Black family; and readily admired for her strength and courage. When the child is successful she is applauded. When the child fails she is told it is because the father is absent. This is where the brainwashing is evident. If it is believed that they have no responsibility for the failure and they are present, how can Black men be responsible for the failure if they are absent? These statements are not intended to vilify the Black female; however, she unknowingly has become the primary tool used to pry the Black male from his family. She has volunteered to be the voice that will repeat myths, such as “Black men are no good,” “Black men are dogs,” “Black men do not love their children,” and “Black men do not want to spend time with their children.” Where did these men learn this irresponsible behavior? They learned it from a parent that told them bedtime stories about a mythical creature called the Black father. These behavioral stereotypes are now primarily pushed forward by the Black female. She will call the father of her children “worthless,” “lazy,” “undependable,” “unloving,” “dumb,” “uneducated,” “shiftless,” etc. These are stereotypes that have been in place for hundreds of years in America, and unfortunately it is now unacceptable for these things to be stated openly by larger society. It remains unchallenged when the Black female openly makes these types of statements about Black men. In essence, the Black female has become the primary agent used against the Black family. Because she is of the same hue as the Black male, it seems acceptable for her to be the surrogate mouth piece for fearful and uneducated members of society who cling to stereotypes. It has taken hundreds of years of carrots and sticks to bring her to the point that she will not act in her family’s or her people’s best interest. She willingly repeats every stereotype about the men of her race while ignoring the fact her father is one of those men and her son will one day become one of those men. She believes she knows how to raise a boy to be a man when neither nature nor God has wholly equipped her with the temperament or the strength needed to lead a boy into manhood. Unfortunately, she has been led to believe that she can do all things, while in reality she is setting her offspring up for failure, or at least vast shortcomings. She is being used to continue to provide her offspring with weak minds yet strong bodies, the unwillingness to read, the inability to value education, and no desire to prosper. The Black female’s willingness to sacrifice her children in order to perpetuate a 300 year old myth is why we have not advanced. Once slavery ended the brainwashing of the Black female started, and it continues into the 21st century. Let us examine one of America’s biggest deceptions perpetrated on the Black race -- the Black male athlete. He is portrayed as a success story if he comes from a household in the so call “’hood,” was born to a single mother and “heavily disciplined” daily by her, taught that playing ball is the only way out of the ‘hood, that “daddy” does not matter, and that she had to be strong with her son so that he could be a successful athlete. Let us be honest -- there is a whole lot of brainwashing going on here. The young man believes that the only way out of his neighborhood is by playing some sort of “ball”, that all black people live in the ‘hood, that his daddy did not care, that his mother had to be hard on him, that there are no intact Black families, and of course the big one is that “if not for a ball I would be in jail.” White athletes are shown with their parents, as if their fathers were their coaches in life and sports (i.e., Peyton and Eli Manning). It is critical that we point this out because as a people we have always allowed others to define us. For the life of me I cannot understand why more mothers do not point out to whomever is interviewing them that “this young man has a father.” Regardless of what the relationship is between the parents, everyone has a mother and a father. If we delve deeper into history, we find that the responsibility for devaluation of the Black male shifted from White America to the Black female in the late 1950’s, when we were placed in large housing units in highly developed urbanized areas. I refer to what is known as the “ghetto” in large cities like Detroit, New York and Chicago. Once the voice shifted from White America to the Black female, there was no restraint on what could be said, where it could be said, or how it could be said. Once the voices changed, the proverbial carrots and sticks reward system was implemented, and soon thereafter the definition of the Black family included no father in the home, the woman as the picture of strength in the Black community, education has no value, and the Black female as the Black male’s greatest critic. It is clear that when the Black female is given an assignment she does an outstanding job. When we look at modern day marriage and the modern day Black female, we see a woman that has been told repeatedly “you do not need a man.” During slavery, Black slaves were not allowed to legally marry. While we live in different times and in a different environment, we are still experiencing a similar result -- a lack of legally recognized marriages. Lastly, there is no better example of the deception of not needing a man than the education deception. We tell the Black female you get an education in order to show the world you do not need a man, yet there is no better place than an institution of higher learning to find a man with potential and who wants to achieve something. The first thing young White women are taught is to find a husband in college. Young Black women have been brainwashed into believing that they can achieve more without a mate. Many Black females will read this and become angry and defensive. This is not intended to disparage the Black female. I am writing hoping that men and women will read this and realize the best opportunity for us as a people to succeed is through the cooperation and support of each other. It is far too difficult for us to have open and honest discussions about why we are not prospering in the wealthiest nation on earth, why our children struggle with social integration and academic achievement; and a host of other issues such as juvenile injustice, stereotypes, and gender identity. - ---- DID YOU GET ALL OF THAT, I SURE HOPE SO. THIS BLACK MAN PUT IT DOWN.
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 15:02:52 +0000

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