THIS IS PART OF THE GAME PLAN AND DEFENSE AND ATTACK TACTIC OF SHIA. ========================== They always trying asking questions about the Islamic History and now you are searching the internet for sunni side explanations…Your friend will tell you that this happened in history and they will give you references to your own books like Bukhari, Muslim etc or they will ask you questions wanting you to explain why this event happened …. they will want you to discuss and explain events like; • Ghadir Khumm • Burial of Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alayhe wasallam • Issue of Fadak • The Event of Pen and Paper • The Event of the Saqifa • The hadith of the cloak • Assault on Fatima (r) • Fatima’s anger with Abu Bakar (r) • The Battle of Siffin and Battle of Jamal • Tragedy of Karbala • Attitude of Muawiyah and Yazid • etc etc etc…. SO WHATS THE CATCH?? THUS the sunni Islam is wrong and Shia Islam is the truth! and lo and behold you will stupidly convert to Shiasm and marry your shia boyfriend/girlfriend then start to follow Khomeini. OPEN YOUR EYES!!! is that the way how prophet(s) and his ahlul bait spread Islam? what is the basis? Lets find out!!! The basis of any religion is its belief system (walang iba) – the Aqidah only (Creed) and not events of history. First of all the Shias are fed and brainwashed since their childhood and they are fed the ‘fabricated history’ which has been spun by the shias. The events and issues mentioned above all have logical explanations and most of all the history presented to us by the Shia is highly distorted. You will find the Truth in non shia books of history however, the point is that these issues are irrelevant and leads to nothing but endless debates. These events and their explanations are answered in all muslim and non muslim historians. Now. if for the sake of argument, you accept the shia versions of history and accept the events as the shia say happened, this in no way proves that the Twelver Shia is the right version of Islam. Why you supposed to ask that…because.. read carefully!! this is important, the other sects of shias also believe in the above events of history, but they are not twelver shias. Do you know who these other sects are? They are Boris, Agha Khanis/Ismailies and zaidis. Do you know whats the difference amongst them? Its Immamat The 12er shias claim that there are 12 imams and they were appointed by Allah and the twelfth one is in hiding, but the Agha Khanis say that the chain of Imams has continued till this day and Prince Karim Agha Khan is the present day Imam and the Immamat did not end at the 12th hidden Imam..then there are Zaidis who only believe in the first five Imams. !! Plus there were many many sects of shias which have faded and everytime their imam died they fell into dispute as to who should be the next imam and this led to creation of many sects among them! So the main thing to prove shiim is their concept of Imamiyah. 1. Who chose the imams and how? 2. If Ali chose Hasan to be Imam, then shouldn’t Hasan’s son be the next Imam? Why did Hussain become the next Imam and who chose him? (raduallahu anhum) 3. Why did the Imamat continue in the sons of Hussain and not Hasan? (r.a) 4. What was the purpose of having Imams after the Prophethood had ended? Wasn’t the Quran left behind enough? 5. If the purpose was to keep the mankind on the right path, then why did the 12th Imam disappear into hiding? 6. Can the shias prove the concept of Immamat from the Quran if it is such a major pillar of shia belief? Apart from the unexplained system of choosing of Imams and the mystery of the 12th Imam… the main issue where Shias and Ahlus Sunnah differ is the system of belief i.e. the creed and most importantly Tawheed. Shirk, which is the opposite of Tawheed is deeply prevalent in Shiasm. One simple example is that they call out to their Imam for help by stating Ya Ali Madad, Ya Abbas.. Ya Hussain.. even though Allah has told us to call HIM ALONE for help. Iyaaka Naa’budu wa iyaka Nasteen. You Alone We Worship and You Alone we ask for help. One should especially note their beliefs regarding Allah and their Imams and it should suffice that Shiasm is a religion based on shirk. One thing that I found astounding when interacting with shias was they were very well aware about the events mentioned above but they have no clue what’s in their own hadith books. Infact apart of Nahjul Balagha, they don’t even know the names of their own hadith and fiqh books! Many things negating the shia beliefs are found in the book “Nahjul Balagha” a book containing the sermons of Ali radiallahu anhuma. The source of this book is unknown and its authenticity is questionable so just like the Bible it contain sermons of Ali, some of which appear to be fabricated and some appear to be the real words of Ali as they are aggreable to Quran and Sunnah. I have further classified these sermons as ‘True Words’. Amazingly one can find Pure Tawheed as found in the Quran and Sunnah in the sermons of Ali and in the same book the ‘lies’ attributed to Ali are full of shirk and deviation. It is hoped that this will lead you to explore the Shia religion further and realize the shirk and deviation of this religion disguised as Islam. #saif
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 12:45:54 +0000

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