THIS IS REALLY LONG BUT YOU MAY UNDERSTAND WHAT IM SAYING IF YOU READ MY ENTIRE STATEMENT, IM A UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CITIZEN & I WILL ALWAYS REMAIN ONE EVEN UNTO DEATH! On this 238th Birthday of The United States Of America, I was sitting and looking at our past and what we have become and I had to write this & ponder, What Has Happened To The Land Of The Free & Home Of The Brave! If this upsets you well then You dont need to be in Our Nation, the door is open for you to exit. What happened to Our America? We used to wake up & feel, smell, taste & take pride in Our America, in Our freedoms, Our rights to Free Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom to Raise Our Families, Run Our Farms and Our Businesses, Freedom to Hunt & Fish and live off Our land, Freedom to roam Our Countryside without worry or suppression. Where has this all gone? Yes, What has happened to Our America? The Nation that other Nations once strived so hard to be like. Our Nation that Manufactured & Exported more goods than it imported and only imported items that were of quality and would last as American Made Products use to! Our Nation whose People Worked for what they earned and earned fair salaries for the jobs they done. What has happened to our America? The Land where when We started School each & every morning we Honored Our Country with Our Pledge of Allegiance & lifted Prayers to Our Heavenly Father to Ensure Our Country remained free. What has happened to Our America? Where only those who were physically unable to work were provided temporary welfare assistance, and when you were able to return to work you did and paid back in to what was loaned out to you by welfare and you felt proud that you paid it back. What has happened to Our America? The land where We Defended Our Freedom & Protected Our Shores From Foreign Threats and Guarded Our Borders using force if necessary, Denying Illegal Aliens Access To Our Nation. YES, What has happened to Our America? The America that Our Airmen, Marines, Sailors, Soldiers & Guardsmen have fought many enemies in defense of Our Freedom & Our Rights. Many of These Men & Women have Given there Lives to maintain Our Freedoms & Way Of Life. What has happened to Our America? This Land Is Your Land, This Land Is My Land From California To The New York Islands, From The Redwood Forest To The Gulf Stream Waters This Land WAS Our Land. What has happened to Our America? Where Francis Scott Key set writing Say Can You, See By The Dawns Early Light! Where Men Like Lee Greenwood writes & sings GOD BLESS THE USA. Having Real Americans like John Wayne telling us, Why He Loves America & Why its important we remain Proud & Free. The Duke Speaks of the America I remember when I was growing up, a The America I Was Proud To Be From! Where Men Like Ray Charles sing & play GOD BLESS AMERICA at the Top of His Glorious voice and pounding out those piano keys like no other could. Where Women like Ella Fitzgerald & Della Reese sing AMERICA with tears rolling from their eyes & streaming down their cheeks. Where Great Men like Robert E. Lee & Ulysses S. Grant shake hands at the end of a long war over Freedom and both immediately begin to heal the wounds and bind Our nation together again. Where Presidents like Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, & Ronald Reagan put Our Country 1st above themselves to insure Our Liberty & Freedom remains in tact and that we Shall defend Our Nation & Our way of life against all enemies. YES, What has happened to Our America? Where Freedom, Liberty, Pride & Prosperity inspired Men like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and Ben Franklin to fight a superior and domineering enemy in order to achieve those Rights & desires that We all share. What has happened to Our America? THINK PEOPLE! What has Become Of Our America? Where did Our Grand Lady Go? We No Longer Hold Our Heads Up High, We No Longer desire to be Free, We No Longer Want to Produce & Export. We no longer show Our Pride in Our Nation, Our Flag, Our Symbol-The Bold North American Bald Eagle. We no longer Stand at Attention with Our Right hand over Our Heart when Our Flag passes by, Only Our Old Military stands & salutes for He or She Remembers What Our Nation is & what weve been through over the past 238 years. What has happened to Our America? We Want Our Government to provide us with everything on earth while we sit on our butts and allow Dictators that we elect to unlawfully rewrite Our Laws & Violate Our Constitution & Bill Of Rights and further all them to rule over us as they please. What has happened to Our America? People, We are whats happened to Our America! We are the problem in Our America. Its No Longer Our America, but america of a select few, because We The People Are Afraid To Speak The Truth for fear of offending someone. Afraid To Stand Up For Our Rights. Afraid To Uphold & Defend The Constitution & Bill of Rights. Afraid To Fight The Oppressive Government BigWigs who sit on their behinds collecting Our Hard Earned Money to pad their pockets & then give the rest to those Who are To Sorry To Get Off Their Asses and work for it. What has happened to Our America? The Far Left Liberals who believes the Government owes them whatever they desire, The Democrat Give Me Everything Wanter, The Conservative Republican who Believes that They are The Rightful Rulers of America, & The Extreme Far Right Conservatives Who believe nothing is right or useful unless it comes from them. Yes, and even the lil ole Independent who is stuck in the middle and unwilling to make a decision because they dont want to loose their cherished little cushy spot. What has happened to Our America? WE THE PEOPLE HAVE KICKED GOD OUT OF OUR COUNTRY & STOPPED EXERCISING OUR RIGHTS. Until WE THE PEOPLE, & Im talking THE WORKING CLASS UNITED STATES CITIZENS stand up against this inner tyranny, WE THE PEOPLE WILL NEVER SEE OUR AMERICA AGAIN. What has happened to Our America? Its been covered over by POLITICAL BS & CRIMINAL POLITICIANS. Look at whats running Our Nation today & then Read The Bible, Then You Will see whats happened to Our Nation. Its time WE THE PEOPLE TAKE OUR NATION BACK! When a Free Governing Body becomes to Big its time for WE THE PEOPLE to Overthrow & Overhaul the Governing body! MAY GOD BLESS OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, & GRANT US THE STRENGTH, COURAGE & DIGNITY TO RETURN THIS TO OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! By the way if you dont like this, TOUGH, IM EXERCISING MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AS GRANTED TO ME BY BEING A CITIZEN OF THIS NATION. GOD Blessed America over the past 238 years, Im praying he helps us return to our senses and grants Our America another 238 years but the way were headed right now Only GOD can turn us around.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 02:27:43 +0000

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