THIS IS SD_ECBS RESEARCH: The UFO AT THE MOON DISCUSSION even called APOLLO 20 DISCUSSION The SD_ECBS RESEARCH TEAM presenting this since years... So again the swaying. The Lunar Institute is a subsidiary of NASA. This server is officially. Ok here is the position on the moon on a photo taken. You can see the object.. It is on the right site near the big crater and every idiot is able to see it, right? One sees a spaceship-like object that is adjacent to the large crater in a smaller crater and the most obviously on fine sand and there is not a rock must have landed it there. It forms on the moon no cigar-shaped rocks of 1.8 km from the sand rises oh please do not, there is no erosion, no wind, no weather ...... The fact that is is positioned above the crater and obviously not a mountain or something in the sand it have to be something special...........(We post this for years into the community and I cant believe that noone is working with this data THIS IS A OFFICIAL SERVER DATA!!!!!!!!!)......... The official Lunar and Planetary Institute grounded in 1969 is a scientific research institute dedicated to study of the solar system, its formation, evolution, and current state. The Institute is part of the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) and is supported by the Science Mission Directorate of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Located at 3600 Bay Area Boulevard in Houston, Texas, the LPI maintains an extensive collection of lunar and planetary data, carries out education and public outreach programs, and offers meeting coordination and publishing services. The LPI sponsors and organizes several workshops and conferences throughout the year including the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) held in March in the Houston area. Wonderful this is not blurred and everyone can see an detailed object opened with the December 2009 article in an Austrian Newspaper is really to find in the pics of the official servers. It seems to be no rock of meteorite-impact. Check on your own. For the proof of higher ranks or spacegods we have found more than enough in the past 6 years of research. Join our newsfeeds on facebook. On of the first reporting newspapers war from Austria a4.l3-images.myspacecdn/images02/141/2add674bd14f4baf935e5213d8bc124c/l.jpg UFOS ON THE MOON supporters-desk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=115&Itemid=30#p1429 SD_ECBS information-desk on GOOGLES for free! this site is presented by the SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE Other SD_ECBS-research Moon debate Pyramids This is the NASA-Databank where it came from by some idiots making HOAX about the serious work of Ufologists and Researchers all round the world. Even on the Abovetopsecret-site this is posted. It is trash crap hoax and no good for the community of people interested in looking into heaven. YOU SEE THE DECK OF THE EAGLE LANDING PLATFORM OF THE APOLLOMODELLS AND THE PRESHUTS OF THE BY HAINDLING by CAMERAS. ON THE FOLLOWING of this series and by a 15% left turn you see what it was the dark part of the platform of the Eagle and some under light fog of the organic film there are structures and pyramids on the moon but not this! SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE DON’T LIKE IT! READ IT! Never give up the social network called Facebook! We can make a change if we are interested…. THIS IS UNDER THE LEAD OF THE GODS. EARTH NEED A CHANGE! So you start with a click on this pic for more information service this is the SD_ECBS FREE DATABASE presented on facebook for nonprofit earth-optimizing reasons. STUDY THE COMMENT-FEEDS OF OUR ALBUMS. THATS FASTER THAN YOU SEARCH FOR ALL DATA! TELL YOUR FRIENDS. SUPPORT US! In 1983 we were ordered to create the EARTHCOLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE and the SUPPORTERS-DESK in a time when supporters were supporting their sports LOL. We were ordered to work on MISNIC not really able to understand that all in the early 1980th. Today we know we are the SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE Now we know (study the comment –feeds of the posted photo as data-containers on facebook) DON’T LIKE IT. READ IT. THIS MAY CHANGE YOUR LIFE! The more friends we have on facebook, the less do we use our facebook for knowledge-profit. We only handle data …. FIRST UNDERSTAND THIS HOLY PLANET MOTHER EARTH AND HOW SHE PROTECTS US THE WONDER TO BE HERE! https://facebook/notes/visitorsenlightenment-open-all-comments-for-full-information-service/the-last-guy-programming-research-posts-on-facebook/625186210869202 To stay in such a paradise protected by magnetism living on a big magnet in a habitable zone just so small like magic...with moon stabilizing us and without him we wouldnt have weather we wouldnt exists.....all made by the spacegods...... youtube/watch?v=ORDUXw3k8eY youtube/watch?v=G0tQnRWCrEI&feature=share TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS! Here comes the really important information into the world of the information society, or better say they forgot you to tell about!! LOL Hi there and this nonprofit environmental support service is new installed. We have over 6 million visitors in our network and on myspace so we just began on Summer 2011 programming facebook with all news for free as an instant informing system for all. THEREFOR WE INVENTED THE SD_ECBS-FACEBOOK DATA-CONTAINERS IN WHICH YOU WILL FIND A SUMMARY OF TOP LINKS CONCERNING THE PHOTO WE JUST POST. SO YOU ARE INFORMED INSTANTLY ABOUT REAL DIFFICULT RESEARCH CLIMAX WHATFOR YOU NEED YEARS OF SEARCHING IN THE INTERNET. The more the internet-community know the better can we protect our wonderful world as paradise in comparison to -270degrees Celsius in space. The history of the past has shown it is a matter of knowledge what is going on in the world for its protection and wow what a wonder to stay on this holy thing magnetic earth protecting us from the evil sunradiation and wow the habitable zone is just as big as earth size and wow the moon is positioned in an perfect orbit without we wont have stabile weather conditions and wow they have found more amino acids on meteorites than we even know on earth a.s.o. Welcome to the world of SD_ECBS AGENCY for NETWORKING ON THE FRONTLINES powered by the SUPPORTERS-DESK of the EARTH COLONIES BROADCASTING SERVICE The famous sign on the Great Britains summer fields of 2001 including the Aricebo-signal-answer. Many cropcircle activities happened in 2001 around Europe but especially England and Italy! SD_ECBS support the CROPCIRCLE-DISCLOSURE and like to inform about the information from outerspace. The cropcircle-phenomena is not new. 1678 pamphlet on the Mowing-Devil Study the links under this photo in the comment –feed of it: 2 CROP-CIRCLE SIGNS REPLIED ON THE ARICEBO-SIGNALS SUMMER 2001 facebook/photo.php?fbid=348669945167931&set=a.348664338501825.87486.237775506257376&type=3&theater Here comes the fightback!.. CLICK ON THE LINK NOT ON THE FLAGG FOR THE SD_ECBS DATA CONTAINERS BANK AS NONPROFIT INSTANT INFORMATION BANK FOR EARTHOPTIMIZATION...... Study the links under this photo in the comment –feed of it: SD_ECBS support the SIGNS FOR HIGHER RANKS DISCLOSURE https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.454287134606211.110348.237775506257376&type=3 TEMPLE OF SETI “Rose of life” Abydos, Egppt facebook/photo.php?fbid=456283251073266&set=a.426457824055809.103670.237775506257376&type=3&theater “Flower of Life” by Nassim Haramein, Quantum Physicist. After awakening at 15 years old, Nassim spent his career proving sacred geometry as understood in metaphysic traditions to be accurate understandings regarding the oneness in universal spirituality and that these beautiful ancient artworks are actually codes to activate a sophisticated energy source known in modern math as the Abha Torus Vortex, which generates continual free energy from non-local consciousness. It’s the God particle that CERN is working on trying to simulate. youtube/watch?v=lymI67Y90m8 The following photo-album-banks are data-containers on facebook installed by the SD_ECBS BADGAT-BATTERY DISCLOSURE https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.426457824055809.103670.237775506257376&type=3 SD_ECBS support the 270 mill. UTAH SHOEPRINT-DISCLOSURE https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.426950177339907.103741.237775506257376&type=3 SD_ECBS support the ICA-STONES-RESEARCH https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.426830210685237.103717.237775506257376&type=3 SD_ECBS support the 2,8 billion years old Klerksdorp Spheres research and publication https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.454493621252229.110414.237775506257376&type=3 youtube/watch?v=obGrWTju904 SD_ECBS support the BAALBEK-RESEARCH https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.465840803450844.113871.237775506257376&type=3 youtube/watch?v=XDlxqU1MqPs Study the comment-feed of this picture...a real brainstorm... https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=180540632028083&set=a.180539938694819.45981.179697398779073&type=1&theatre The first recorded UFO-EYE-WHITNESS HAPPEND IN OLD EPYPT and WOW reason why they have these strange houses (pyramids)? youtube/watch?v=G0tQnRWCrEI&feature=share Latest research found out that we have a network of pyramids all around the world calling the World pyramids-grid-system.,r:6,s:0,i:100&tx=73&ty=42
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 13:05:51 +0000

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