THIS IS SOME OF THE STORIES OF MY SISTER TERESA (NELLESEN) ADAMS OF HEALINGS & MIRACLES. My story of my faith began when I was a little girl. I grew up in a traditional Catholic family. I am the youngest and only girl of 4 children. My middle brother Mark became a Christian when he was about 21. This was quite a shock for my parents to accept, breaking away from the only thing they believed was the “true faith”. Mark had a real wild side and If you knew him prior to this, it was definitely a big change for him. Our family saw how God changed his heart and began a wonderful work in him. We all accepted the Lord soon after that, I was 13. This was the first time in my life I was introduced to a personal relationship with Jesus. Only a few years later we discovered that I had Hodgkin’s Disease. My family was devastated. The only thing they knew about the disease is that it was the big “C” word. I was always in good health and very active. It came as quite a shock to everyone. For some strange reason I remember being completely at peace with everything. I believed God was going to take care of me. One night before having my spleen removed, my brother Mark came by my hospital bed and prayed with me. He said, “I want you to know that God is going to perform a miracle”. I was excited to see what God was going to do. The next morning they wheeled me into surgery. When I awoke the next day, I was told that when they went to remove my spleen that there was a auxiliary (or baby ) spleen next to the large one growing! They said they left it in because someday it would grow to replace the one they took out. The chances of the happening were astonishing. That is when I started believing in miracles. Just little reminders that our Lord is so ever present in our lives. The following year was a very difficult year, I lost most of my hair and was very tired from the radiation treatment but God showed us He was always in control. I was able to return to my high school, Mater Dei, and graduated a few years later. My focus was not always on the Lord. I went through times when I didn’t think I “needed him”. My boyfriend at that time was a exceptional athlete who lettered in football and baseball at Mater Dei. He received a scholarship to Cal. State Fullerton to play baseball. It was the next year that he suddenly died from a rare disease that attacked his heart. My life again was in total disarray. “Why did this happen to me Lord?”, I cried out. I thought my life would never be the same again. That next year I was asked to participate in the Miss Anaheim Pageant. I didn’t believe that I was capable of winning or even had the courage to do it, but something pushed me to trust again. I started growing closer to the Lord once again and began to realize that during the tough times in my life I would fall humbly before him. I know that the Lord does not want me to suffer. He wants me! I suppose He will get my attention one way or another. That next year I was crowned Miss Anaheim! What a wonderful year this would be for me. I meet so many wonderful people and built relationships that would last forever. That is where I met the man whom would soon be my husband. He was a professional football player and I was introduced to him by the director of the pageant. We married right after my 21st birthday. At that time in my life he seemed to be everything I ever wanted. I wasn’t able to allow myself to fall in love after the death of my high school boyfriend, Danny. I was too afraid of being hurt again. However, I was determined to make it right and have the “perfect marriage”. We had our daughter “McCall” a few years later. I was told I might not even be able to have children considering the massive amount of radiation throughout my stomach and chest area, yet God had other plans and truly blessed us with a beautiful healthy girl. My husband traveled a lot throughout the season and the lifestyle we lead put a lot of stress on us. He spent a lot of time in bars with his teammates and friends and it lead to many sleepless nights of wondering where he was and what was he doing. Because of my faith and determination I did not want to give up. I would beg him to change and be more committed to our marriage. He always responded with remorse and encouraged, so I would proceed to fight on with our troubles. Four years after McCall was born, I gave birth to my second child, Chase. A bountiful baby boy! Just what his daddy wanted. On the outside we looked like the perfect couple, but underneath it all was total heartache for me. I wanted so bad to have a loving, Christian, relationship with my husband. That apparently was not going to happen for me. After 12 years of marriage I finally found the courage to leave. It was a tremendous struggle, yet considering my faith I did not want my children to think that this is what a marriage should be. I moved into a condo that my parents owned and began raising my children as a “divorcee”. What an ugly title I have won now!! I felt so ashamed about how my life turned out. I would wonder if The Lord even still loved my at times. I even thought about if I was worthy of his love. Somehow once again I knew He was there and loved me regardless of my disgrace. Through difficult times I once again grew closer to the Lord. Depending on his word and prayerfully asking for his guidance. I would focus on my children and try to make this an easy passage for them. Soon after I began dating, only to realize what a nightmare that was. There was this wonderful Christian couple whom I knew from my daughter’s soccer team. I could see what a incredible Godly relationship that they had, and thought, would I ever have that in my life? I wanted that so bad. They were so kind and considerate to each other and had been married for quite some time. They didn’t know but I would watch them and secretly cry in my car, praying for God to bring me a marriage like that. Shortly after, I was introduced to a wonderful man. I was full of skepticism. We dated for awhile and he seemed too good to be true. Just about when I was going to break it off with him, I saw my girlfriend at church. She was the wife of the couple I was referring to earlier. We chatted for a while and I told her about the man that I met and how wonderful he was, but that I thought it was too good to be true and too soon after my breakup. She looked at me, held my hand and said, “Isn’t this what you have been praying for?” I replied, “well yes, but the timing doesn’t seem right.” She responded “maybe it isn’t your timing but it is God’s timing”. It hit me like a ton of bricks. YES, this is what I have been praying for and I am going to trust God! We dated for two years and I married the man God had brought to me. Sometime things are right there in front of your face and you can’t even see it! We pray together daily, and God is right there in the center of our lives. Just what I asked for. Thank you Lord. It was 2 years into our marriage when one Mother’s day, my precious son Chase came jumping in my bed to give me my Mother’s day present. He was leaning against my left breast and I noticed a unusual lump. It felt hard and a bit sore. I thought, maybe I should get that checked. The following day I scheduled an appointment with my Doctor. Through a series of test I came to realize that once again I had CANCER! NO, I thought, this can’t be true. I had my cancer as a child and I can’t possibly have it again! “This is not fair.” I am finally happy with my life and my children cannot live without their mommy! Please God I screamed “help me, don’t let me die!” Even though the next year was one I never expected, I came to realize that this was Gods plan for my life. I would change into the person I am today. One that thanks Him every morning that I wake, and every day I get to spend with my precious children. Life can be crazy, hectic, cruel, and extremely stressful, but somehow I rejoice in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding and know that I am forever blessed for all that He has done for me and my life. I await the unforeseen blessing’s that He has for me, good or bad it is all in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. ~ By Teresa (Nellesen) Adams The following is from Mark Nellesen: That isnt all because when the doctor came back and said that the cancer had not reached the spline and after removing it said there was another spline which would grow into place , we were amazed and asked what does that mean ? The doctor said ; chances of someone having an extra spline are millions to one and for Teresa to have another one it must have been a miracle !!! Then they ran the test again to see about the cancer in her lymph nods and it was gone through-out her body. The part that was too bad is they didnt realize how radiation effected other parts of the body and went ahead out of precaution and radiated her lymph nods anyway. Yrs. later she developed breast cancer and they found her heart had been damaged as well due to the radiation. The doctor decided to do her breast cancer surgery and later deal with the heart. I tell people that Teresa is like the cat with 9 lives , and she is a walking testimony that Jesus heals today . If we knew how many times the Lord has healed us we would be amazed (well find that out when we get to Heaven) , it is great to see it in my sister and know that we can have proof of it through the inspiration of people like her. She has had many other health issues over the years & always comes out better after much prayer & the repairing other damaged veins & parts including two of the veins going to her brain in her neck. Now all these years later once again Teresa (my sister) is facing surgery once again on Monday at USC Medical Center with the top heart surgeon in America. She also has Dr. Jesus who has another opportunity to heal Teresa or do another miracle. Just last week at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, my dad (Earl) anointed her with oil & prayed over her as she was going in for surgery to get what the doctors thought was 95% blockage in a main artery. (This was necessary to do the major heart surgery.) When they opened her up, they found NO BLOCKAGE and said it must have been a shadow they were seeing from a bone instead of the blockage. HOW ABOUT JUST ANOTHER HEALING FROM DR, JESUS??? PLEASE PRAY FOR TERESA THIS WEEK-END & MONDAY 11-11-13 AS SHE GETS MAJOR OPEN HEART SURGERY & VALVES REPLACED & TRIPLE BY-PASS & REPAIRING OTHER DAMAGE DONE BY RADIATION YEARS AGO. EXPECTING ANOTHER MIRACLE!!! Thanks & God bless you!!! Love in Jesus, Mark
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 14:50:50 +0000

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