THIS IS THE CAUSE OF YOUR POVERTY My desire to stay with you - TopicsExpress


THIS IS THE CAUSE OF YOUR POVERTY My desire to stay with you from time to time is very important. A great many of you do not know this important lesson. And this lesson is of such great importance that it requires all your attention. Your twenty years in Brotherhood does not matter. If you do not respond adequately to the various calls in this kingdom, you have not understood one bit where you are. READ MATTHEW 13:12: “FOR WHOSOEVER HATH TO HIM SHALL BE GIVEN AND HE SHALL HAVE MORE IN ABUNDANCE: BUT WHOSOEVER HATH NOT, FROM HIM SHALL BE TAKEN AWAY EVEN THAT HE HATH.” You have heard that. Put this advice into proper demonstration and you will see how much it matters in your life. What is done in heaven is done on earth. GOD IS UNIVERSAL AND A QUICKENING SPIRIT, PERFORMING ALL HIS ACTIONS BY HIMSELF. That is why all things in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star are replica of him. God says the little one has will be taken away from him and added to the one who has much. TIGHT-FISTED PEOPLE ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE LITTLE. WHETHER YOU HAVE ONE DOLLAR YOU MUST SUPPORT THE WORK OF GOD. THE PERSON WHO HAS MUCH AND UTILIZES SAME ADEQUATALY, USUALLY MORE WILL BE EXTRACTED FROM THE MISERS WHO HAVE LITTLE AND GIVEN TO HIM WHO HAS MORE AND UTILIES THE ABUNDANCE VERY WILL. GOOD HEALTH, WEALTH, AND EVERY OTHER TYPES OF NEEDS HANG ON THIS GOSPEL. LIFE, BEAUTY, WISDOM, ALL DESIRES, WHETHER HUMAN OR NOT HANG SIMILARLY UNTO THIS PIECE OF ADVICE. GOD DOES NOT WANT ANY PERSON TO HOARD THE GIFTS BESTOWED UPON HIM. WHETHER THE GIFT IS WISDOM, YOU HAVE TO SPREAD IT EVENLY TO OTHERS WHO HAVE NONE, OTHERWISE BOTH WISDOM AND YOURSEFL WILL BE TAKEN AWAY. YOU MUST UTILIZE EVERY GIFT GOD GIVES UNTO YOU. AS MUCH AS YOU UTILIZE THE GIFTS HE BESTOWS UPON YOU, SAME MEASURE SHALL HE MINISTER UNTO YOU IN RETURN. NO GIFT FROM GOD IS YOUR BONAFIDE PROPERTY. THE REASON YOU LACK IS BECAUSE YOU ARE TIGHT FISTED AND VERY STINGY. If you have the power of prayer, let others avail themselves of this gift by you always offering prayers to them and you will find that their problems will be over. First and foremost find out by yourself how you will let others benefit from your gifts. You will first of all request from God, i.e. ask God to reveal to you your special gifts and talents, to use them to serve him. The father in turn will bless you with more gifts. IF YOU LIKE TRY THIS ADVICE, WHATEVER YOU WANT, BE CHARITABLE. WHEREVER YOU HIDE YOUR GIFT, WEALTH, MONEY, IF YOU ARE STINGY WITH THEM, YOU WOULD SOON FIND OUT THAT THESE POSSESSIONS GET LOST WHETHER YOU HID THEM UNDERGROUND, IN YOUR BOSSOM, RUST WOULD DESTROY THEM BECAUSE YOU REFUSED TO BE BENEVOLENT. HAVE THIS ADVICE AS YOUR ASSIGNMENT. ALWAYS GIVE GIFTS. If you were here yesterday morning you would have seen a certain pastor who came here. He had promised the Holy Father that as soon as his contract sum was released to him, he would give the Father a greater part of it as tithe. But when the contract was executed and he was paid, he forgot about the pledge and the Father. And so, because he refused to fulfill the promise and he intended use the whole money for the new business, the money had disappeared. He came back to plead with the Father for forgiveness and promised that henceforth he will fulfill his vows. Many of you are like this man. You dabble in rituals and so many other unmentionable ways just to get money. You have heard about our brother, one brother Okon Ntuk. Were it not for Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, his whole family would have perished. The Father had immensely blessed his family so much that they have got almost every material thing imaginable, but they always fail to respond to invitations for functions. For instance, when Brother Eyibio and others wanted to hold some fundraising, this same Brother Okon Ntuk promised 50,000 Nairas in IOU. Up till today, he has not redeemed it despite the immense wealth he and his family has. THE POVERTY OF AFRICA IS AS A RESULT OF THIS GOSPEL. AFRICANS DO NOT FANCY SINCERITY. AFRICANS SEEEM NOT TO BE AWARE OF THIS GOSPLE OF GIVING. THAT IS WHY OTHERS CAME EASILY AND DECEIVED THEM AND CARTED AWAY THEIR WEALTH. Even the one naira you contribute goes a very long way to defreeze your money which was tied down, seized, or frozen somewhere, and which you have done everything possible to get released but all your efforts are to no avail. This one naira which you contribute CAN PHYSICALLY AND SPIRITUAL GET YOUR MILLIONS OF NAIRA RELEASED BECAUSE YOU CONTRIBUTED WHOLEHEARTEDLY TO THE FATHER’S WORK. THIS BIBICAL LESSON IS VERY TRUE. IF YOU CONTINUE TO SAY YOU DO NOT HAVE AND THEREFORE YOU CONTINUE TO BE SELFISH AND TIGHT-FISTED, SIMILARLY WHATEVER YOU HAVE WILL BE TAKEN FROM YOU AND YOU WILL REMAIN IN POVERTY. YOU MUST DISTRIBUTE YOUR MONEY, FOOD, CLOTHES, WISDOM TO OTHERS. IT IS A STANDING ORDER AND IT IS A VERITABLE TRUTH THAT SOMETHING HAS TO GO FOR SOMETHING TO COME. IF YOU ARE SELFISH IT MEANS YOU ARE A POOR STORE KEEPER. YOU LACK THE SPIRIT OF GIVING AND IF YOU CONTINUE IN YOUR CRAFTINESS, GOD CAN DECIDE TO EMPTY YOUR WHOLE TREASURY WITHIN THE TWINKLE OF AN EYE AND HE WILL ADD YOUR WEALTH TO THOSE WHO HAVE MORE THAT IS IF YOU DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THE WEALTH HE HAS GIVEN YOU APPORIATELY. READ JOHN 15:15: “HENCEFORTH I CALL YOU NOT SERVANTS FOR THE SERVANT KNOWETH NOT WHAT HIS LORD DOETH. BUT I HAVE CALLED YOU FRIENDS, FOR ALL THINGS THAT I HAVE HEARD OF MY FATHER I HAVE MADE KNOWN UNTO YOU.” Have you heard such wonderful wisdom? If our Lord Jesus Christ had not distributed this wisdom, would this wisdom have continued till today? People do not know what you have seen in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. I have released all that I have and so Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is going to stand forever. As I do not hoard my wisdom or anything I have, therefore all things here in this kingdom must be shared. I have revealed all things to every Tom, Dick and Harry. Therefore, you have the right to go anywhere to proclaim this understanding to others. The problem of man is as a result of hiding his talents and not allowing others to benefit from him. THE SECRET OF BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR IS SIMPLY THIS GOSPEL. Right from my infancy, this gospel has been prevalent in me; in fact, it has been my watchword not just because I love you or something. I USUALLY SHARED OUT ALL MY POSSESSIONS. IT HAS BEEN MY LONG STANDING STYLE OF LIFE. THIS IS BECAUSE I KNOW THAT GIVING BRINGS RATHER BRINGS IN MORE THINGS TO ME. DO NOT WORRY YOURSELF TO GET VISIONS, TO DREAM DREAMS, TO PROPHESY OR FAST, BUT MAKE SURE YOU GIVE THOSE WHO ARE LESS PRIVILEGED. IN YOUR WHOLE LIFE YOU WILL BE FILLED WITH GOD’S BLISSFUL NATURE. READ 2ND CORINTHIANS 8:9 “FOR YE KNOW THE GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST THAT THOUGH HE WAS RICH YET FOR YOUR SAKE HE BECOME POOR THAT YE THROUGH HIS POVERTY MIGHT BE RICH.” BE MINDFUL OF THIS SPIRITUAL FOOD: Do not let me hear you say again that you lack anything. If you insist, the father will also be sending angels to siphon the remaining ones that you hoard. Every time the Father’s gospel is over, you always hurry, pick up your bags and off you go, especially when fund-raising is mentioned. What is that? If it were that there is always a banquet in the place of launchings, would you be hurrying to pick your bags and flee when the gospel is over? His name and reign are endless. Those twelve powers of man are supposed to be hidden and exclusive treasures of God, yet he shares them. Supposing that he hid them, how would we have benefited from these mighty powers? Do you not say you do not have these powers? Is there anyone who does not have these powers? Pray for anyone who insist, that he does not have these powers because he is a child of perdition. You have the words, your ears, hands, legs, everything in you. Use them adequately to serve others. Every member of your body is your gift to use to the maximum. A stroke of the cane is sufficient for the wise. Let the Father’s peace abide with the whole world, Amen. THANK YOU FATHER.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 01:09:46 +0000

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