THIS IS THE FIRST PRINCIPLE YOU SHOULD TAKE TO HEART IN 2015. I KNOW I WILL< HOW ELSE WILL I RECEIVE IN HIS GLORY? We cannot expect our situations to improve unless we learn how to improve our attitude about giving. Giving involves far more than money. Giving is an attitude that allows us to give all that we are, have and possess in the Holy Spirit to provide greater glory for God. Giving begins with the realization that “From Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity.” (Rom. 11:35,36). In other words, He is the source, the means and the goal of all of life. The basic principle that Jesus is teaching is that if you want to change what you are getting then we must begin by giving love, goods, services, resources, time, energy, commitment, teaching, intercessory prayer support and whatever it is that we believe would give God the greatest glory. Many of us do not give because we are afraid of losing the little resources we have. However, Jesus assures us that whatever we have belongs to Him anyway and if we give it away He will replace it with everything that we according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Giving is an antidote for anxiety of all sorts. We simply give what He has given to us today and then we do not have to worry about what we will need for tomorrow.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 05:10:50 +0000

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