THIS IS THE FLYER I HANDED OUT TONIGHT AT THE COUNCIL MEETING. 2014, A TIME FOR CHANGE IN CHESTER COUNTY? As we look towards the future, Please Read these “decades old” Chester County newspaper headlines. Then ask yourselves do they ring true, today? January 1980, Headline, “Will Council- Supervisor Form Bring Change?” A former Chester County council chairman said this, "The wrong type of individual, if elected supervisor, can become a dictator over Chester County.” The man recently elected to that office and our CURRENT county supervisor agreed. The supervisors post may have more power than that of county manager ( the job, the job title, he held since 1975). He said “ Council will still be able to hold that power in check.” He continued, “I will NEVER, EVER, sign for major expenditures by myself.” Reporter writes, “Such a qualifying remark would appear to reinforce the Councilman’s view that potentially, county government might indeed change under the new form of government, with one individual holding MORE POWER than was possible in the past." What no one knew IN 1980 was. The now county supervisor had already been signing for what would become MAJOR expenditures for FIVE years! Nov. 97. Headline: “Resident Asks County Supervisor to Resign, Seeks Grand Jury Probe.” In making the request, the speaker cited the county’s excessive spending of 2.6 million dollars in cleaning supplies as the primary reason why the county supervisor should resign. To meet it’s needs, the county’s supply bill should have only been $30,000 a year. But, due to the extremely high markup, our county supervisor had been paying well over ten times that amount. The bill, just for the last five years, of the 23 years, he had been doing business with the same, Georgia based, salesman, amounted to over $400,000 annually. There was rumor and at least one formal accusation, by a council member, of financial kickbacks, between the salesman and the supervisor. Both men would claim no wrongdoing had taken place. The FBI did investigate. No formal charges were ever filed. The supervisor would blame his own INCOMPETENCE. The salesman would say, no one forced anyone to buy anything. While this business transaction, may prove suspicious to some, it was not against the law. Still Millions of county tax dollars were wasted. Present day 2013 For over a decade now, we still have one of the highest unemployment rates in the state. We are in the process of condemning land, trying to impose unfair business license fees, trying to recoup our current losses. Both of these actions would hinder economic growth. We have spent millions, that we don’t have, for two buildings, we didn’t need. Our county’s reserve fund, basically, the county’s savings account, has dropped from 20.4 million dollars in 2011 down to just 5.5 million in 2013. Where’s the money going, THIS TIME? The new “GOVERNOR APPOINTED” Chester County Treasurer found a five million dollar mistake, his FIRST DAY on the job. Time has proven that Council-Supervisor, or, the even less popular Council-Manager form of government hasn’t worked here. There seems to be too much concentrated power, CRONYISM, and not enough eyes on the money. Thirty four out of forty six SC Counties use the Council-Administrator form of government. If the administrator can’t run the job, the council fires him. The majority rules. By changing, We may have everything to gain, and it would appear, not that much left to lose. Change or not, we still have THREE county council seats, as well as, the county supervisor position up for re-election in 2014. We need people to step up, run for office. FOUR people, if elected, to the seven member county council could make all the difference. We need to Vote for Change. We need to vote! In the 2010 county supervisor election just “1608” voters out of the 33,000 people in Chester County re-elected him. County council members have been elected with as few as several hundred votes, pitiful? With voter apathy so high, It would seem, if, you have a lot of friends, belong to a good size club, or, church, you could win! My Contact Information My name is John Massey. I live in Chester County. I’m not running for political office, too old. I’m not supporting any candidate or political party. I don’t want your money, just your attention. Why am I doing this? I believe those who cannot remember, didn’t know about, the past are condemned to repeat it. What I’m telling you here is just the tip of the iceberg. Have you ever been to a council meeting? If you don’t have time, thanks to one concerned citizen, You can watch them on video. Got a county problem? Want to talk to the council about it? You get 3 minutes! Best bring all you friends and neighbors for support, otherwise, when you are finished speaking all you will get is “Thank You” then you can go sit down. Would you like to know where they are spending your tax money, now-a-days? Most county’s put their financial information online for all to see, for free. In Chester County they keep it at the courthouse. Want a copy? It’s 25 cents a page! Want to know, see, more? Email me: onelessvictim@yahoo, message me on facebook. (Please, Pass This On, Copy it, Give It To A Friend, or, Dispose of Properly)
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 23:53:36 +0000

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