THIS IS THE MESSAGE PRESIDENT OBAMA SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT TO THE PEOPLE OF OUR LAND, BUT DIDNT HAVE THE RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, THE LOVE FOR THIS NATION, THE LEADERSHIP ABILITY, OR THE GUTS TO DELIVER!!! My fellow Americans, one hour ago with the support of Congress, the United States launched several massive bombing raids on key ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria. We also invaded ISIS controlled areas of Iraq and Syria with a total of 20,000 US troops. Our top military leaders believe that within the next week we can severely damage the operational infrastructure of ISIS while killing a large percentage of their army, and through our special ops many of their top leaders. Islam has declared war on the United States. We at war with Islam! This is NOT a holy war of Christians versus Muslims as their false propaganda purports. This is a war between a sovereign nation, the United States of America, and Islam. ISIS, A-lQueda, Boko Haram, Hamas, and other terror organizations are ALL part of Islam and have declared war on our nation. For 1400 years Islam has taught, advocated, and condoned the killing of innocent people in their ultimate desire to create a global caliphate, or Islamic state where all non-Muslims (infidels) will either convert to Islam or be killed! Because our nation is at war with Islam, all mosques in the nation will be immediately closed and controlled by the Department of Homeland Security so they cant be used as a national network of Islamic command and control centers. Likewise, all Muslims will have 72 hours to leave this nation. Special camps have been erected in Utah and Idaho that will house all Muslims who refuse to leave the country until this war with Islam is over. All local police departments in the United States are receiving special credentials by the Department of Justice in order to detain and arrest anyone who is a Muslim so they can be deported to the special camps. Additionally, members of our armed forces are being sent to both the Northern and Southern borders to insure they are closed from ALL traffic that does not have the proper documentation to be in the country. Homeland Security and ICE will also begin to immediately deport all people who are in this country without legal documentation, with special transportation systems being put in place to insure this effort is completed over the next 90 days. Sadly, we have squandered the blessings of Almighty God and have chosen to live in total rebellion to our Creator and His Truth. 9/11 was a moment when God took His hand of protection from this nation to warn us, wake us up. While that happened for a few months out of fear, the warning was forgotten and the past 13 years has seen this nation totally reject God and His Truth while embracing the lies and agenda of satan. We can no longer ask for or expect God to protect us. It is a frightful reality that we are on our own and must do all we can do to protect our nation and its citizens. I am calling for the next 24 hours to be a day of prayer and fasting. We deserve whatever God allows to happen, and can only pray that His grace and mercy will see our nation through the challenging days ahead. I cant ask God to bless us, we dont deserve His blessings. So I will simply close and pray for Gods mercy to be upon our land and people! - Pastor Bill
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 13:57:28 +0000

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