THIS IS THE MUST TO WATCH VIDEO THAT INSPIRED THIS GROUP...PLEASE TAKE TIME & WATCH IT ALL! Only last week I was called to active service, with a very big strong unmissable message about Earth requiring multi-dimensional, galactic/human, support due to a dangerous environmental issue! Only a few days after this a fb friend tagged me in the below video & my spidey senses went off! This page and the light language it will share is part of the action I was called to take! I ENCOURAGE YOU TO: 1. Read the Group Description & see if it resonates with you. 2. Invite all who you feel can support the goals of this group -we need the many. 3. Watch this video. 4. Take 3 minutes every day to work with my Fukushima Earth Healing Transmission (coming within days)... 5. Commit to consistent focused action!!! This is shared not from a place of fear, or a concept of the ending of our Earth, rather from a place of love & absolute faith/hope that if we choose we can shift this! We can co-create our new world! I come from a place of knowing that this is an initiation that we have incarnated - the realisation of the power of the unified field, unified heart, unified intent - cosmic consciousness in action to overcome all and co-create the new world! We are so supported in our endeavors, but we must do the work of mastery to achieve the positive outcomes we seek! And it is so, celestial resonance be yours my friends! Kyrona Unity Hope
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 06:41:04 +0000

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