THIS IS THE REAL REASON WASTEMONSTER WANTS TO HOLD ONTO SCOTLAND ALONG WITH THE BENTELEY FIELD AND THE ST CLAIR FIELD.LETS KEEP THIS WEALTH IN SCOTLAND ONLY A YES VOTE CAN DO THAT. This, just in from George Smith George Smith 2 mins · Glasgow · West coast oil boom back on the cards - 3 areas of interest - Block PL262 15 miles South of Arran and offshore Campbeltown & offshore Saltcoats/Ardrossan Bay - not including any other area off the coast of the Western Isles. Licensing for test drilling and exploration in Scotland’s seas is currently reserved to Westminster but this would transfer to the Scottish Government if there is a Yes vote in next month’s referendum. However, the work to examine oil reserves off the west coast will still go ahead even if there is a No vote. John Howell, Professor of Petroleum Geology at the University of Aberdeen, said: “The offshore area to the west of Scotland includes several major basins with hydrocarbon potential. “While over 3,000 exploration wells have been drilled in the North Sea and West of Shetland, only around 20 have been drilled to the west of the Scottish mainland. “This provides significant future potential which can only be appraised with detailed scientific study.” Last year, The Post revealed how the Ministry of Defence was prepared to “pull out all the stops” to prevent any North Sea-style bonanza in the Firth of Clyde. Declassified UK Government papers from the 1980s showed ministers at the time said oil firms were “expecting something exploitable” following a series of geological surveys. But MoD bosses objected to BP installing test drilling rigs in the seas south of Arran because of fears it would interfere with nuclear subs. In June Lord Heseltine, Defence Secretary at the time, confirmed to the Post his Tory government did block the move. [David Milligand Lvss - and later on Ill present something to the group thatll amaze you with regard to the history of this scandal - the people that live along the River Clyde should be up in arms about this huge attack on their economic past which has made things much worse today and will continue to get worse in the future - we can mitigate that picture by voting yes and getting rid of the subs at Faslane and proceed with oil operations unfettered by Westminster].
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 14:23:43 +0000

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