THIS IS THE STORY OF CHRISTMAS... CHRISTMAS IS HERE! And yet again, the festivities, the pomp, the parties and the colors are all splashed everywhere. To everyone, this is the time for the ultimate indulgence but to the Christians around the world, this is the time to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I take this chance to wish you all the most colorful of Christmases. Without a doubt the immaculate conception and birth of Jesus Christ is the most significant occurrence and miracle in human history and it has undoubtedly shaped the cause of human history from the time it happened 2,000years ago. As much as we should enjoy, have the fun and engage in the fanfare; it is sad that the main purpose and meaning of Christmas in modern day has been completely overshadowed by the commercial and social festivities. The most tragic thing is that the emphasis for Christmas has stopped being put on Christ who is and must forever remain the reason for the season. The season has become so misconstrued, misunderstood and misused so much so that the ignorance of what Christmas is has become perturbing. Recently, a poll was conducted in Europe and children were questioned about the wise men from the East who feature prominently in the story of the birth of Jesus. When they were asked about their search for Jesus, most of the young people interviewed answered that the wise men were searching for Jesus on Google. Such has become the example of ignorance being perpetuated and pedaled around the true meaning of Christmas. We must put back the correct emphasis on the reason for the season being the birth of our Messiah, the Savior of the word, the redeemer of mankind! As we celebrate Christmas may we never forget that JESUS CHRIST is the supreme, most important reason we are celebrating this season. This is not a bash season; it is a Jesus season! Christmas is about Jesus the divine God who clothed Himself with human flesh, was born of a virgin mother called Mary, for the sole purpose of being slain at the cross of Calvary so that you and I might be saved. The birth of Christ was of such significance in the calendar of eternity that His story began being prophesied by the prophets of old long before it occurred. In the New Testament, Paul takes it up again by taking time to first describe the eternal pre-existence of Jesus who had no beginning but always existed from eternity. He describes the human birth of Jesus in Bethlehem as not His beginning but merely the manifestation of God to man; a brief appearance in His eternal existence. He explaains in detail, that Christ was not a component of God; not a symbol of God but He was God. In fact, It was not robbery for Christ to equate Himself with God because He was God – He possessed the very virtues, splendor, glory, power and characteristics that made God, God. When Jesus lay in that manger in Bethlehem clothed in swaddling clothes, the eternal creator of the universe who spoke the word and what we physically see came into being, had condescended by humbling Himself to take on human flesh in exchange of divine glory. Jesus who eternally existed in glory more wonderful than a human mind can comprehend, and power more dynamic than human flesh can endure, made a choice to strip Himself of all glory, splendor, power and majesty; clothed Himself with flesh, muscle, bones and blood so that He can be a man. Divinity could not redeem humanity unless it took on the form of humanity. This is the true story of Christmas. That means that for God to appear as a man He had to deliberately and willfully let go of the splendor, majesty and glory of divinity to take on humanity. Not only did God become man but he took upon Him the form of a servant, a slave. God the Son, literally reached out from eternity, reached into the material world that He had created and took human flesh and put it upon Himself. And not only did he become a man but He was a man that came to serve. Jesus not only had the resemblance of men but all the characteristics of a man. So when we celebrate Christmas, the focus must not be lost on the fact that Jesus out of His deep love for you and l, willingly and deliberately left His majestic realm of glory and condescended into the realm of humanity clothing Himself with flesh and blood. The story of Christmas should come to life not when we look at the Christmas tree and the decor on the mall, it should be sparked to life when we look into the manger and see the little baby Jesus. It should make us appreciate that when we do so, we actually are looking at the very pinnacle, the apex, the summit, the very culmination of love. God in His amazing love and grace manifested as a baby lying in a manger. Now that is simply amazing! His love for us was too much to allow Him top stay in glory. The eternal, ever-existing God, clothed Himself in human flesh so that He could dwell among men, feel what they feel, endure what they endure and ultimately die a horrific death so as to purchase our salvation. A king exchanged His kingly garments for a brief season and wore the garments of a slave. However, our Kings story didnt end in a manger. That is why we must celebrate and be glad! For the price He paid, God the Father has highly exalted Him and given Him a Name which is above every name. That at the mention of His name, every knee should bow of things in Heaven, and things in earth and things under the earth. We dont celebrate Christmas as a birthday for a religious figure, we do so as a celebration of our big brother who rules and reigns forever. And because He reigns; He has raised us up as well, to rule with Him in Heavenly places! Hallelujah! THAT IS THE STORY OF CHRISTMAS... Bishop.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 22:17:59 +0000

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