THIS IS THE TRUE FACE OF COMMUNISM Death camps Nikola Kolev camp - TopicsExpress


THIS IS THE TRUE FACE OF COMMUNISM Death camps Nikola Kolev camp Sunny Beach For me, the guilty are Mircho Spassov and party Death camps in Bulgaria Nikola Kolev has spent more than a year in the death camp Sunny Beach near Lovech . It is one of the few surviving sufferers , sent in his career in order to be likvidarani . Many of their records is written H - return undesirable . We offer you the second part of the confession of Nikola Kolev - authentic witness to one of the worst crimes in our history. And document the terrorist nature of the social order , which prided itself on man to man is a friend and brother . Ferocity and sadism of the Lovech executioners likely admired and teachers of the NKVD . Women living in the other wing of the camp. Work with us the same thing . And they struck them permanently. Gavril is sticking their things where they should not. Some evening led them to the barrels with water or Razhgeva Kou their watering to wash from the waist down and insert them into the office. Raped them constantly , they dared not protest . Otherwise waiting death. It was very scary. Our hands were karvavyashti wounds. Loads stones with bare hands. Night we slept like shot. Many groaning in pain. Sometimes someone shouting that passes serpent or snake - the rocks are there a lot, and the sleeping boards are in your fingertips . Crap in a bucket , but the most intolerable was the smell of pus and sweat. Morning smelled of carrion. In the summer it was unbearably hot. The stones are heated if you break an egg to lunch , bake for 5 minutes. Rocks and cool autumn morning was very cold , but only until we reach the quarry. Worked morning 6 to dark. Do not you feel cold because we were sweating even in the most extreme cold in the winter. Sweat and blood flowed continuously Mircho Spassov wanted very hard work. Free time we had . Brought a boy from Glozhene orphan. While I know its countryman , killed him. Nearest I was Bozidar from Sofia, came four days before me and stayed until dissolution of the camp. There were many attempts to escape , but failed. The fugitives were slain or place, or to us an example . If gypsy who counted us , was right in the front row sits and fight to say where they escaped . He deliberately stirring . Sometimes separated a group of 20-30 people to work on the house of the Communist Party of the hill. Wearing a stone, iron , water, cement - a palace built by slave labor. Good or one of the gypsies put a stick on the trail and have to skip a stone. Who caught the stick was beaten immediately. If not, continue , if not , it doubivaha . Killings grew in various ways : with sticks and tools , knives with strangling . The day he killed Uncle Ivan Karadochev , survived miraculously . I worked with him in a group of two or three months. Shaho hit bad with the stick , and he fell . I cried , I got it in your lap. Uncle John died in my arms . Then I heard a shout and saw at the last minute to Shaho swings the device for killing . It was tied to his hand wand , which was hung with a chain thin steel strip about 20 cm, very sharp . Often showed us on his hand, he can shave . With one movement, he caught and killed her. If you get neck , the man died on the spot , even if someone touches his back wound to the bone . People died from loss of blood or wounds fester and are filled with worms. And in that day when tears flowed from my eyes , Bozidar shouted Bate -e looked - bar screams toward my head. I stepped back instinctively back as I crouched , took two deep knife wounds - arm and my leg. Signs and now stand . Shaho would finish me off , but at that moment Gazdov called him down to the barracks for something important . This meant that came new people and have a job for him. There were two girls and one boy from Burgas. Charged them that wait on the pier skirts come American seamen ships. Night abused three. Night could be heard terrible cries , though they gagged . How many women have been raped , nobody knows. Morning the boy was dead , and girls with torn clothes, tousled and bleeding them out of the room the officers . Suppurating wounds and wormy Uncle George - felsherat treated in two ways. Or made someone younger to urinate on the wound or peeled sticks tinkering and earned worms. Each patient was doomed . Once, a man jumped out of the silos . He wanted to run away with the departing train, but fell on the tracks and wagon went through his legs . He was taken to the hospital two hours later they brought him amputee . Threw it into the morgue behind the toilet , and he died in agony . Was alive with corpses , begging for water wall. I remember Dancho from Plovdiv . His remaining two bills 25 lev - then there were those - and he decided on January 19 , Jordan , to draw a birthday and name day , made 24 years ago. Asked a sergeant with the money to buy onions , but militiaman betray him. Gazdov called him to action. They tied him to a stake with your hands . Was in school gimnastyorka , garment lifted a foot up and bared his body. It was very cold , 15 ° below zero . Gazdov ordered every two hours to flood with water. In every bucket he said, You know the names and birthday watered health ? Two days left car and did not stop to bathe . The third Gazdov come as a knight on a horse s career , dragging Dancho tied a rope to the saddle . Was still alive , covered with ice. We gathered to see him . Are there others who wish to celebrate ? Dancho only moaned : Brothers ... I ... you ... otivaaam .... And died. Brought a boy from Gabrovo, his parents were great men , sent him to intimidate There was pride but by the third day he was killed . After a few days they looked for him . First say that it is not, then it went to run. Led several people to gather dust and put a cross of two sticks . But the mother felt by instinct that she was lying. Dig the dirt and realized that no tomb. We did not know then that the bodies taken to the NPP are buried shallow and torn craving carrion pigs. Traitors among us would , Im sure. We were not talking to each other - there are no rules . Had orders to speak loudly. When you talk to someone, to be heard at least 25-30 m If you want something - a hammer , a tool - and security considers that it is heard , it means that after the second speaker and those who hear will be dead . Its the law . Learning just one name and where it is - Stefan from Vratsa, Alex Sweets . I remember him , I saw how they killed him . They said it was a great musician. There was only highly educated and cultured people - the threat to the peace communism There were lawyers , MPs and others. Nicholas of Sofia sent him because talking to strangers in the hotel Bulgaria . There were people of 40 , 50 , 58 years. They did not pass . I remember two boys - whether they were makedoncheta do not know their cry srabcheta . Micho escape, but they caught him . They killed him very hard. In my mind was sealed dated 19 July They put explosives and made twenty people to light the wicks . The fuses were very short . At one point the whole group exploded. Bodies , heads, feet and rocks flew everywhere. Two or three minutes then issued an order to fit in jeep carrion . And we were forced to clean . Slaughter. Grab his hand , she still trembles take foot warm it . Elsewhere - red. Sicken and now, when I think about July 19, 1959 Some left to escape but militsonerite shot from the rocks. They shot several people. Average in the camp had a 240-250 people. Many newcomers did not pass the first beating, collapsed or were killed on the spot. Half-dead and cast them in the morgue and died - the other killed at Belene jeep . Rations for 24 hours was 260 g old bread . Red ring like a brick. Gave some semblance of tea in the morning and evening. The body needs fluids. Sometimes they gave soup fish heads , but now began to decompose stank . Ive seen people ripping up grass and leaves , saying, I have enough to wet my mouth . But swallowing . We drank water from the barrels are never washed , only Valley. On the bottom was mud , dirt . Water career there. Crap in a wooden toilet, but no one dared to many meetings . Shot or killed a few as squatting . Hoppers are pushed on rails of 150-200 m looking to finish either first or last. For group three times to become first , it is dismissed . Inlcude sick or crippled . Ill say it openly - it is not helpful . It is incumbent on those who make the norm and failure - is death. While I was there , killed perhaps 1,000 people. I have not counted them , but not less than 800 . And thats just for one year. Once Mircho Spassov oration Then Vasco from Strumiani said: Comrade Colonel (he was a colonel at the time) , why are we here without trial , why we are not allowed to write and receive letters ? Mircho Spassov said, You are not collected for serving punishment, not to survive , and physical destruction and sterile because you rotten germ of American capitalism. and if someone thought it might be a bird and fluttered through the barbed wire , he would immediately become Gerak , who would not allow to fly and feather . Then identified the boy . After one week, Vasco was gone . For me, the guilty are Mircho Spassov and party. He said it was imperative the party and had to feed his children . But these were freaks , power-hungry , to slay and hanged . **************** Today I weigh that several people died because of me. Before you go , I trained wrestling. When it became Lovech district , no competitor in the category me and call me a race. The guards knew that it would take a fighter , and killed several large and healthy men . You do not know , I was 40 pounds . One morning I saw that come to me, and tremble . I told Bozidar that end , today we will kill me. He whispered, not paint. Gazdov then called me . Went , he swung the stick. I fell , stepped on my head and my ear was ripped into stones. And then I heard the cry of Stigaaa He dropped the stick and said, If you come back , you will not osamnesh if osamnesh will not zamraknesh . Came out , I fell on the road , I took two handfuls of earth and kissed her . Protect her now . I watched later at least 20 times the movie Spartacus , which began with slave labor in a quarry . It does not come close to the horror and some in our camp , but I cried . I went to the first celebration on April 12, 1990 , I made a few steps and fell down . So faint all survived. I saw Bozidar and Nadia Dunkin , she was like my sister. Just wailed on his shoulders . When today make me say or write something , it is only one: Never, never human violence
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 21:00:55 +0000

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