THIS IS THE VERY HEIGHT OF INSANITY AND FALSEHOOD On 9th October 2014, one Kayode Ogundamisi captioned the photo below with the heading:- Photo-Speak Late BokoHaram Leader Yussuf Mohammed with Asari Dokubo and #MachinegunPastor Ayo Oritsejafor. If this the low Nigerian politics has degenerated, by blatantly lying about a living person, then some of us are taken aback. A measured response by Rex Ekiugbo Anighoro is reproduced here: It is no longer a challenge even for infants to decipher that the senility of the aged has cut up with bed deficating psychopath called Lai Mohammed just as it no longer needs rocket science and diagnosis to conclude that the All Progressive Congress (APC) suffers monumentally from the frustration of self inflicted arrested development. That the All Progressive Congress ( APC ) is a monsterous foetus incubated in the womb of falsehood, blackmail and still born propaganda midwifed by pretending progressives and democrats has become tales by moonlight enjoyed by kindagateens. Indeed it is an absurdity of extreme proportion that the luciferian Lai Mohammed whose penchant at crafting falsehood would preposterously claim that Alhaji Mujahid Abubakr Dokubo Asari was on board the Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor owned Bombardier Challenger Jet involved in the now complicated Arms deal. It is also shambolic that a picture of I Comrade Rex Emojite Ekiugbo Anighoro, Alhaji Mujahid Abubakr Dokubo Asari and Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor taken during the Peace building Process in the Niger Delta in the year Two thousand and Eight which is my current profile picture on Facebook Social Network Media was lifted by agents of the All Progressive Congress ( APC ) despicably referring to me as the demised leader of the Book Haram, Mohammed Yusuf in a desprate move to have Alhaji Mujahid Abubakr Dokubo Asari and Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor discredited at every cost and have them implicated as the craters of the South African arms deal. Infact in another conspiratory and contradictory claim by this dubious merchants of falsehood caused to be published that I Comrade Rex Emojite Ekiugbo Anighoro and my leader Alhaji Mujahid Abubakr Dokubo Asari were the two persons on board the bombadiar Jet whose identities remained shrouded in secrecy. It is a sad commentary that the opposition in finding ways to reinvent itself be in the news currency at the national space and heat up the polity has further advanced its capacity to calumny and propaganda. This infantile rascality is indeed laughable as the rantings of a dementia court jester providing comic relief to an audience unimpressed. May I state pellucidly that i am not Mohammed Yusuf and have no connection whatsoever with Boro Haram, neither does Alhaji Mujahid Dokubo Asari who has been in Saudi Arabia for Spiritual rejuvenation a Book Haram Sponsor, he was never on board the Bombardier Jet and was never in South Africa neither was he arrested at any time in South Africa. May we also state that Alhaji Mujahid Abubakr Dokubo Asari who has been close to Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor for over a decade stands with Pastor Ayo and can boldly state that the Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor he knows cannot be involved in any way with shoddy deals nor anything that could tarnish the good image he has built over the years as a foremost Christian leader who has given stronger political visibility and presence to Christians in the Nigerian Union driving peace and social justice process in Nigeria, providing better welfare and spiritual renewal for Christians. We at the Niger Delta People Salvation Front ( NDPSF ) Worldwide wish therefore to call on Lai Mohammed to substantiate his perfidious claims or be ready for a confrontational onslaught with us at the Niger Delta People Salvation Front ( NDPSF ) Worldwide, while we are not ignorant of the fact that the lying scumbag and schizophrenic Lai Mohammed seeks a bloody confrontation at this time so as to discredit the President of the Nigerian Union Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan administration and to cause disaffection and chaos we are determined to have him flogged and stripped naked whereas he his unable to make proved his dubious claims, while litigation over his libelous claims is an option we shall engage Lai Mohammed by every means necessary. May Lai Mohammed be told that he endangers the interest of his party the All Progressive Congress ( APC ) with us at the Niger Delta People Salvation Front ( NDPSF ) Worldwide and we shall not fail to engage him and this party where he fails to prove Alhaji Mujahid Abubakr Dokubo Asari involvement with the Arms deal and his so called Arrest. Alhaji Mujahid Abubakr Dokubo Asari is billed to return to Nigeria in a few days from Saudi Arabia and we shall be at the Airport to receive him, Lai Mohammed should be ready for our constructive engagement. Those who beat the drumbeats of war should be ready to dance to it. Signed Comrade Rex Emojite Ekiugbo Anighoro Spokesman to Alhaji Mujahid Abubakr Dokubo Asari and the Niger Delta People Salvation Front ( NDPSF ) Worldwide.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 23:22:55 +0000

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