THIS IS TO REMIND ALL SS/SE DELEGATES TO THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE IN ABUJA OF THE PEOPLES AGENDA.YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS WILL BE MONITORED DAILY BY A SPECIAL TASK FORCE COMPRISING OF STUDENTS UNION, LABOUR UNION AND THE HUMAN RIGHTS GROUP. ASARI DOKUBO ON BIOAFRA Leader of the Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force,NDPVF,, Alhaji Mujahid Dokubo Asari, on Friday expressed regrets over the failure of his people, for having allowed the vision and the fight for the Republic of Biafra to have been punctured. The revolt in 1967 led by the late Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu, was crushed three years after, by the Nigerian Government and its international allies. In a post on his Facebook wall around noon, Dokubo bore his mind on the issue, adding that if President Goodluck Jonathan decides not to contest in 2015, an Igbo or Middle Belt person should take over from him. The post reads: Today, if anything will stir me to fight, it is my belief that Biafra was right. When I was growing up, we were told a lot of things to hate Biafra. Maybe some of us were persuaded. But the more I grow up, the more I realize that it was the greatest mistake we made for not allowing Biafra to stand. You might not feel the pain that I feel, but if an Igbo man does not feel the pain that I feel, I am sorry for him. If an Urhobo man doesnt feel the pain, I am sorry for him. What Ojukwu lived and died for, in the coming years, we will see it with our eyes because of the arrogance of a few people that were born to rule, and everybody accepts it. When you want to talk they say leave them alone. Why should I leave them? If you dont bend your back, nobody will ride on you. For the first time in history, the divide and rule tactics of those who have kept us down failed and the Igbo voted more for President Jonathan than the people of the South-South. Our gathering today is to bring the gathering of the dispossessed and oppressed people of the Middle Belt, Ndigbo people and the people of the Niger Delta together and we are going to move like a force. Let nobody be apologetic. What we want is political power. Political power is the key to our development and our dignity, and political power we must own come 2015. If President Jonathan says he is not contesting, we must hold on to the presidency. Either an Igbo man takes it or someone from the Middle Belt, we will continue to hold it. Land of the rising sun, we love and cherish, Beloved homeland of our brave heroes; We must defend our lives or we shall perish, We shall protect our hearts from all our foes; But if the price is death for all we hold dear, Then let us die without a shred of fear. Hail to Biafra, consecrated nation, Oh fatherland, this be our solemn pledge: Defending thee shall be a dedication, Spilling our blood well count a privilege; The waving standard which emboldens the free Shall always be our flag of liberty. We shall emerge triumphant from this ordeal, And through the crucible unscathed well pass; When we are poised the wounds of battle to heal, We shall remember those who died in mass; Then shall our trumpets peal the glorious song Of victory we scored oer might and wrong. Oh God, protect us from the hidden pitfall, Guide all our movements lest we go astray; Give us the strength to heed the humanist call: To give and not to count the cost each day; Bless those who rule to serve with resoluteness, To make this clime a land of righteousness. All Hail Biafra!!!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:44:14 +0000

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