THIS IS TROUBLING...TENSIONS BREWING IN LIBERIA OVER LTA ORDERED TO SHUT VOICE FM DOWN As angry callers professed their dissatisfaction and threatened violence. Tuning in this morning to voice FM 102.7, a whistleblower network in Liberia; the Government of Liberia through the Liberia Telecommunications Agency( LTA) ordered voice FM to seize broadcasting or face legal actions and be shut down physical if they dont heed to GoL ordered. In a letter dated October 15, 2014 from LTA boss Angeline Weeks to voice FM officials ordering the station to seize and desist from broadcasting effective immediately because of failure to regularize its status which has since been expired June of 2014. Took to the airway this morning, angry host who was filling in for Henry Costa on the henry costa show, mr. Woods Weeks challenged the GOL to come and shut the radio station down. In a furious tone I dare your to come shut us down, we are waiting, your will have to kill some of us because we are not shutting down, any attempt will lead to violence, the angry woods proclaimed. The call lines were overwhelmed by angry sympathizers upon hearing the news called in to give their support to the radio station. They (gol) want to shut down the only radio station that can give us real news without censorship and disseminates information to the public that expose their corruptive dealings, callers lamented. we will not allow that to happen, We are waiting for them another caller declared. We are mobilizing others to stand by and form a barricade around the the radio station to protest these buffoons ordered, another angry caller stated. Voice FM which is located on ashmond street is reported to have men, women and children roaming their facility to protest GoL ordered. In a counter claimed, officials of voice FM stated this an attempt by the GoL to silence the voice of voiceless because they have exhausted every effort to obtain a permit from MOI which is prerequisite and condition to obtain a license from LTA, but have been denied every opportunity. Officials ( Musa Sackor, Henry Costa and Woods Weeks) of voice FM believe this is a well concocted plan by GoL to conspire and collude, employing the Ministry of Information and Liberia Telecommunications Agency to suppress freedom of press and speech. Woods stated theyve even ask the LTA to send them the invoice showing the amount require so they can pay the US$ 1700.00 fee in order to obtain their licenses but the GoL has refused to honor their request. CEO of Voice FM Musa Sackor called in stating he has copies of all the letters and complains to LTA that MOI has refused to issued the station a permit which is require to obtain a license, but director Weeks has too refused to listen to their cries, leaving him to believe that its a conspiracy by the GoL to shut their station down because they are a whistleblower network. Is the GoL in violation of freedom of press and contradiction to The Declaration of Table Mountain, which calls for the repeal of criminal defamation and insult against journalism across the African continent, adopted at the World Newspaper Congress held in Cape Town, South Africa, in 2007, signed by president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf herself? We hope these unfolding events do not lead to violence because our people are already living in dire state battling this menace called Ebola. We pray the council of churches intervene before this thing escalade. Lord help LIBERIA..!!
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 13:46:24 +0000

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