THIS IS WHAT AKON IS TALKING ABOUT ....AMERICA WAS not BUILT FOR BLACKs but................................. in America, the people WITH THE HIGHEST EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT, meaning, College Diplomas, Bachelors DEGREES, Masters DEGREES and Ph.Ds as a group are AFRICAN IMMIGRANTS. Recent African immigrants (from the 1950s onwards to be exact). Africans have higher educational levels than WHITES, ASIANS, African AMERICANS and HISPANIC AMERICANS as a certain RATIO/PERCENTAGE of their POPULATION. Whether they were born in America, or NOT. And do you know where they come from? Places like Madagascar, Nigeria, Kenya, Congo, Somalia, Cameroon, Chad, Angola, Mauritius, Ethiopia, Sudan, Ghana, Mali, Djibouti, Tanzania, UGANDA ..... And many average 3.5 or 4.0 GPAS. Why? Because AFRICANS LOVE EDUCATION. They RESPECT THEIR CULTURES, and they know they HAVE DUTIES TO BE RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE WHEN PRESENTED WITH OPPORTUNITIES. They also USE THOSE OPPORTUNITIES. Sure, different RECENT histories can be contrasted with African Americans - but then again, the FIRST AMERICANS WERE NOT EVEN NATIVE AMERICANS - THEY WERE AFRICAN. LOOK HERE smithsonianmag/science-nature/dna-12000-year-old-skeleton-helps-answer-question-who-were-first-americans-180951469/?no-ist Now, there were many African Americans doing well BEFORE, and AFTER slavery - up until around the Great Depression. Have you read about the Tulsa, Oklahma Wall Street? Bet you havent. They were doig just fine until a white police officer flew a plane and launched missives in the city - why? JEALOUSY. Anything you can think of, WAS INVENTED BY AN AFRICAN AMERICAN - the light bulb, the traffic light, open heart surgery, the CONTRACEPTIVE known as BIRTH CONTROL PILL...the refrigerator coolant, the STEAM ENGINE...the list is endless. blackinventions101/inventionslist.html Google Inventions by black people for starters. Among recent African immigrants to the US, there are doctors, physicists, lawyers, a plethora of businesspeople and a host of other professions all over. THEY SEE OPPORTUNITIES IN AMERICA, AND THEY USE THEM. I see Africans everywhere - the man who designed the CHEVROLET VOLT was - An African from Nigeria. The Man who invented BOWFLEX was an African from Ethiopia. So many Africans in movies and sports nowadays. They dont SIT and WHINE all day. Exactly what Akon is referring to. Neither do they sit and hurl INANE INSULTS online. Now its not only in America, mind you, but also in Canada, UK (most university students to the UK from overseas are from Nigeria), Australia, Norway, Denmark, Sweden etc. Plus, there is a lot of INTER-CONTINENTAL TRAVEL WITHIN AFRICA ITSELF for the purpose of seeking better/more/varied education. Always has been. I DISAGREE with Akon however, because America was built by AFRICANS, those we now call African Americans. They were used FOR FREE. Thats why America GREW IN LEAPS AND BOUNDS all the while touting the idea that everyone is free. And that remains Americas BIGGEST ERROR FROM THE PAST. It has nothing to do with people today, except of course, those who hold elf-aggrandizement ideas about themselves. Yet usually, they are the least PRODUCTIVE MEMBERS OF SOCIETY. Also, since you know little about AFRICA, you should copy this and paste it in your browser; Africas 16 most livable cities. Ill await your response, and that of anyone else who dares me. See, youve been so BRAINWASHED by your TV and those little images, its astounding as to how DENSE your worldview is. Besides, in Africa itself, education was ALWAYS paramount. Educate yourself about your people, your culture, your customs and most importantly, OTHER PEOPLE. Thats the edge that Africans seem to employ in America. They understand WHO THEY ARE dealing with, on all levels, and with all ETHNICITIES. Something *some* people cannot grasp. By the way you do know that the RICHEST MAN WHO EVER LIVED WAS an AFRICAN, right? Mansa Musa - he was worth 400 BILLION DOLLARS when adjusted for current inflation. Why do you think Europeans STUMBLED OVER ONE ANOTHER to see and visit Africa? Why do you think so many companies in America and Europe still have STAKES in Africa? Before you spew y
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 10:02:23 +0000

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