THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ASK FOR HELP (Read Slowlyyyyyy) The word I would use to describe myself at the beginning of the year was stuck: -Unhappy in my career path but didnt know what to do instead or how to get there. -In a relationship that was deteriorating but too afraid to end it and face being single again. -Dissatisfied with my physical health but burned out on diet and exercise programs. -Feeling disconnected and lonely but too shy to reach out and make new friends. -Immersed in personal development resources but not taking action on what I was learning. It was not a fun place to be and I knew I had to make some drastic changes to get unstuck and move on with my life... Fast forward to today. 2014 is coming to an end already and heres where Im at now: -I am actively working towards my desired career of creating systems to help conscious entrepreneurs reclaim their day from busywork and make more time to do what they love. Im excited to share that I just joined the team at a health coaching business to help optimize business operations! -After spending a good part of the year being single and learning to love putting myself first, I recently met an amazing guy who is now my boyfriend. It is by far the best relationship I have ever had, and I continue to learn and grow with him. -I feel stronger and more confident in my body than ever before. I have not yet reached my fitness goals but have made a lot of progress with learning to listen to my body and appreciate it the way it is. I also have a lot more focus on consistent sustainable practices versus short-term temporary changes. -I met more new people this year than I have in several previous years, as well as created deeper relationships with many people I already knew. It no longer terrifies me to be the first person to reach out and connect, in fact I seek out those opportunities regularly. -Im still immersed in personal development every day, but I have escaped the analysis paralysis and incorporate what Im learning as experiments and practices. I am no longer stuck, I feel like my life is flowing again, this time in the right direction. Its an incredible feeling to be excited about life again. So what happened in between there? Pretty simple: I ASKED FOR HELP. I used to resist asking for help because I thought it would make me look stupid. Turns out trying to do everything on my own (and consequently failing) was the stupid part. The best decision I made in 2014 (maybe one of the best ever) was to hire Josh as my coach. I had met Josh through the IC a few months previously and talking with him was always fun and enlightening, so I decided to take it to the next level and invest in a six month coaching relationship. He provided the support and accountability I needed to get unstuck and start moving toward the life I wanted. It wasnt easy but it was that simple. If somebody had told me in January where I would be in November, theres no way I would have believed them. The magnitude of change I have seen in my life in such a short period of time astonishes me. All because I finally swallowed my pride and asked for help. -From my rockstar client Casey Pennington. ################### Casey, thank YOU for sharing such a valuable lesson with the community, youre an absolute rockstar! Im super honored to be part of your journey! ;)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 23:27:13 +0000

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