THIS IS WHAT I CALL LOVE. PLEASE DO READ. 21/11/2014. ॐ - TopicsExpress


THIS IS WHAT I CALL LOVE. PLEASE DO READ. 21/11/2014. ॐ श्रीपरमात्मने नमः । We are discussing Love phenomenon. We saw that Love is God. We know that God is eternal. We also know that our Love is evening bug, evaporates in the morning. So when God is eternal, how Love is not eternal? I have heard that Love has a twin brother named Attachment, he is nicknamed as Infatuation also. Both are so identical that even their parents always fail to rightly identify them. And most of the times Attachment presents itself as a Love, and create all nonsense things, dramas, jealousy, quarrels, pulling and pushing, envy, lust, anger, greed, pride and longing that entire mechanism of the Live system breaks down and people blame Love for that. The good or bad aspect of Love is it never tries to establish itself as a Love. Its logic is: “If people are willfully accepting and happy with Attachment, the duplicate, then why on earth unnecessarily I should strive to get hold of ground”? So Love lies complacently where it is, unnoticed by the people. It only goes with persons who recognise it and has value for the originality. In almost all cases people welcome, practise and accept Attachment as Love and suffer. Love is so great an entity that it very seldom goes with some great master like Mira, Kabir, Narsinh, Chaitanya, Tukarak, Nanak, Surdas, Tulsidas and the likes. Love is God, so naturally it can’t be with any Tom, Dick and Harry. Why Love goes with these masters only? Love itself once has explained about this like thus. Accordingly, Love is an individual centered phenomenon. Love is to be lived in life. It is not necessary that the other party must know that one loves him or her. Love is always one-way phenomenon. It happens very seldom that simultaneously two nice people happen to love each other, that time also both streams are individual oriented one-way phenomenon. The happiness is in loving, the action of loving is so perfect, that Lover cares not or doesn’t have an attitude or inclination to turn back and see whether the other reciprocates or not. The very turning to see or verifying mars the entire process of loving and masters can’t afford or bear even momentous cessation in the Love. Their Love needs not permission from the person loved. They don’t even notify to the person loved that they are in love. They never are afraid of rejection of their Love as they don’t want their consent for the same. They don’t even want to justify their Love. They love because it is their pleasure to love. They love because Love is overflowing from their within and that very act of overflowing makes them blissful. They don’t further want consolidation from anybody. They love because they can’t help loving. They love because they love themselves so much so that they are saturated and they need nobody to love them back. They love because Parmatma has placed and blessed them so enormously with Love that they want to favour the entire universe for that placement and blessing by loving everybody. If Love finds such master, then only takes pain and embraces such master. Otherwise Love does nothing but remains as a witness to the madness of ignorant people who embrace Attachment as a Love and kill their life in quarrel. This is the reason that what you call your Love, doesn’t last long, because it is not Love but an Attachment. Love can come to you also if you are prepared to profess the above principles in your life. हरिः ॐ तत् सत् ।
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 03:15:28 +0000

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