THIS IS WHAT OUR SENATE PRESIDENT HAS TO SAY ABOUT THE 2009 AGREEMENT B/W ASUU AND FG. # Listening to the agreement that was signed by the Federal Government as comrade Uche Chukwumerije read out, I was really wondering whether this was signed or it was just a proposal. But when he concluded, he said it was signed. It only shows the level of people the Executive sent to go and negotiate on their behalf because ab initio, people must be told the truth, what can be accomplished and what cannot be accomplished. If a leader says I am going to accomplish this, he is morally bound to honour it. But, even if you decided immediately after that you cannot accomplish it, I think it is only proper for you to go back and start renegotiating. But if you prolong it on the basis that you are still going to honour it, then it doesnt portray us in good light. This is where the FG ought to call those who were party to this agreement. ASUU simply took advantage of the ignorance of those who were sent and simply just allowed this agreement to go on because it is obvious that this is going to be very difficult piece of paper to implement. They found that those who were sent there simply didnt know their right from their left and they just went ahead. It was obvious to me as soon as Chukwumerije concluded that this was a difficult thing for them to implement From humble point of view, in a civilised Society those comments are enough for our able Senate President to resign. It is shameful for our number citizen to have known of the content of agreement on the floor of the house 48hrs ago. He was the Senate President when the agreement was reached in 2009. And from the day the agreement was reached till date the Senate President has no knowledge of the content of the agreement let alone having a copy of the agreement. Is the Senate not part of the FG? What a shame. Assuming the FG was not aware of what it signed in 2009, can the FG still claim ignorance of the MOU it signed just last year? The agreement cannot be implemented simply because it affects University but assuming it is something that has to do with the National Assembly it would have been very easy to implement. The President is currently building his own private university. What more do we expect from him? Has Mark forget that the body that negotiated with ASUU on behalf of FG was headed by the renown Onosode? Since when has Mark become more intelligent than Onosode? Is he still saying that the Minister of Education then was still ignorant of what the FG signed? Hmmm... # I dey catch shy o abi na shy dey catch me self#
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 14:26:05 +0000

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