THIS IS WHY I LOVE MY JOB... Story after story.. How Javita is - TopicsExpress


THIS IS WHY I LOVE MY JOB... Story after story.. How Javita is helping so many young and old.. This time a 6-year-old boy named Elias. Checkout a note we just received from his mom Athena: So i would like to share my testimony about my son Elias. He is 6 years old. He has always had a hard time learning. When he went started school, they had him tested by 5 different school teachers staff: his teacher, the nurse, a one-on-one, a speech therapist and a counselor. They said that he could have ADD. They said he can do the work, he just needs more focus. So i was at a point where I was going to put him on meds, when I was introduced to a Steve who told us about a family member who also had ADD / ADHD that started drinking the coffee mixed with Cocoa and how it had helped. My husband and I talked about it, and said why not. So that Friday morning we give him half of energy+mind with hot cocoa. He came home that afternoon, telling me he went up a reading level and doest know how. I just looked at him funny thinking, sure you did. One day of coffee and it worked that fast! So, I give him energy+mind for a whole week. We get a happy call. Never had we had one before. It was always Elias isnt focus, he isnt getting his work done, he is wondering around the room. It was always a bad call. Today they called to say that Elias has being getting his work done. He is also been focused and telling the other kids he is doing his work and to stop talking to him. When she told us that I couldnt believe it! i wanted to scream my head off, because I was so happy. I started crying because I knew it was all from him drinking Javita. She then ask if i put him on the meds. i told her no, that I am in a business called Javita, and we have been giving him a coffee called energy+mind with hot cocoa. I am very thankful Javita came into our lives. When youre a parent, all you want is for your kids to do well; so when one isnt doing so good in school it breaks your heart. Javita has been a blessing to my family in more then one way. ~Athena R. — with Athena Ruiz Moises Lopez.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 16:19:42 +0000

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