THIS IS WHY PROTESTANTS SHOULD BE VERY WARY. THEY WANT US ALL DEAD. THIS IS WHY JEWS SHOULD BE VERY WARY. THEY WANT THEM ALL DEAD ALSO. Catholic IRELAND refuse to to blacklist Hizb’Allah June 7, 2013 Jerusalem officials accuse Ireland of leading EU opposition against blacklisting Islamic terror group. Government officials in Jerusalem accused Ireland on Wednesday of leading opposition inside the EU to placing Hezbollah, or at least its “military wing,” on the European Union’s terrorist black list. According to the officials, Ireland – which holds the EU’s rotating presidency – was supported in this position by Sweden and Finland at a working group on Tuesday that debated the issue. A consensus of the EU’s 27 states will be needed to blacklist Hezbollah’s “military wing,” a move now even backed by Germany and France. In the past these two countries have opposed this step, arguing that it could destabilize Lebanon, make European contact with Beirut more difficult and endanger the UNIFIL troops stationed there. There are some 11,000 UNIFIL troops in Lebanon, including 1,097 from Italy, 878 from France, 701 from Spain, 359 from Ireland, 155 from Germany, 153 from Austria and 104 from Belgium. Source: Jerusalem Post jpost/International/Ireland-leads-opposition-to-blacklisting-Hezbollah-315613 The EU wants to arm Islamic Jihad fighting in Syria to remove the Basher Al-Assad regime. Why do Ireland refuse to blacklist Hizb’Allah, who fights to secure the same regime? This do not make sense, if you do not understand that Catholics can not stop supporting the enemies of the Jews. Roman Catholic IRELAND is a stronghold for replacement theology in Europe. The belief that the Jews are no longer God’s chosen people. but cursed beings. The Catholics claim they have replaced the Jews as God’s people, and have a right to enforce their faith on all Jews. Many Catholics believe that Jews are the occupiers of Jerusalem. And that terror groups like Hizb’Allah are freedom fighters, ready to liberate Jerusalem for “god”. Catholic Cardinals and Bishops hopes that Catholicism and Islam can enter into an agreement, to make the Pope the head of a new “peace movement”. This movement shall rule from Jerusalem, and build the promised millennium kingdom. The same kingdom that Hitler tried to build. Behold: This religious rainbow alliance serve Satan. They do the will of the devil, in the name of “god”. They believe that the Zionist regime must be deleted, before their “Messiah” can come and rule. Their Messiah, is an anti-Messiah. The very last and final anti-Christ.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 10:00:28 +0000

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