THIS IS WHY THE WORLD HAS NOT UNDERSTOOD THE SPIRITUAL TRUTH THE PRINCIPALITIES OF DARKNESS! PART ONE Written The twenty seventh day of February in the year twenty fourteen Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. CHRIST THE ARMOR OF GOD OUR FATHER! The word armour, according to the Greek is “panoplia” its meaning, is advisory. It behooves one to understand all of the devices that our Father has employed and are currently at his expense, for to accomplish his purpose of revealing the truth about himself. We must come to know the mind of Our Father in order to comprehend the covertly laid plans that are currently in place permeated throughout creation: that even now are actively working out our salvation! Indeed comprehending this purpose is salvation! The word principality “arche” refers to the mind of God our Father, being the point of origin from which all things created, were conceived. Our heavenly Father has within his mind the specific purpose to reveal himself. This purpose is perpetually wrought through Christ. I have been given the understanding of a great many words. I have researched certain key words that I may gain the understanding necessary for to relay what I have learned to those of whom have not taken the time to do so. Therefore according to this particular message, I have chosen to research the meaning of the word “thoughts” according to its usage and meaning in (Isaiah:55), the word “principality” according to its usage in (Ephesians:6:12) and I studied the meaning of the word “armor” (Ephesians:6:10) and of course Christ within is necessary that one be guided in this understanding. The word “thoughts” denotes a “contrivance” a mechanism, that is necessary for to relate an idea from one mind unto the mind of another. The word “principality” is the Greek word “arche” denoting that the mind of God, is the point of commencement, the place of origin where all things were conceived, brought to exist because he has spoken, having now revealed his thoughts. I will clearly say this,…Christ has revealed that in the beginning our Father had in mind a plan to do a great work, the problem for us, was that we were not present with him to hear this plan. Therefore when we are born into the world (age) we arrive in the midst of a plan already in the works. A plan that we know nothing about, and therefore have remained in the dark.. And all this, because we were not “present of mind” (conscious) ourselves in the beginning. Only the spiritual presence of Christ within will enable us with the understanding necessary that we may be “caught up” in understanding the assignment our Father has given us. THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD HAVE BEEN “HIGHJACKED” FROM UNDERSTANDING THE SPIRITUAL TRUTH, BECAUSE OF THE ECONOMIC SCHEMES OF THE “RICH” AND THUS WERE ROBBED OF RECEIVING KNOWLEDGE OF OUR FATHER’S PURPOSE FOR OUR LIVES! MEN OF GREAT POWER OPERATING BENEATH A VEIL OF DARKNESS I present to you an excerpt from a book, that was placed in my life. The information I found therein was startling to me, and even life changing. These paragraphs are being presented to you only in part because they would otherwise be too lengthy, for a medium such as Face book. Therefore I will make my point paraphrasing some of its content. FROM THE BOOK, J.F.K. regarding those supposedly involved in the plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy, written by L. fletcher Prouty. “the power elite is not a group from one nation or even of one alliance of nations. It operates throughout the world and no doubt has done so for many, many centuries. These leaders are influenced by the persuasion of a quartet of the greatest propaganda schemes ever put forth by man.” 1.The concept of “real property,” a function of “colonialism” that began with the circumnavigation of earth by Magellan’s ships in 1520. A “doctrine of discovery and rights of conquest” was described by John Locke in his philosophy of natural law. 2.The population theory of Malthus. 3. Darwin’s theory of evolution, as enhanced by the concept of the survival of the fittest. 4. Heisenberg’s theory of indeterminacy, that is, that God throws the dice, and similar barriers to the real advancement of science and technology today. “The first of these schemes derives fro the fact that the generally accepted “flat earth” was all of a sudden, proved to be a sphere by the voyage of Magellan’s ships around the world. It is not so much that curtained educated men had not already theorized that Earth was round, but that with the return of the first ship Victoria the expedition’s wealthy financial backers had visual evidence that ships could circumnavigate the world and that because they could, Earth had to be a sphere. Being a sphere. It therefore had to be a finite object, with a finite, that is limited, surface area. With this awakening the ideas of world trade and related colonial proprietary rights were born!” “It may be assumed that this single bit of physical awareness brought about the greatest change in the mind of man since the dawn of creation. Before Magellan’s time, mankind had simply accepted as self evident the fact that there was always more property “out there” over the horizon and that it was not essential that anyone think seriously about the ownership of land, particularly open land. This general idea ended with the return of the good ship Victoria.” “From that date on (circa A.D. 1520), the powerful rulers of the seafaring countries assumed the ownership of all real property in those discovered lands, and the natural resources on that property became one of the driving forces of mankind. One of the most important occupations of man during the later years was that of surveyor. George Washington, was a surveyor, outlining vast unknown tracts of land deeded by the King to his favorites, as though the King, and no one else-least of all those who inhabited these tracts, owned them. This paternalistic view of the right to the natives’ real property totally disregarded the fact that most of the new land discovered “out there” was, and had bee, already populated by others for millennia. The power centers of that period were taking over the real property of the world, no matter who was on it or who had been living there, using little more than the surveyor’s chain, the missionary cross and the explorers gun!” “By 1600, Queen Elizabeth has founded the East India Company, which was given charter rights to create proprietary colonies anywhere on Earth. During those long years when the British fleet maintained the global British Empire, the East India Company was the structural mechanism of the most powerful men on Earth!” “The East India Company founded Hailybury College in England to trains its young employees in “Business”, the “military arts, and the special skills of religious missionaries. By 1800 it became necessary to initiate the task of making an Earth inventory, that is, to find out what was out there in the way of natural resources, population, land , and other tangible assets. The first man assigned to the official responsibility for this enormously vital job was the head of the department of Economics of Hailibury College.” “This man was Thomas Malthus, who, in 1805, postulated the idea that humanity is multiplying its numbers at a geometric rate while increasing its life-support capability at only an arithmetic rate. As a result it has been universally concluded by the power elite that only a relatively few humans are destined to survive successfully in generations to come. The Malthusian theory thus provides a rationalization for the necessity of somehow getting rid of large numbers of people, any people, in any way----Even Genocide!” “With the Malthusian theory as the power elites philosophical guide, this becomes an acceptable objective, because, they believe, Earth will never be able to support the progeny of so many anyhow. From this point of view, Genocide----then as now---is accepted as all but inevitable.” The third theory, fortifies this approach further. Darwin persuades them to believe that because they survive, at no matter what cost to others and to Earth, they must therefore be---by ---definition---the fittest; and conversely, because they know they are “the chosen,” that is, the fittest, they are Earth’s assured survivors, fulfilling the prophecy of Armageddon.” To this day, the spiritual truth remains unknown for many. even to the churches of the world. This is because the doctrine that was formulated, was itself without spiritual understanding! The earliest missionaries that were sent abroad , by the East India Company were so-called church officials “hypocritical” in nature, being nothing more than actors sounding and acting out rituals before the unsuspecting so-called heathen nations. These “polished” “hypocrites” were sent abroad as ambassadors of God, to unsuspecting peoples, that they may appear Holy. With claims of possessing the “divine right” to rule, through “manifest destiny” they proceeded to condemn every so called heathen nation in their path, because of their own religious practices. The pretense for invading other peoples lives was always the same, to teach “the Gospel to the heathen. When a people were found to be ignorant of biblical understanding they were also found to be “without God” (Damned). The entire social community then were judged as ones unable to govern themselves. The missionaries would then proceed under this guise of teaching the Gospel, to instruct these people by inflicting their own laws and punishments upon them, in order to convert them to their rule by every means available no matter how cruel. The so called church proceeded into far away lands holding up the figure of the cross, under the pretense of going into these unknown places to appease the people, with promises of salvation, while relieving them of their treasures, natural resources, even carrying off their loved ones, chaining them as captives within the holds of ships, that they may be sold for profit! The early church was used by the magistrates and majesties, to boast a “divine right to rule” over the people whose land they had designs upon, and the people whom they would enslave. THE MODERN AGE OF ECONOMICS University college classrooms are nothing more that modern day “holds” of ships! However the greed of the power elite has increased their wit and boldness, for they have thoroughly fooled the masses of whom they have convinced that they should pay tuition for their passage into slavery! These institutions of so called higher learning were conceived by the same power elite that has gathered up the treasures of the earth for themselves, in land and resources, and now that they claim ownership, they require your lives! The institutions of so-called higher learning exist for the sole purpose of preparing those who consent, for employment in the market place of the world. Thus they have created mundane workplaces for those who merely seek a mundane existence, accented in their ability to anesthetize, themselves periodically with pleasures they can now afford to buy. (James:4:1-17, the friendship of the world, is enmity with God!) The University College campus is one of the most hostile environments that exists against the spiritual Truth according to Biblical standards. And yet, those who go to College appear to have the most promising standard of living. I say buyer beware! Matt:hew16:26: For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Watch closely therefore too perceive which way it is your mind bound to grow. THE BEMA SEAT! This Image is a venue or “rostrum” a place of public speaking created by our Father when he openly declared his desire to make us alive to his presence! This is a womb wherein all of our needs, have been provided for, according to the sustaining of our flesh (temporary earthly tents) while we receive the indoctrination for the real purpose of having been called forth (out) to exist. The real purpose of our having been created, is “to ascend” in spiritual conscious awareness, from a state of obscurity, unto gaining an omniscient understanding, because we exist within God we are inseparable. Our minds then being cleansed of ignorance, there then is no fault that exist between our Father and that which he has always kept in mind. We are being conceived, through a womb, (mind of our Father) until we gain spiritual understanding that we may be consummated unto his Holiness! All things still have their existence within the mind of God our Father, the light merely behaves like a veil or curtain placed there to persuade our minds otherwise. To those of whom desire to know the mind of God intimately, he will reveal it to them from within in intimacy, thus bringing down the Garment that hid his nakedness from their eyes (minds). However for those who remain distanced from God our Father, due to their own distractions, they are in the dark. For this same veil remains before there eyes like a blinding light, and a darkness, thus his nakedness remains hidden from them! Therefore it was necessary to thoroughly convince our minds that we have been set apart, and distinguishable from God, that our behavior may be truly discerned; In his “apparent” absence, and we the ones existing in the obvious openness of the light we are “distinctly” seen in our behavior! Those of whom Lord it over others have taken higher seats than they should have, for one who is greater than themselves is present! The presence of Christ is at hand! Christ is the “abode of light.” A house reproduced in the likeness of the workings of his Father’s mind!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 17:58:06 +0000

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