THIS IS WHY WE SHOULD SEND ALL MUSLIMS WHO BELIEVE IN SHARIA LAW PACKING ...90 % OF MUSLIMS BELIEVE SHARIA LAW SHOULD OVERRIDE ALL OTHER RELIGIONS AND LAWS.. Thats why muslims do not speak out against other Muslims even when they murder innocent people.... Right now the ISIS terrorist are attacking a city in Kobani Syria close to the Turkish border.. Civilians are fleeing in panic because these Isis savages are known to slaughter innocent people.. Meantime Turkish tanks and troops do nothing... Sitting on their side of the border just watching the carnage unfold... Turkey is a Muslim country... All throughout the world there is the about 1.6 billion Muslims.. And 35 countries practice some kind of Sharia law.. Those countries are governed by people who abide by principles of Islam that are controversial ,to say the least.. In some places, you can be stoned to death for committing a sin.. Muslims in favor of making Sharia law the official all in their country.. Afghanistan 99% Pakistan 84% Iraq 91% Egypt 74% Jordan 71% Source: pew Research Center, April 2013 Even in Great Britain 78% of British Muslims think the publishers of Danish cartoons of Muhammad should be prosecuted.. 2006 national Opinion poll of British Muslims. So you can see millions of Muslims believe their religion should dictate what happens in society.. Most Muslims are peaceful people, even if they do believe in Sharia law. Just because they have a flaw and theyre thinking doesnt mean they are violent maniacs.. This pass weekend Mr Bill Mayer debated the overall effect Islam is having on the world. The truth is many Muslim nations have not confronted Islamic terrorism or even condemned the jihad.. There are exceptions, but they are few.. Militant Islam is a problem in the world; it is driving terrorism world wide.. They have plenty of sanctuaries to commit their evil.. Isis beheads their enemies and while theyre the most extreme jihadists, they are not that far away from their fanatical cousins. Hours after America was attacked by al-qaeda on 9/11 thousands of Muslims, regular folks, celebrated in the streets.. They were happy that 3000 innocent civilians, even Muslims were murdered.. Again these people a minority , not called out in any efficient way by Muslim nations around the world .. The truth is the Islamic Jihad could not exist, if not for Muslim nations turning away.. Turkey could crush Isis, but it does nothing.. The afghan people could turn against the taliban, but they do not. The Pakistan in government Havard Usama bin Laden for years. Folks should think about this on any discussion about Islam in on the world.. Terrorism and the jihadist are again on the move and most Muslim nations are not joining with the West to confront that.. Criticism of Islams role on the world stage is certainly valid. The Muslim world needs to take a hard look at itself........
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:11:36 +0000

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