THIS IS a 5 MINUTE LIFE SAVER FROM a LIFE SENTENCE OF SLAVERY AND DEBT HERE FRIENDS... "Can your bank produce documentation of the history and origin of funds they purportedly loaned to you (..that they had prior title and ownership and rights to it)?" "Can your bank then produce documentation of the actual transaction and transfer of said funds from loaner to borrower?" THE GAME is ALL OVER HERE FRIENDS - WE HAVE NO DEBTS... These are exactly the questions I asked of both of my alleged bankster credit card debts to the alleged Commonwealth Bank and Citibank (see below)... NO means NO and SILENCE means YES!! - unless your happy to keep paying "principle and interest" for money you lent to yourself? TIME TO WAKE UP HERE :) BANCORRUPTCY...Thank you Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Scott Bartle... :) @ youtube/watch?v=QHKdxAVW-_U& MESSAGE TO a BANKER...Thank you Uwe Schafer... :) @ youtube/watch?v=onjmdF4S-jI& ----- Original Message ----- From: Grant See To: [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 1:19 PM Subject: REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTATION OF FUNDING... Without Prejudice UCC 1-308 27 June 2013 Re: Alleged Commonwealth Bank Credit Card Debt FORECLOSURE NOTICE PIONEER CREDIT ACQUISITION SERVICES & AGENTS & PRESIDING MAGISTRATE / REGISTRAR of BALLINA LOCAL COURT, NSW TAKE NOTICE: You are now acting with unlimited personal liability arising from the Foreclosure of all worldwide alleged Hierarchy, “Governments”, Banks, Legal Systems and all other Corporations by the unrebutted UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) filings of the One Peoples Public Trust (OPPT). The OPPT UCC filings stand as International Law - to be INforced by the United Nations, Provost Marshalls and Protectors of the One People under Military Order UCC 20l2096074, restated and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full (please see attached documentation "Banks & Governments" Foreclosed). PRE-PAID, PRE-AUTHORISED, and PRE-APPROVED Attention Keith John (managing director of PIONEER CREDIT ACQUISTION SERVICES), Paul Pellandine (Jensens solicitors, Lennox Head), Richard Brown, James Singh, and other Agents of PIONEER CREDIT ACQUISTION SERVICES, & Presiding Magistrate / Registrar of Ballina Local Courts, NSW. TAKE NOTICE; REQUEST FOR DOCUMENTATION OF FUNDING - Re: Alleged COMMONWEALTH BANK Credit Card Debt It has come to my attention that there may have been some irregularities with the alleged funding of the above referenced financial instrument. In order to address this issue you are requested to provide the following: 1. Produce documentation of prior title, ownership and rights to the money allegedly loaned re; the above alleged Credit Card financial instrument; 2. Produce documentation of the history of the origin of funds that your company purportedly had prior title, ownership and rights to the money allegedly loaded re; the above financial instrument. History and origin of funds must show at least three [3] generations of the origin of funds; 3. Produce documentation of the actual transaction and transfer of said funds [prior title, ownership, and rights] from loaner to borrower [invoicing/receipts]. Please provide the above "duly verified" documents within 14 calendar days of your receipt of this request. Your FAILURE TO RESPOND with the above requested documentation, point by point, with specificity and particularity, with full responsibility and liability, under the penalty of perjury under any law you identify and signed by your wet-ink signature, will be considered an admission that all of the documentation is NOT available and does NOT exist. TAKE NOTICE; Understanding that all Corporations, "Governments" and Banks are one in the same, an “ORDER OF FINDING AND ACTION” was filed against the “the DEBTOR (Keith John, Paul Pellandine, Richard Brown, James Singh, and other Agents of PIONEER CREDIT ACQUISTION SERVICES)”, a legal entity created via the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) process which encompasses ALL worldwide corporate entities. The OPPT UCC filings claim that the Debtor (you/your corporation), “knowingly, willingly and intentionally committed treason” by “owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems” and “operating Slavery Systems used against… citizens without their knowing, willing and intentional consent”. See attached Commonwealth Bank vs Fed Reserve NY UCC 2008077211 and UCC "Human Capital/Collateral" COMMONWEALTH BANK. UCC filings are public records, and follow standard administrative processes. When facing a claim, an entity (in this case “the Debtor”) is given the right of rebuttal. If a rebuttal is NOT received within the required timeframe, a default action then applies, followed by termination of that entity; in this case, on the grounds that it failed to rebut charges of treason by “the One People”. The important thing to understand here is that a UCC filing stands as law if it remains unrebutted. And in this case, the OPPT Trustees ensured they created a legal situation in which the individuals and entities that form “THE DEBTOR” had no ability to rebut. How could they? THE CLAIMS OF SLAVERY AND FRAUD ARE TRUE. Of course, NO rebuttal has ever been received. THE "DEBTOR" (Keith John, Paul Pellandine, Richard Brown, James Singh, and other Agents of PIONEER CREDIT ACQUISITION SERVICES) IS THEREFORE GUILTY OF TREASON. TAKE NOTICE; I am the conscious eternal essence embodied, transparent in absolute truth and love that may be referred to by the name that is called Grant. I DO NOT consent to be recognized as anything other than conscious eternal essence embodied (please see attached, Notice of Declaration of Absolute Truth). I DO NOT consent for you to recognize me through the legal identity name you find on your documents, and there is NO alleged authority, legal, lawful, roman or otherwise that authorizes you to recognize me through a name without my consent. It is unrebutted as a matter of LAW, as a matter of FACT, and as a matter of PUBLIC POLICY that the OPPT has foreclosed on all alleged hierarchy. No one stands between us and our Creator…NOT even “Government”- unless they/YOU are operating a SLAVERY SYSTEM? If you continue to proceed with this fraudulent matter as a foreclosed entity, officer, agent, actor, banker, judge, or any other “imposter” - you will be held personally liable by your own free will choice for your actions, the aiding and abetting, operation and perpetuation of the former SLAVERY SYSTEMS, and YOU and all other “states of body” involved will be dealt with accordingly as instructed by the attached OPPT UCC filings; "ORDERS TO CEASE AND DESIST". Take due notice and be governed accordingly. Without Prejudice UCC 1-308 By: Grant-Anthony of the family See, as conscious eternal essence embodied, transparent in absolute truth and love… In standing, authority and universal law as PROTECTOR of the ONE PEOPLE under Military Order UCC 20l2096074, restated and incorporated by reference as if set forth in full. PRE-PAID, PRE-AUTHORISED, and PRE-APPROVED .......end of message.... NO means NO and SILENCE means YES!! "Your FAILURE TO RESPOND with the above requested documentation, point by point, with specificity and particularity, with full responsibility and liability, under the penalty of perjury under any law you identify and signed by your wet-ink signature, will be considered an admission that all of the documentation is NOT available and does NOT exist." Its all good and good gets even better (its a choice), Grant :)
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 07:24:40 +0000

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