THIS IS the propaganda that is being used to manipulate the - TopicsExpress


THIS IS the propaganda that is being used to manipulate the passionate, but quick tempers, of the Southern culture - used by the political machine of our ILLUSTRIOUS SENATOR and SENATE Minority Leader, whom Ive already CLEARLY demonstrated is morally bankrupt - and, quite frankly, is a psychopath. What people dont understand, is that there is a very clear difference between psychopath, and sociopaths. Psychopaths are born. They are not made. Whereas, sociopaths EVOLVE. They have no conscience. But manipulate people, creating chaos in their path; destroying the lives of every person they come in contact with, with absolutely no compunction about it, and absolutely no guilt or feeling of remorse in so doing. This is what McConnell is. This is also the nature of my two ex-husbands. Im not real sure how I managed to pick up two of them. But I did. And today I have been dealing with the aftermath of that. So, please, when I tell you I have more on my plate than you understand, I really do mean what I say. If I tell you, that I cannot address something right now; please understand that the psychodynamics of my family, have been horribly horribly damaged. For whatever reason, and I do not understand why, the Prince of Darkness has inserted not two, but a total of four(!), of these Monsters into my life. All of them, intimately involved in the matters of my daily affairs. And all FOUR of them have been key in the total devastation of my life. I am homeless now because of it. And I had $140,000 in liquid cash assets, plus $65,000/year in LTD to cover the gap to bridge me over to SSDI, as the process takes TWO YEARS(!) - And the approval rate is only 50% in San Diego County. As well as $10,000 in available credit, and a credit rating of >750. Just 18 MONTHS AGO! My FIRST bankruptcy was in 2003. So, I did all that in just seven years. All the while supporting a total of SIX people(!), while my 20-something children tried to rebuild their careers on the aftermath of the Great Recession. And they have AMAZED and AWED me. The kicker is that, because of de facto law written into the IRS tax code, I dont understand it - but this is how it works: I have already paid the taxes on my long term disability income twice now, because of the technicality. And now I have to pay it again, along with a late filing fee by the IRS because of the way they treat the lump sum award of SSDI backpay. This is horribly horribly unjust. Im being punished for being responsible. And people like Mitch McConnell, do not care. I am barely making it. And I am on the upper end of SSDI, and many of the people here in Kentucky are living on a total of $700 dollars a month. That is just not doable. So, my campaign against Mitch McConnell is NOT political. It is a campaigning for life, and the campaign against the very nature of evil and an assault on our political process. As citizens of this great nation, it is our responsibility, because this nation is a democracy and it does belong to the people. When one of our leaders is being irresponsible and damaging the fabric of this great nation, it is indeed our responsibility and duty! to call them out! That is what I have done. If you have a problem with that, then you have a problem with patriotism. I AM a parish nurse, charismatic Catholic, raised by a born-again Methodist mother, informed and shaped by Dr Bill of Central Baptist Church, and baptized in that same church; again baptized by Dr. Larry Buskirk of the Methodist Church on Main Street, attended Southeastern Christian College; was baptized into my mothers Methodist faith AGAIN in the Kentucky River, and my father did not speak to me for five years! because of that, so do NOT question my faith, or my patriotism, or my motives! If people had been doing this back in the seventies and eighties, instead of sitting on their fat happy butts, we wouldnt be in this mess to begin with!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 05:54:46 +0000

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