THIS JUST IN: Kanye West has lost his damn mind!!! Wait a minute, - TopicsExpress


THIS JUST IN: Kanye West has lost his damn mind!!! Wait a minute, wasnt that just in, many other times??? Hes definitely off his rocker!! How you gonna wife Kim Kardashian?? That chick has been around the block...a few times!!! Ive never bashed the President and Im not going to do it now. But if I was going to launch a website for one of the biggest achievements of my administration, I think I wouldve had my people call Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook CEO) and Jeff Bezos (Amazon CEO) for some input. Hell, I heard it takes longer to sign up for healthcare than it takes for Kim Kardashian to find a Baby Daddy!!! Remind me not to go to Barneys for any $350 belts anytime soon. That pisses me off cuz I was just saying the other day how much I needed a $350 belt!! I think for that much money it keeps my pants up and someone elses!!! I dont really have a problem with spying on some allies. I mean, you know that old saying Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. The NSA is just keeping our friends close. My problem is, how the hell do we get caught??? My heart goes out to the family of the young autistic boy that has been missing in NY all this time. I hope they get some kind of closure. Lastly, on a personal note, Id like to say thank you to all the people that showed me love last week after the passing of my Dad. I have never felt so much love in my entire life. What I will say is this, until Oct 18th I had never experienced the kind of pain I did on that day and that I am still feeling. But I just want to say, if you sent me a card, a text, made a phone call, gave me a shoulder to cry on, a hug (cyber or real) or just thought about me and my family during that time, it was felt!! Until now, I had no idea how much little gestures like those really mean to someone going thru a loss like that. Even some folks that read Vent Wednesdays and dont even know me, showed me love!! All I can ever really say is, THANK YOU!! You all helped a brother get thru the roughest time of his life. I just want to add, for the people that read this but dont really know who I am, my name is Daryl A. Williams, son of Earl H. Williams and I thank you all for reading and supporting me & Vent Wednesdays. Ive come to realize that writing these, really brings me joy. I hope it makes you think and hopefully laugh. Ive also found that laughter is a helluva medicine for a broken heart!! Peace.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:07:02 +0000

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