THIS MESSAGE IS TO THE BODY OF CHRIST: A STRONG SPIRIT OF INTIMIDATION HAS BEEN LOOSED UPON THE EARTH IN THIS END TIME!!! GOD SAYS BIND THE SPIRIT OF INTIMIDATION!!!!! A few weeks ago, one of my relatives was preparing to travel across the country on an airplane. I was concerned because they had never flown on an airplane before. The enemy saw how concerned I was about my relative’s safety and did not waste any time putting negative thoughts in my mind to try to cause me to DOUBT that God would keep them safe, and even said that if anything bad happened to them it would be my fault because I agreed that they should go. Well, I wasn’t buying it! I rebuked the devil and settled it on the Word of God. As far as I was concerned it was settled—God would keep them safe. However, there was a SUDDEN, STRONG RUSH OF FEAR that would come up in my spirit and then leave as quickly as it came. This happened throughout the day and the negative thoughts and accusations came along with it. I didn’t understand why the SUDDEN, STRONG RUSH OF FEAR kept coming back up in my spirit. And in my mind I was thinking, whether I understand it or not I’m not letting go of the Word of God; and since God had allowed it, I believed it was a test. God will remove whatever can be shaken, so what remains will be the things that cannot be shaken (Hebrews 12:27). I knew this meant that God was preparing me for something that is coming. THERE IS NO ROOM FOR DOUBT!!! GOD WANTS TOTAL TRUST!!! That night, IN A DREAM, I was walking down a street when I saw a man SUDDENLY take off running as if his life depended on it! Something had terrified him and he ran in horror!!! I saw him run to a house and knock on the door for someone to let him in. An older man came to the door and let him inside the house. While I was watching all of this IN THE DREAM, I was wondering what had terrified the man. I looked behind me, and there was a woman standing behind me. She was turned, looking back at the man as he went inside the house. She was A BIG, STRONG LOOKING WOMAN!!! (STRONG SPIRIT OF INTIMIDATION) And then, I realized the woman was an evil spirit! THE MAN WAS RUNNING FROM THE WOMAN! She was the SPIRT OF JEZEBEL that had come to ITIMIDATE THE PROHPETS OF GOD! I Kings 19:1-3 says, “When Ahab told Jezebel what Elijah had done, and that he had slaughtered the prophets (false prophets) of Baal, she sent this message to Elijah: ‘YOU KILLED MY PROPHETS (FALSE PROPHETS), AND NOW I SWEAR BY THE GODS THAT I AM GOING TO KILL YOU BY THIS TIME TOMORROW NIGHT’. So Elijah RAN FOR HIS LIFE….” IN THE DREAM, The woman and I came face to face as she turned and looked at me. She realized that I knew she was an evil spirit, and gave me a threatening look as if she dared me to rebuke her! I looked her in the face and said to her, “I rebuke you in….” and before I could finish she rose up in an angry demonic look as if to hover over me; and in the dream she frightened me and I walked away; and everywhere I went she was following close behind me and watching me in the dream. WHEN I WOKE UP FROM THE DREAM, I heard the Lord say: “BIND THE SPIRIT OF INTIMIDATION”! I then realized that was where that sudden rush of fear was coming from! God had allowed me to see into the spirit realm—THE SPIRIT OF JEZEBEL/SPIRIT OF INTIMIDATION LOOSED ON THE EARTH AND INTIMIDATING GOD’S PROPHET/PROPHETESS!!! When God revealed this to me, a FIERCE BOLDNESS ROSE UP IN ME!!! I TOOK AUTHORITY OVER THAT SPIRIT IN THE NAME OF JESUS (Luke 10:19), BIND IT (Matt. 18:18), TOLD IT WHERE TO GO (Matt. 12:43), AND LOOSED THE ANGELS OF THE LORD TO MOVE FORTH AND ENFORCE THE ORDER (Psalm 103:20)!!! THAT SPIRIT LEFT AND HAS NOT COME BACK! AND, MY RELATIVE MADE IT TO HER DESTINATION SAFELY WITH NO PROBLEMS AND IS VERY HAPPY!!! The Lord also reminded me of a dream I had on May 10, 2014. In this dream, there was a group of women and myself standing in a place that was being run by an ENEMY ARMY. The leader of the army was suspicious that some of the women in the group had gotten hold to some information that he did not want us to have (THIS INFORMATION REPRESENTS THE WORD OF GOD). He had all of us form a line straight across, facing him; and he walked down the line so that he could find out who had taken the information. It appeared that he would punish anyone who had taken the information. I was one who had taken the information. When he got to me he stood in front of me and instead of punishing me, he placed a star in a pocket on the right side of my clothing; (PLACING A STAR IN MY RIGHT POCKET IN THIS DREAM MEANS THE ENEMY RECOGNIZES WHO I AM IN CHRIST—Philippians 2:15); and then he placed a star on my left shoulder (PLACING A STAR ON MY LEFT SHOULDER IN THIS DREAM MEANS THE ENEMY RECOGNIZES THAT JESUS’ STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT IN MY WEAKNESS—2 Corinthians 12:9) and said I was free to leave. He also granted this to, at least, one other lady in the dream that I could see (THIS LADY AND I REPRESENT THE BODY OF CHRIST). And then, he said to one of his soldiers, “THERE IS A PRESENCE ON THEM THAT COMMANDS RESPECT.” (THIS IS ISAIAH 60:1-2, “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, AND HIS GLORY SHALL BE SEEN UPON THEE.” This was the end of the dream. GOD WANTS US PREPARED FOR WHAT IS COMING!!!!! GOD SAYS BIND THE SPIRIT OF INTIMIDATION!!!!! “DON’T BE INTIMIDATED IN ANY WAY BY YOUR ENEMIES. This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God Himself” (Philippians 1:28, NLT). “Be not afraid of SUDDEN fear (THIS IS WHAT I WAS FEELING—SUDDEN FEAR), neither of the desolation of the wicked when it comes. FOR THE LORD SHALL BE YOUR CONFIDENCE, AND SHALL KEEP YOUR FOOT FROM BEING TAKEN” (Proverbs 3:25)! The scripture says DON’T EVEN BE AFRAID OF SUDDEN FEAR!!! When it hits suddenly, DON’T BACK DOWN!!! BUT STAND STRONG IN THE LORD AND IN THE POWER OF HIS MIGHT!!! Bind the spirit of INTIMIDATION/FEAR, IMMEDIATELY, and keep advancing forward in what God has called you to do!!! Psalm 9:3 says, “When mine enemies are turned back, they shall fall and perish at thy presence.” WHEN THE ENEMY SEES THE PRESENCE OF GOD ON US HE HAS TO RESPECT THE PRESENCE OF GOD!!! HE HAS NO CHOICE!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 13:57:47 +0000

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