THIS MESSAGE WAS INTENDED FOR GRADUATES OF 2014 ONLY To achieve more in life and to withstand the challenges, after you leave the portal of your alma mater, you must have values. Values that will make you different from the others, values that will sustain you in your college or vocational studies, values that will make you special in the eyes of your employer and values that will make your family resilient – as pliant as a bamboo. • Humbleness or humility - being humble is an important aspect of the Christian faith. We rely on God for our strength and should give him all of the glory. Pride can be a sin that many Christians struggle with. Remember always that - before honor comes humility, grace is given to the humble, God opposes the proud and humbleness in action involves putting others first. • Health - the number one most important thing you should take care of is your health...and this should be in all aspects: mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. So that means sleeping enough, eating right, exercising daily, and staying true to yourself and others. Everyone doesn’t think of their health – until there’s a problem. • Learn everything - you should take the opportunity to learn as much as possible, even about the little things. Read poetry, watch old films, or even browse through the library to learn about a completely random subject. You never know what might spark your interest! If you keep your mind closed to one subject, youll be missing out on the rest of the world. • Be focused but flexible - Its important to be focused, but its even more important to be flexible. What you think of the world now will (and should) change within the next 10-25 years. Things wont always go the way you want them to but if you can stay flexible, youll stay focused. • Passion > Money - when it comes to finding a job, or work in general, it should be because of something you are passionate about. People think they should have jobs that pay them well...although that is certainly an important factor, its more important to realize that the jobs you are passionate about will bring in the cash flow, more than you can ever expect. Passion comes first, then money. If money comes first, the passion may or may not come...and 9 times out of ten, it never comes. • Keep it balanced - In addition to staying healthy mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, be sure to keep it all balanced as well. Basically, dont focus too much on one thing, such as work. Its okay to be a work-a-holic, but dont forget to have fun as well. Alternatively, dont have too much fun and not do any work...Keep it balanced. • Keep a strong work ethic - dont ever get complacent. Period. If you do well, keep working at it. Thats the only way to keep succeeding. If you arent thinking about whats coming next, youre already behind. • Integrity - If you say something, do it! Character counts. Its important to keep a good reputation so that other people will take you seriously. Plus, being honest with others and keeping to your word will make you a lot more happier with yourself. Just remember the golden rule. • We are all equal - so be sure to respect EVERYONE and anyone. It doesnt matter if youre the boss/leader of have to remember that they are human, just as we are. We all live in the same world, do the same things, and make the same mistakes. Be sure to treat everyone equally and with respect. Basically, dont let your head get too big and remember to keep your feet to the ground. • Learn to take risks! - “You miss 100% of the shots you dont take”. Dont miss out on life. • Always keep a sense of humor - we are human. We will make mistakes. Theres no use in beating ourselves up about it. Instead, laughit off. Learn from it. And move on. Dont take yourself too seriously or youll just be another person alive on this earth, not someone who actually lives. As Drake would say, everybody dies, but not everybody lives.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 23:40:06 +0000

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