THIS PERFECTLY SUMS UP HUNDREDS OF MY POSTS: “As you seek God, you will find Him—His solutions, His comfort, His direction, His endurance, His wisdom, His love.” I had a day recently when I needed all of the above from Him, as the kids and I were travelling from Miami back to Nigeria! A problem arose with a work related issue to start the morning off and I’m talking the perfect solution came to mind as exactly how to handle it (His wisdom!). I’ve written before that sometimes these solutions come to me and I know I’m not that smart and with everything going on that morning in my head, I know it was God directing me as to exactly the steps to take and remarkably everything worked out better than I expected (His direction)! My hubby asked me to bring back pizzas for him and as I went to our garage looking for something to take all this pizza in, all the way back to Nigeria, there was a perfect rolling cooler bag, brand new, never used that perfectly fit the bill! I have no idea where this bag came from! (His Love and His solutions!) God is always ahead of me and anything I need seems to always show up just when I need it! The kids all took turns, proudly rolling their dad’s pizzas through two airports! I even forgot to buy garbage bags, as we had ran out and something told me to pick up and look inside a plastic bag in the middle of our hallway that busy morning and I opened it to discover a bunch of garbage bags! (Again His love!) Getting all the bags to fit into the car and still have space for all of us to sit was a completely different issue! Trying to get the last bag in, I called my Juju Pooh to help and as she pulled, I pushed and we got it in (His endurance!). Phew! Our flight was at 4:40 and I wanted to get there 2 hours ahead of time and as I drove into the airport, I looked down at the time and it was exactly 2:40. I took that as a major God wink as everything I had going on that day, from getting bags packed and loaded, getting four kids ready and deal with work issues, to get there at the perfect time was like God saying, ‘Nik, RELAX, I got you!’ and we had the most enjoyable, trouble free flight! As we got into the airport in Nigeria, there was someone holding a paper with my name on it, letting me know my hubby was there to get us. (His comfort!) WE ROLL WITH GOD!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 05:16:46 +0000

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