THIS POST IS FOR EVERYBODY WHO DEALS WITH WALGREENS PHARMACY. ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE BEEN TAKING, OR WILL BE TAKING A COMPOUNDED MEDICATION. -As I stated yesterday, this issue has been going on for two years now. My lady Cindy has been on thyroid medication for a number of years, and in 2012/2013 she was prescribed a custom-blended thyroid medication by her doctor. -She was getting the medication filled by a custom-blending pharmacy here in town, but the cost was quite high. Walgreens advertised that they provided compounded (custom-blended) medications, and so we transferred Cindys medication to the Walgreens in Clayton.Their prices were much better. As a matter of fact, the prices varied quite a bit from one prescription to another. This seemed odd to us. Also, they stated they could have the compounded meds ready in about five minutes.... again, odd. - Several months went by, during which Cindy experienced a myriad of symptoms related to a Thyroid deficiency (she is hypo-thyroid). Many visits to her doctor, and many blood tests showed a definite problem. Her doctor stated the blood tests looked as though she was on no medication at all. She suggested we have the medication she was taking tested. -We gave a sample of the medication to the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy for testing. (I have the paperwork for this). -The NCBP tested the thyroid medication, and found that it CONTAINED NO MEDICATION WHATSOEVER. It consisted of lactose powder and food coloring. (I have the paperwork on this as well). -We advised Cindys doctor, who immediately changed her medication. She also said we might want to consult legal counsel. -We did seek legal representation on the matter. The first lawyer did not want to pursue the matter. Presumably because the Board of Pharmacy decided NOT to file charges / reprimand / seek legal action against Walgreens for criminal negligence, or some kind of fraud. This was highly suspect to us. -I then called 5 on your side @ WRAL, but they declined to take on the issue. I even sent an e-mail to the State Attorney Generals office. The only advice they had was to seek legal counsel. (?!!!) -Our second lawyer has been working on the case for a number of months now.... to date we have had no attempt at a reasonable settlement from Walgreens, save a feeble offer last week that does not bear mentioning. -To me, this sounds like someone is in somebodys pocket somewhere, or because of some political entanglements no one wants to get their hands dirty in this. We will keep on seeking a settlement that is more in line with all the physical symptons Cindy suffered while taking her medication... (-One of those symptoms is thinning bones. Her bones had been compromised during that time. And then, on Mothers day last year, Cindy fell at work and BROKE HER HIP. A clean break, through and through. Now she has stainless steel implants holding her hip together. I believe absolutely that the lack of proper Thyroid medication contributed to this break due to her thin bones. So, no, the lawyers dont want to try and connect these dots...even though common sense tells us this. ) -While we work on this, we wanted to let you, our friends and the FB public know that if you have been getting your medications from Walgreens, YOU HAD BEST CHECK THE MEDICATION, TO ENSURE IT IS WHAT IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE. IF YOU HAVE BEEN TAKING A COMPOUNDED MEDICATION, BE ESPECIALLY WARY IF WHEN YOU CALL THEM FOR A REFILL ON THE MEDICATION, THEY SAY OH, SURE, WE CAN HAVE THAT READY FOR YOU IN ABOUT FIVE MINUTES. A TRULY COMPOUNDED FORMULA CANNOT BE PUT TOGETHER IN A FIVE MINUTE WINDOW. IF THIS IS THE CASE, HAVE YOUR MEDICATION TESTED. YOU MIGHT BE GETTING A PLACEBO, AND NOT KNOW IT. -The possible ramifications of this are horrible. Luckily we caught this before any really serious situation reared its ugly head. (Save the broken hip) -Please let me know if you have had any similar problems with Walgreens Pharmacy, as our attorney would be very interested. -This is NOT an unsubstantiated claim. I have all the paperwork from the Board of Pharmacy to prove all of this. As Walgreens is not willing to discuss a reasonable settlement for this, I have no choice but to warn the general public of these practices. They should not be allowed to continue this kind of deception. Please pass this on / repost this.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:13:58 +0000

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