THIS POST IS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION Kirsten, Please read 18 - TopicsExpress


THIS POST IS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION Kirsten, Please read 18 USC 31 paragraph 6. The ticket was a pseudo-tort claim. Thats claiming an injury outside the contract, that doesnt exist. You were supposed to refuse it within 72 hours under regulation Z. The Police have no jurisdiction over you, so they were trained like chimpanzees to slither this past you. Now theyre perpetrating fraud upon you claiming STATE OF... is an injured party. Next, theyre going to attempt to open a case. There is no case. There must be a sworn affidavit from an injured, living, breathing party. So, if you walk into that foreign VESSEL, youll see three very important things. The judge (B.A.R. ASSOCIATION Attorney, not a judge) works for STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. The prosecutor (B.A.R. ASSOCIATION Attorney, not a prosecutor) works for STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Best yet, the PLAINTIFF/PRINCIPAL (not a PLAINTIFF/PRINCIPAL) is ticket upon which is STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. See!?! The judge and the prosecutor and the plaintiff are all STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE!?! Are you in a court of LAW? Hell no! You will also see what looks like the Amity Commerce U.S. flag with gold fringe around it. That is an Executive Order flag. They are holding an unlawful mock military tribunal. Its not a Judicial Court in a Judicial Branch because its Executive, under the CHIEF EXECUTIVE MAGISTRATE, also know as the Governor, operating OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR, which is under CITY OF LONDON WATER AND SEWER. Thats the Vatican. There is no judicial branch, only different departments in an unconstitutional foreign corporation. The oath of office held by the guy in the black robe of Saturn is under the I.M.F. or International Monetary Fund. Remember, he and the prosecutor are also both members of the same Union, the Unified B.A.R. ASSOCIATION, the Inns of the Court, New York, under CITY OF LONDON WATER AND SEWER. This is why theyre also known as the SEWER RATS. They are perpetrating yet another fraud! They are using you as KIRSTEN P HALL, the corporate DEAD ENTITY. Theyre going to post a BOND against your STRAWMAN. As soon as you raise this subject, demonstrating the fraud, the Administrator on the BENCH (bank) is going to scramble to protect his friend, the prosecutor, because if you prove fraud, everything related to the exploits of your Estate Trust will come out of the prosecutors pocket. Additionally, you will be proving conspiracy to perpetrate fraud, and conspiracy to coerce you into perpetrating fraud against yourself. The contract (not a contract) called a LICENSE TO OPERATE a MOTOR VEHICLE, and motor vehicle is defined specifically in 18 USC 31 paragraph 6. Its specifically for the transportation of commerce. Theyll claim that STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE has a STATUTE that overrides US CODE. They dont. They take funding from the foreign FEDERAL UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 4 corporation via the HIGHWAY SAFETY ACT, so there is a cooperative agreement between them. STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE is a corporate subdivision/franchise of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 4, so that whole lie is out the window. Sometimes theyll attempt a back door presumption with an implied contract claiming youre operating a STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE motor vehicle because its REGIStered to the STATE, as if youre an EMPLOYEE, NATURAL PERSON. How do they do this? Did you sign an affidavit called a Voter Registration swearing that you are a U.S. citizen? If you did, you just declared your self to be the incompetent imbecile WARD of the STATE. Read the Affidavit. If youre a real fighter with guts, you can ask which idiot allowed you to operate a commercial vehicle, claiming theyre responsible for the alleged crime, which never occurred anyway. That would be none other than Director-in-fraud of the DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES of the foreign STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, and the Governor. A fraud of this magnitude could be orchestrated only by someone as sick and satanic as the Jesuits (Je-I, Sui-AM, T-title, Title to God. They claim to have title to God) and their ankle grabbing subjugates in the B.A.R. ASSOCIATION are doing the business. Because of the continuing criminal organization impersonating a government authority, its impossible to successfully sue the Civil Engineers operating the Water and Sewer Commission who are polluting everything. The B.A.R. ASSOCIATION protects them. There is a really wonderful thing in the works to hang them all for War Crimes that Ive seen, and its going to be out soon. Theyre all in violation of the Lieber Code, see Articles 16 and 70. Your remedy for the fraud at the moment is in common law, which I shall not post in the public because its in the private. By the way, you need to research what public means. Hint: All roads lead to...? If you want my help, contact me directly. This is involuntary servitude, less appropriately referred to enslavement. This is the same exact fraud as taxation. A LICENSE to travel is restriction of movement, just like the slaves suffered before the War of Northern Aggression, also inappropriately known as the Civil War. The Southern States told the Northern States to go to hell because they werent going to be debt slaves for the bankruptcy created by the traitors. Additionally, this war was fomented by the crazed Jesuits. They are behind all the Rothschild Banks. The organic Constitution is a bankruptcy document so research constitutor. There is a great video series called Defeat by Victory if I remember correctly. A despicable traitor, Alexander Levine, who changed his name to Hamilton, set up the first debt generating bank here. After 20 years the charter expired, Congress refused to renew it. That charter expired in 1811. By the time December 9, 1812 came, New Hampshire became the last State required to ratify the real Article XIII in the organic Constitution. This is known as the Titles of Nobility Article. The Constitution already forbade B.A.R. Attorneys and British Bankers from holding Offices of Trust, but Article XIII put the teeth in it. I have a certified copy of the document signed on New Hampshire from the archives under the Secretary of State. Every State published the real Constitution every year until the late 1800s. Article XIII, and the fact that Congress wouldnt renew Levines bank charter is the real reason for the War of 1812. If we won that war, they wouldnt have been able to perpetuate the Rothschild Banks. The debt from both wars was great. It wasnt until Jackson killed the banks that the problems got even bigger. The next war had nothing to do with slavery before the war, but everything to do with an enslavement afterward. The unlawful Reconstruction Acts and the phony 14th Amendment and the phony Constitution you see now are for the enemy occupiers you see as a result of the unlawful District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 when the British Virginia Company took over as United States. Eventually, another crime was committed against the people with the unlawful FEDERAL RESERVE ACT of 1913. Still today, after 100 years of obvious fraud by the foreign CROWN/VATICAN FEDERAL RESERVE, most people are still too willfully ignorant to see whats right under their noses. The debt created by these sick, satanic demons has been passed off to the people. Unfortunately, they people are crazy enough to accept it. Every war was created by them. Every time the U.S. attacks a sovereign nation, its because they have no central banks and because they put their natural resources on the open market accepting some form of payment other than U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES. The Jesuit run mercenary organization known as the Pentagon is the temporal power enforcement arm of the Vatican. Seriously, if you think the Vatican is about God, you need to get help with the fact that youre not processing what gets mapped out in the visual cortex in the back of your brain. In my honest opinion, based upon that which is a compilation of facts, the Church of the Holy See is nothing but a clever diversionary appearance of a Christian entity. Its nothing but Constantines filthy agglomeration of every pagan concept to keep the Jews and Christians from uprising uncontrollably. Constantine dint find God, he maneuvered a change of status from the Roman Empire to the Holy Roman Empire. This is all why youre taxed to death, cant own your property, and jailed. Read about the Cestue Que Vie Estate Trust attached to you via the mirroring of your NAME. I recommend the more serious of you go to my Facebook Page called BIRTH CERTIFICATE. As new as it is, and what little is in there, there is enough to explain everything in this missive. Get control of your identity, status, and Estate Trust. The criminal B.A.R. ASSOCIATION is killing you and your families. Theyre stealing your property. Not all Attorneys know what theyre doing. Not all of the lower Administrators in the black robes know what theyre doing. You can teach them a lesson in LAW, but only if you know it. The B.A.R. is at war against you. Read the criminal Franklin Delano Roosevelts amendment to the TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT, so you can see they made you the enemy of the STATE. I had to make this longer than necessary for the point to answer a question by Kirsten, because just today I was chatting with a State Representative here on New Hampshire, whom I respect, about these matters. I do not yet have permission to reveal the name, but I will say that this Representative works for the people. If there were a majority of people like this one, we might sleep better at night. Unfortunately this type of character is not in the majority of the 400 Representatives, as presently there is a majority of Democrats. Since they got in, theyve been usurping both Constitutions, routinely. Luckily, a majority of them came to their senses and defeated HB1589. In conclusion, please search New Hampshire HB638. Youll see a wonderful Bill sponsored by a lovely woman named Representative Stella Tromblay. She was born on the land called Italy. Shes more American than most people Ive ever known. HB638 was unlawfully tabled by Representative Steve Vailancourt. He was too stupid to read the material provided, proving the ratification of Article XIII. Throughout the entire history of that Bill, there was a war waged against it by the NH B.A.R. ASSOCIATION Corporation called OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE SERVICES, within the STATE HOUSE, formerly the General Court. Presently, its called the General Court, but it isnt. If it were to be a General Court of the people, there would the the prioritization of the process within the New Hampshire Constitution, Part the First, Articles 31 & 32, Petitions for Redress of Grievances. Because there is no constitutional General Court, the B.A.R. is plundering the people on New Hampshire. The people have no redress for the wrongs done them. I intend to bring a claim against the leadership there. International War Crimes against the people shall not be tolerated. I will help anyone willing to awaken, irregardless of their status. This place is ours, and we have the God given right to live here, unencumbered, period .....................................................David on this fifteenth day of February, two thousand and fourteen years since the arrival of our lord and saviour, Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 20:13:22 +0000

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