THIS PRETTY MUCH SAYS IT ALL!!! :) IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ADDITIONALO INCOME AND MOST IMPORTANTLY A HEALTHIER LIFE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isagenix is the company I have chosen as a Professional Network Marketer. Here is my story why. My name is Juli Anna California and I live in South Florida. I have three children and am now a single mom. Since 1996 I have pursued Network Marketing as a career. Most of those years were spent with two other companies. Isagenix is my third company. There is NO other profession I would rather do. Despite the fact that I have two college degrees, was a computer programmer for many years and still hold a license as a Registered Nurse, I cannot imagine being imprisoned by any job. The only life I can pursue is one of creation and freedom, and that’s what I have found with Network Marketing. Now for my history and why I chose Isagenix. My first company was a nutritional company out of St. Louis, MO. I gave it my all for five years. I left in 2001 because I did not like the stair-step breakaway compensation plan. From there I immediately joined another nutritional company out of San Diego, CA. They had a nice unilevel when I joined, and excellent products. I did quite well with this company, rising to 3-Star Diamond. But a few years in the company started making bad management decisions. They altered the product. They cheapened the compensation plan. Just like a bad marriage, I didn’t dwell on each negative individually. But by 2012 things had gotten so bad that myself and other leaders realized we needed to start looking for another company. Starting in 2012 I signed up with five different companies so I could get the inside scoop before deciding which one to promote. One company was skin care, one was skin care and health products. Another was health and energy, and yet another was personal care, health and household products. And the fifth was Isagenix. I evaluated products, compensation plan, tools, culture and overall management. This evaluation process took about a year. All the companies had phenomenal products. However I wasn’t looking to be just a consumer. I was looking to build a business, so all the factors were critical. I tried the products, went to events, evaluated the tools, learned about the management and experienced the cultures. As I mentioned, all the companies had excellent products. A few had excellent management. Two had a great compensation plan. A couple had universal cultures while others did not. When evaluating all these critical factors together, Isagenix won BY A LAND SLIDE. Isagenix had it all. Amazing products – and enough of them to please the entire planet. Experienced, brilliant management. An exciting compensation plan that drives itself and pays huge. I culture I could identify with and that sets the bar high for achievement. And the tools? Now that category blew every other company away by light years. I decided on August 2, 2013 that Isagenix was my new home. I started promoting the company and products and have not looked back. I went so far as to resign my position with my second company so as not to have any constraints. This took my income to ZERO in an instant. Now that’s vision. That’s trust. Here now I will give you an overview of Isagenix and the reasons why I made the decision to wrap my career and pursuit to create in life around this company. Isagenix is setting the pace in the Direct Sales industry. In 2012, Isagenix ranked #44 globally among all Network Marketing companies. In 2013 they rose to #36. In 2014, Isagenix is predicted to break into the 20’s. Now that’s a fast climb. Isagenix has won many Stevie awards, including a Silver just recently for Executive Vice-president and co-founder Kathy Coover. The products are consumable, visible and emotional. They market potential is huge and people cannot stop talking about them. The products are so profound that 84.4% of all registered people in Isagenix are only in to consume the products at the best price possible. Isagenix has no compromise solutions for weight loss, energy and performance, healthy aging and wealth creation. How many people do you know that eat food? Because Isagenix has the best SuperFoods anywhere! These SuperFoods help with stress, toxicity, energy, performance, digestive issues and weight loss. We also have both internal and external anti-aging products with Product B and the Rejuvity skin care system. People notice when you use Isagenix – you start looking good. And then people want what you have! With Isagenix, people get results fast! Currently there are over 400 people in Isagenix who have lost 100 or more pounds – and KEPT it off. This is due to the quality of the ingredients in our products. In fact the weight loss is so good, that in 2012 the Isagenix weight loss program was studied against the Heart Healthy diet at the University of Illinois at Chicago and was found to be 50% more effective at losing visceral fat – that’s the dangerous belly fat. So we have proof that the Isagenix products work. This study was so profound that it was actually warded the very prestigious Study of the Year by Experimental Biology. The Isagenix Energy and Performance systems have Professional and recreational athletes flocking to our company. Our products are designed to help build lean muscle and give that competitive edge. Ad the e+ Energy Shot is a healthy way to give yourself that extra energy edge when you need to perform at your best, either in sports or in your daily activities. And then there is the phenomenal Product B, one of the biggest breakthroughs in healthy aging. Product B has been covered by numerous news agencies and is making history. Its healthy aging backed by science. Isagenix is for everyone – Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, children, athletes, vegetarians, EVERYONE! Isagenix has it all. Isagenix is rock solid and stable. In business since March 2002, they will be here for a long time to come. They are currently in 9 countries with an office and distribution center in each country, with three distribution centers in the United States. At $448 Million in sales in 2013, they have the infrastructure in place for ten times that amount of business. Isagenix is ready for massive growth and its happening. In 2013 alone Isagenix grew 35%! Any company would be thrilled to grow just 5%. Isagenix is currently open in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Malaysia. In 2014 they will be opening in Vietnam and Indonesia. As of 2013 they have had over $2 billion in cumulative sales. The management team is strong and capable. Jim and Kathy Coover have 40 years of combined experience in the network marketing industry. The management staff is phenomenal, they understand the industry of network marketing and they understand explosive growth. The Motto at Isagenix is “If its not right for the Associate, its not right for the Company”. They are committed to creating more 6 and 7 figure earners than any other company in the network marketing industry. Isagenix has the healthiest people on the planet, pay out the most in the compensation plan, and our Associates have the most FUN! Isagenix has become a people-magnet, especially for leaders in the industry with other companies. They are flocking to Isagenix and finding the success and stability they deserve. The Compensation Plan is proven over the last 12 years. Isagenix has never missed a paycheck and never will. The plan is the richest in the industry and keeps getting batter. Isagenix just added an additional $20 million to the pay plan to help people make money fast! They pay daily, weekly, monthly and annually. There are business building systems and training in place to get started fast. All the tools you need are already available with more being created every year. Videos, audios, print material, websites – Isagenix has it all. We can show you how to make $500 to $5,000 just in your first month. People are breaking income records with Isagenix because we have the Proven Path that works. You only need to build two sales teams and the pay plan pays to infinity. There is no income ceiling. With just one business center, you can make up to $27,000 a week – then simply open another business center ABOVE your first one, effectively betting paid twice on your first business center. Once that second center is maxed out, you can open a third and so on. As of 2013 we have created 101 Millionaires. Of the 21 new IsaMillionaires created in 2013, 13 had NO prior network marketing experience. You can be next! Isagenix is adding more money in promotion than any other company EVER. Generous front-end, enormous back-end. Timing is everything in business. Isagenix has the timing right for with products for losing weight and healthy again, and timing for a shifting world economy. Isagenix has been featured in publications such as Success magazine the Wall Street Journal and Inc. We have been on ABC news, Fox news and too-numerous-to-count local newscasts. We are one of the fastest growing publicly-help companies. We are endorsed by celebrities, athletes, and famous authors like Jack Canfield and John Gray. Now is the best time to get involved with Isagenix. This is when the most 6 and 7 figure earners are created. Isagenix’ infrastructure is rock solid and poised for rapid growth, which is happening. Network Marketing is Free Enterprise at its best. This is America at its finest. How could you not take advantage of the enormous opportunity being given to you with Isagenix! Isagenix’ sales grew 34% just in 2013 – get on board now for the best experience of your life!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 21:39:17 +0000

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