THIS SHAMEFUL THING THAT IS HAPPENING IN NIGERIA... As you read, a shameful thing is recurring; men in their teens are meeting to determine the fate of the Nigerian State. Apology to teens, for many teens have been proven to possess the intellect and soul of a man of 40 and above. It is amusing to see the so-called best amongst us: journalists, career youth leaders, activists, bard, professional associations and so on, court the devils we swore to divorce. Today, such characters parade themselves as representatives and spoke-persons for the Nigerian youth. They are meeting with representatives of ruling party and its rivals. They meet to chart a game plan; a plan that will lead to choice blindness and Placebo; an almighty formula by which the ruling class may enslave us, for the umpteenth time. That has to pale in the face of logic; it does. Doesnt it? Things are supposed to differ now, but they are not. Are they? Or do they? Any election that draws near in Nigeria, you will see familiar trolls that are joining hands with the devious and sly amongst us, their intent is to use us against us in their customary plot to rob us silly. The end result of course, can be better imagined. Money vitiates the soul of Nigerian youth. Although, the need of it makes us human, loving it could be practical but an obsession with it drives us to the brink, it shows us up, upside down and inside-out; as men of vulpine souls and intellect, eternally forsworn to despise honour for the love of mammon and associated luxury. Many have argued that we can never sell out by playing muscle to the ruling class. We are only enjoying our share of our collective wealth that they steal from us, they claim. Even as we get ready to be courted and plied with easy money and other inducement, by the same politicians that habitually treat us with disdain, until the elections approach. Whatever justification we choose to give it, a bribe is a bribe. And more often than not, it changes relations. Once accepted, it vitiates a large chunk of the essence of the recipient, making him inferior, like a man who has paid to lie with a skunk, the same way the impotent pays to be sodomized by a horse, thinking it would cure him of his impotence and aid him to sire by a woman, a blessed child. The folly of our ways shall soon drawn on us. The meek and humble leadership we thought we had installed evolved to become one of the worst tyrannies Nigeria would ever produce. It is worse than any other, given Mr. Presidents manipulability by the murder of crows he has surrounded himself with. A brilliant tyrant could be trusted to a certain degree of depth capacity to lead but a manipulable tyrant is infinitely more dangerous, as he cannot be trusted beyond his blandness, intellectual handicaps and devious plots of his coven of cronies, advisers and kitchen cabinet. Sadly, in the corrupted rooms such men has harboured us and foisted upon us, we can only devise more alluring ways to play dumb and project our generation as easy marks for the ruling class to exploit. The current liaisons between the ruling class and the so-called representatives of Nigerian youth portend an ominous development. It presages the continued enslavement of the Nigerian youth and our incapacitation by obscene inducements and gifts of grandeur; the perpetuation of a system in which the youth are psychologically confined and broken by financial inducements, dubious segregation and manipulative politics; a situation in which the sentimental fops amongst us are programmed by rumours, innuendo and outright falsehood to shun the path of progress and tow the fast lane to destruction. Many argue that the major problem or bed-bug afflicting Nigeria is faulty leadership style. A converse view advances the presence of eminently capable persons out there, many of whom have failed to altruistically and responsibly apply themselves because like every other Nigerian, they are too busy looking out for themselves. Potential heroes we could rely on have learnt the wisdom to keep silent. They tactfully scoff at our romanticized wish to abolish the status quo, knowing that, as usual, we could settle for an opportunistic contract between our exploiters (the government) and a part of the exploited (youth leadership) at the expense of the rest of the exploited (you, me and everyone). I recommend as usual, peaceful revolt, guided by probity and conscious quest to achieve the collective good within the ambit of fairness and unflinching morality. Without such humane attributes, any we approach we adopt will fail deliciously. Money and other inducements that dangle before us shall be exhausted sooner than we can ever imagine. If we are indeed serious about installing visionary leadership capable of steering us from the threshold of ruin to the portal of hope and social renaissance, we have to start now before the nation turns to a Dynosaur that had gone extinct. Our resources are being depleted; soon they will be exploited. And then our hollowed-out edifice shall collapse. Impoverished and severely robbed of optimism, we, the hopeless masses will rise against the haves and ruling class in a premeditated and very savage strike - of which we shall suffer the worst consequence. Let us begin to ignore those who will desert us no sooner than they regain their hold on power. I speak of men and women that will recoil into their exclusive commodious homes in Ikoyi or Banana Island in Lagos, their palatial estates in Abuja and fashionable neighbourhoods in Europe and America at the barest sign of chaos. There, they isolate themselves from the tragedies that mar our world by indulging in unrestrained hedonism and extravagant consumption of their ill-acquired wealth. We, the suffering masses are however, repressed with greater ferocity. Like in all national uprisings, Nigeria will plunge into a canyon of blood and maniacal murders, in the name of the physical revolution or pen revolution, which we are witnessing today. The Roman and Sumerian fell this way. The Mayan elite became, in the end, as the anthropologist, Ronald Wright notes in: A Short History of Progress, extremists, or ultra-conservatives, squeezing the last drops of profit from nature and humanity. This is how all civilizations ossify and collapse. Pen Corp
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 10:00:59 +0000

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