THIS SHIFT IN PERCEPTION (SIGNS OF AWAKENING) As we collectively experience many shifts in perception there are some significant changes to be observed in the process of awakening. They are happening right now, yet it is individually up to each and everyone of us how fast we are willing to experience them. One of these shifts relates to the understanding of the idea of darkness and so-called past mistakes. If you can still think of any past experiences, which you define as a mistake, and something not needed/not wanted, it will be transformed into a valuable lesson, when you allow yourself to embrace the lighter 4th density perception. In the process of expansion of ones consciousness there is only the idea of inclusion. Nothing is understood as a mistake. For example, if you experienced a relationship that you define as a mistake this perception will be transformed into: a valuable lesson that allows you to be more of your holistic self. There will be no one to blame, and you will see yourself as the creator and co-creator of the experience. Another significant sign of awakening is a changing perception of time. The more we become aware of being in the fourth density reality, the more malleable and flexible experience of time becomes. Time flies like an arrow, yet the arrow can easily move from the point A to the point Z without us being aware of anything in between. The idea of forgiveness is being transformed into a strong sense of understanding that there is no need for forgiveness, because we know that any hurt offered comes from a hurt person. It takes a broken heart to break another heart. It is always a consequence of a long chain of abuse. There are significant changes in the idea of memory. We frequently find ourselves not remembering what was, as we are more consciously present in the now experience connecting to any information available in the now. So, do not worry if you feel you keep forgetting about some experiences in the so-called past. They actually are not your experiences, but they belong to your parallel self who still exists yet it is not really you, as you define yourself right now. The way we perceive our emotions, from the fourth density perspective, is much lighter and inclusive. instead of defining our feelings as good or bad (for example, joy and sadness) we begin understanding that they both can be good. Hence, whenever we experience sadness or anger, these feelings are equally appreciated as the feeling of joy and love. Because of this appreciation they have no reason to persist, and they automatically transform into something more positive. Many old relationships come to an end as our frequencies increase and some people are simply incompatible anymore with our lighter state of being. There is no judgement in these transformations (of relationships) as we know that we are not responsible for the choices made by others. At the same time we continue attracting into our lives new friendships, and all sort of more positive relationships. We do it by just being ourselves. It gives anyone else an opportunity to choose if they prefer to interact with us. Significant changes occur to our lifestyles. We start acting more on what we enjoy doing. We get in touch with our inborn creativity. We may feel attracted to lighter diets. there is a greater understanding of us being connected to nature and others. There is much more appreciation for the animal kingdom and the planet as a living entity. We become more aware of our multidimensional connections (often expressed in the idea of extraterrestrial/interdimensional contact). We sleep less and remember more of our night time explorations. These are just a few signs of awakening and shifts in perception. They do not have to be experienced in an exactly the same way for everyone. – Raphael Zernoff
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 20:50:36 +0000

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