THIS SHOULD BE THE LAST TIME FOR MUZAATA TO ABUSE ANY MUSLIM IN PUBLIC: I was one of the 2008 pilgrims and while in mina,after Hajj Habib kagimu and ambassador Hajj Aziz kasuja finished addressing all the uganda Muslim pilgrims who were gathered up in one tent our differences regardless,sheikh Muzaata got the microfone and led us in a duwa that was cursing Mufti mubajje,Hassan Basajjabalaba and Hajj kasenene. Unfortunately Hajj Basajjabalabas family which included his mother,wife and two sons probably in primary six were also seated with us in the same tent and they were made to take part in a duwa that was designed against their family head and most groups that take Muslims to Mecca seemed to be excited about muzaatas act except a few not knowing that they were building impunity. I wish to add on that what I saw in Mecca that year on the part of the sheikhs that lead different Muslim pilgrims shocked me.Buses are allocated to different countries by the Saudi govt but I saw some sheikhs conniving to deny other Muslim pilgrims the opportunity to enter buses from Mecca to mina.Its these sheikhs who were coming with the buses which meant that the uganda Saudi embassy officials were part of these machinations. Back to the Mina incident sheikh Muzaata was inspired to lead a cursing Duwa by Hajj Aziz kasujas speech which was all centred on mufti mubajjes administration yet the UMSC Secretary General hajj kavuma and other UMSC officials were also in the tent. And Finally ,after Arafa,another scuffle for buses to muzdalfah ensues.I remember seeing and listening to a sheikh heading one group making insults at certain uganda pilgrims who wanted to enter a bus he felt was only an entitlement to his group.The statement was - temujja kulinya bus eno.Kati nsobola okubakola Oba okwogera ekintu kyona kyenjagala kubanga hijja ewedde..meaning that I can hurl what ever insults or abuses at you after all I have now completed my hijja here in Arafa .He forgot that he had already misbehaved at the beginning of our hijja during the bus scuffle from Mecca to mina. Back to the mina tent Duwa ,I remember hearing Hajj Basajjabalaba s children make quiet statements in shock and I was about to mobise pilgrims to rise up against hajj Aziz kasuja and sheikh Muzaata so they get reminded that we are on Hijja and not UMSC politics only to be calmed by the UMSC Secretary General Sheikh Kavuma.Therfore,alot needs to be done to our sheikhs to teach them to appreciate that they are expected to be exemplary. Hajji Mohammed Baswari Kezaala. UMBS member and mayor of Jinja town.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 19:10:15 +0000

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