THIS WAS COPIED FROM A POST IN RESPONSE TO AL-the-hater-racist-SHARPTONS COMMENTS ON THE ASSASSINATION OF THE TWO POLICE OFFICERS The lesson from Detroit is that blacks cant carry the black underclass. Its too big a proportion of the black population. There is a speculative, but I think quite persuasive statistical theory called Smart Fraction Theory. It says that for a society to function well, to be stable and prosperous, you need a certain threshold proportion of smart people, which the author of the theory says means IQ 108 or above. If your populations smart fraction is below that threshold, the society wont work. Detroit, it seems to me, illustrates the truth of the theory. All right, but lets try to be constructive here. What are we going to do about it? Next segment … 05 — Towards the custodial state. The basic problem here is that we still, after 150 years, havent figured out what to do with the freed black slaves. Some of them have done fine, of course: this is a great country, the best in the world, for smart and capable black citizens. And as Charles Murray reminded us with a fine book recently, we have a white underclass that is increasingly a problem and a burden. Everything comes down to math at last, though — in this case to the distribution of abilities and behaviors in different populations, to the smart fraction. The white underclass is not so large in relation to the whole white population. Its a burden, probably a permanent one, but we can carry it. The black underclass is much bigger in relation to the whole black population. Its so much bigger, in fact, that welfare usage by blacks and whites is very nearly the same in gross: blacks get 40 percent of all welfare payments, whites get just a tad less, 39 percent. Yet there are five times as many whites overall as blacks; theres the disproportion. Average per capita, blacks are getting five times as much of the welfare dollar as whites. Whites dont want to be around the black underclass. Neither, for that matter, do middle-class blacks; but racial solidarity keeps their preference more repressed. These simple truths have driven great social changes. After the collapse of Reconstruction the black underclass was mostly a Southern problem, kept under control by policies of segregation and intimidation. Then came the great migrations through the middle decades of the 20th century, out of the rural South into the urban North. White Southerners werent sorry to see blacks go. White Northerners werent thrilled; but there were plenty of factory jobs, then a war to win, then a booming postwar economy. In the 1950s the liberal social conscience came into its own. There was Brown v. Board of Education and federal troops at Little Rock. There was actually busing in Detroit in the early 1960s — busing wasnt just a 1970s thing. White flight started up, and was well under way by the time the 1967 Detroit riots happened. A friend who knows Detroit well, with a long family history there, tells me, quote: The 1967 riot was the nail in the coffin, not the starters pistol. In 1973, just 40 years ago as I speak, Detroits population went majority black, and Coleman Young was elected Mayor. Detroit became a black city under black control — to much celebration at the time. A 1976 report in the New York Times was headlined Blacks See Detroit as Their Own, and Hope to Rebuild. Forty years later its all in ruins. The experience, and that underlying math, suggest the lesson to be taken: There are enough smart and capable whites that the white population can carry its own dysfunctional underclass. The proportionally much bigger black dysfunctional underclass is too heavy for smart and capable blacks to carry, even if they felt inclined to, which they dont much. Theyd rather hang out in the suburbs. So whos going to carry the black underclass? In the end, of course, the whole nation must. Dysfunctional they may be, but they are our fellow citiizens, just as much as the white underclass. The lesson from Detroits bankruptcy is that blacks cant do it. But if blacks running a black city cant work, and whites dont want to move back there to live among them, we end up with what is essentially a reservation. Detroit may be the first, but therell be plenty of others. Low-class blacks are being cleansed from New York, Washington, Los Angeles, and other big cities. They have to go somewhere. Theyll go to reservation cities like Detroit, or to small towns from which whites and middle-class blacks will promptly flee. Well end up with a lot of poor, black, unproductive, dysfunctional communities managed from outside: the custodial state envisaged by Richard Herrnstein forty years ago.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 19:40:08 +0000

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