THIS WEEK At First Presbyterian Church Newtownards - TopicsExpress


THIS WEEK At First Presbyterian Church Newtownards Wednesday 24th December 11.30pm Christmas Eve Midnight Service (Refreshments 11.00pm) Thursday 25th December 10.30am Christmas Day Service All Organisations will recommence week beginning 5th Jan 2015 Sunday 11thJan 10.15am Lighthouse Breakfast Announcements……… World Development Appeal The World Development Appeal supports long term projects in third world countries, helping to improve the lives of some of the poorest people. The name of the appeal this year is ‘Building Hope’. Haiti was devastated by an earthquake in January 2010. Even before the disaster, it was the world’s poorest country. It has long since fallen from the news headlines. But Christian Aid and Tearfund continue to support projects providing quality housing and agricultural training. When we consider what we spend on ourselves this Christmas, the appeal gives us the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of disadvantaged people. Your gift can bring hope to those who need it most. There are envelopes and information available in the pews today. >Missionary Focus: William Workman, Irish Mission Worker - Athy & Carlow provides the following topics for praise and prayer: Praise God for the Community Carol Service in Athy on 7 December. The children from the local children’s meeting took part and a good number of parents and others from the local community came along. Pray for the ongoing work among children and teenagers. Pray as William delivers gospel calendars to homes in Athy and Ballylinan over the next few weeks. Pray that God will use the calendars throughout 2015 to challenge and encourage people to think about their relationship with the Lord Jesus. Pray that people will come to know Him as their Saviour. We support the Irish Mission through the United Appeal. > Uganda Visit Karen Hamilton is going with a team from the Ulster Hospital to work in Kiwoko Hospital in Uganda. Kiwoko Hospital was formed by a G.P from North Down in 1987. The hospital serves a population of 500,000 with annual running costs of £750,000. The hospital has 250 beds and runs training schools. I hope to encourage the staff , visit projects such as an Aids Orphanage programme for children, a ladies craft class and other opportunities as they arise. Karen leaves on the 31st January for 2 weeks. There is a special coffee morning on Saturday 3rd January 2015 in Cafe First from 10.30-1pm in aid of her visit. Also a table quiz on Friday 9th January 2015 at 7.30pm in the Minor hall. Your help and support would be much appreciated. >Prayer Letter Care for Cambodia Prayer Letter is available today for collection at each vestibule.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:36:10 +0000

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