THIS WEEK ON PRIME TV’s “BACK BENCHES”: Watch Wallace - TopicsExpress


THIS WEEK ON PRIME TV’s “BACK BENCHES”: Watch Wallace Chapman, Damian Christie, the Back Benches Panel and special guests discuss the week’s hottest topics! IT’S A YOUTH WING SPECIAL!!! MANUFACTURING CRISES?: Labour, Greens, NZ First and Mana parties have released their Parliamentary Inquiry report into Manufacturing this week. According to the report—we’re in a crises. The Opposition parties are saying the sector is dying, but can be revived with big changes in policy. But is the manufacturing crises manufactured? The Government thinks so. The Government says that while there are individual businesses under pressure—the sector, overall, is growing. Is there a crises? What can be done? Do we need to be more flexible and go where the jobs are? How do you encourage businesses not to outsource? SUSAN DEVOY vs. WINSTON PETERS: Race Relations Commissioner Dame Susan Devoy says she’s keeping her eye on NZ First Leader Winston Peters after his recent “supercity of sin” speech included some comments on Chinese Immigrants. Peters says she’s “talking nonsense”. But does Peters, as Devoy alleges, “stigmatise one population” for his own benefit? And what about Devoy—she’s faced nothing but criticism since coming on the job—can she handle Peters? Should she? Does NZ have a racism problem? STOPPED AT THE BORDER: You’ve gone to University, racked up some loans, headed overseas for your OE, not paid a cent back—and now you want to come home. Should you be allowed back home? Are we being too harsh on our borrowers who jump the ditch? Or are the borrowers not living up to their contract by paying their loans? What can/should be done by overseas borrowers who deliberately default on their student loans? Now, a borrower with a $20,000 balance will have to pay their loan off in 15 years vs. 35 years. Fair? There are two ways to get in on the political pub action: First, you can join the live audience in Wellington’s iconic Backbencher Pub on Wednesday, 19th of June at 6pm. Filming begins around 6:15pm. Or watch us that night on PRIME TV at 10:30pm! Plus, Follow us on Facebook (BackBenchesTV) or on Twitter @BackBenchesTV. Our Panel: Young Labour President Jessie Lipscombe, New Zealand First Youth President Curwen Rolinson, Young Nats President Sean Topham, and ACT on Campus President Taylor Warwood.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 02:41:18 +0000

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