THIS WEEK ON THE PAGANS TONIGHT RADIO NETWORK: Monday~9/8 PM C~Ask a Witch Premiere. Tuesday~9/8 PM C~Pagans Tonight Radio Network presents~Circle Craft Study~ with Selena Fox~OtherWorld Samhain Rite - Guided Samhain ritual and meditative journey that includes remembering, honoring, and connecting with beloved Dead and Ancestors of family, place, and spirituality.~ FOLLOWED BY PAGAN PRIEST- LIVE Samhain Ritual. Wednesday~9/8 PM C~Pagans Tonight Radio Network presents~Pagan Warrior Radio~ Samhain Ritual~FOLLOWED BY Wyrd Ways Live- Tess Dawson, topic : Canaanite polytheism Thursday~9/8 PM C~Pagans Tonight Radio Network presents~Pagan Nation~off the air for the holiday~ followed by The Tree of Life show~Samhain ritual and the Veil. Friday~9/8 PM C~Pagans Tonight Radio Network presents~Pagan Priestess~Connecting with the Divine pt 2-Ancestors as Divine entities and as bridges to the Divine-Who are our ancestors-Ways to work with the ancestors - Daily Practice Ancestor Shrines-What are the ancestors good for/not good for. Saturday~5/6 PM C~Pagans Tonight in Spanish with LaMadduk, Laura & Yoko!~Samhain y Beltane con Carolina Amor, Noticias del Boletín! Sunday~10/9 PM C~Pagans Tonight Radio Network presents~Variety show with Liz FOLLOWED BY Pagan Science Radio~tune in a get you geek on! Tune in & join us live in the chat!! paganstonight or listen in on your phone @ 347-308-8222. Dont forget, if you miss the show you can always listen in the archives or we are ALWAYS a FREE download on ITunes!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 01:12:34 +0000

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